
chū bǎn zhě
  • publisher
出版者 [chū bǎn zhě]
  • [publisher] 从事出版工作的人或生产出版物的企业

  1. 出版者负责取得准予复制插图的必要许可文件。

    The publisher is responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions to reproduce illustrations .

  2. 未经出版者许可翻印这些习题是违法的。

    It is illegal to reproduce these worksheets without permission from the publisher .

  3. 出版者计划将该期刊定为周刊。

    The publishers planned to produce the journal on a weekly basis .

  4. 新杂志的出版引起的回响不如出版者所期望的那样强烈。

    The publication of the new magazine has made less of a bang than the publishers hoped for .

  5. 网络出版者在Web资源保存中的角色探析

    An Analysis of Web Publishers ' Role in Web Archiving

  6. 基于Excel环境下ISBN批量生成出版者的方法探讨

    Discussion on Method of Generating Batch Publishers by ISBN Based on Excel

  7. 第二种概念是多播(Multicast),其中线上的事件被发送到多个订阅者处(出版者/订阅者模式)。

    The second is a multicast concept , where there are events on the wire that are being sent to many subscribers ( pub / sub ) .

  8. 例如,一些出版者比如《纽约时代周刊》使用RSS协议提供新的文章。

    For instance , many content publishers such as the New York Times provide new articles using the Rich Site Syndication ( RSS ) protocol .

  9. 然而,PageFair的首席执行官西恩•布兰奇菲尔德(SeanBlanchfield)认为,对于如何运用规避广告拦截软件的技术,出版者需格外谨慎。

    However , Sean Blanchfield , chief executive of PageFair , argues that publishers need to exercise care in how they use ad-blocker circumvention technology .

  10. 即使那些大腕级批评家也未必真的对他们自己的论调深信不疑,因为他们大多数都是MBA教材的出版者,他们所传播的部分知识是MBA教育机构仍在继续运用的。

    Even the guru critics may not really be convinced of their own arguments as most are established publishers of MBA textbooks , providing some of the knowledge on which the MBA enterprise continues to operate .

  11. 卢因的同行、来自英国的葡萄酒专家,葡萄酒大师史蒂芬斯凯尔顿(StephenSkelton)则是利用专门针对自行出版者的网站Lulu.com的相关服务,自认为克服了上述问题。

    His fellow Master of Wine Stephen Skelton , an English wine specialist , reckons he has overcome this problem , by using the services of Lulu . com , a website aimed specifically at self-publishers .

  12. 1961年,全书完成,小说面世。当时,利昂·尤里斯的小说Mila18很受欢迎,出版者考虑到读者可能会混淆两本同带数字18的书,于是建议将Catch-18改为Catch-22。

    The full book hit stores in 1961 , but by then there was another popular book with " 18 " in the title : Leon Uris 's Mila 18 . The publishers thought that the reading public couldn 't handle two books with the same number in the title , so Catch-18 became Catch-22 .

  13. 那么理所当然地,这是让图书出版者们担忧的问题。

    And that 's , understandably , worrying the book publishers .

  14. 出版者:你看,马克斯━听起来很不错。

    Publisher : You see , Max - it sounds good .

  15. 本词典的出版者是剑桥大学出版社。

    The publisher of this dictionary is Cambridge University press .

  16. 出版者:它还是原来的小说。

    Publisher : it 'll still be the same novel .

  17. 怎麽编辑和出版者都逮捕读者滑坡?

    What can editors and publishers do to arrest the readership slide ?

  18. 出版者正在书再版之前修订原文。

    The publishers are revising the text before the book is reprinted .

  19. 约翰戴维斯,第一本塔希提语的语法书和字典的出版者;

    John Davies who published the first grammar and dictionary of Tahitian ; Dr.

  20. 新书总目录可向出版者索取。

    A complete list of new books may be hadon application to thepublishers .

  21. 从一起著作权纠纷案看作者出版者的法律意识

    Seeing the law awareness of author and publisher from a copyright dispute case

  22. 本页资料未经出版者书面许可,不得作营利性印刷出版。

    No profitable printing may be done without the written permission of the publishers .

  23. 要获得关于教材的更多信息,访问出版者的网页。

    For more information on the textbook , visit the publisher 's Web page .

  24. 作者、出版者、发行者、电信运营者都在努力寻找基于互联网的新的出版形态,但是缺乏集成电子图书产业链的中坚力量,有效供给不足成为电子图书发展面临的最大问题。

    The lack of supply of electronic-book is the most problem in electronic-book development .

  25. 目前,我国的出版者主要分为国有出版企业和民营出版企业。

    The publisher in China is divided into state-owned publishing enterprises and private publishing enterprises .

  26. 第三十三条图书出版者经作者许可,可以对作品修改、删节。

    Article 33 Book publishers may modify or abridge works with the license of authors .

  27. 柯林斯公司是该书的出版者。

    Publishers of the book are collins .

  28. 出版者已将那本大词典压缩成适合于大学生用的平装版。

    The publishers have telescoped the large dictionary into a paperback edition suitable for college students .

  29. 图书出版者经版权拥有者许可,可以对作品修改或删节。

    Book publisher may alter or abridge a work with the permission of the copyright owner .

  30. 使内容创作者,出版者和流通者在流通过程收取收益。

    Enables content creators , publishers and distributors to collect revenue along the content distribution process .