
  • 网络Public domain;the public sphere;public sector;publicsphere
  1. 被西方文化界视为经典性术语的公共领域(PublicSphere)概念,是哈贝马斯政治、社会哲学思想发展中如影随形的重要范畴。

    The conception of public sphere which is regarded as the classical terminology by the western cultural circle , is the important category which is closely associated with Habermas ' politics and social philosophy thought development .

  2. 对于女性主义学者来说,哈贝马斯的公共领域概念忽视了女性。

    For feminists , the concept of public sphere ignored women .

  3. 在没有相当完善的数据存储机制的情况下,公共领域GIS数据不可能存在。

    Public domain GIS data cannot exist without some fairly sophisticated data-storage mechanism .

  4. 图6是IBM对客户提供的或公共领域中的六个数据集进行测试的结果。

    Figure 6 shows results from IBM testing six different data sets supplied by customers or available in the public domain .

  5. 这个数据库预先填充了一些来自ProjectGutenberg的一些公共领域eText文件。

    The database is pre-populated with a few public domain eText files from Project Gutenberg .

  6. 前几年,美国地质调查局(USGS)向公共领域发布了一个非常受欢迎的全球DEM数据集。

    The U.S.Geological Survey ( USGS ) released an extremely popular global DEM data set into the public domain several years ago .

  7. NGO顺应这一时代背景,主动回应公共领域的结构转型,积极寻求与政府的合作,为政府分担重任。

    NGOs keeping with this background , initiatively responding to the structural transformation of the public area , and actively seeks cooperation with the government for sharing the responsibility .

  8. 该系列文章的目的是把分散在公共领域不同地方的、用各种硬件和软件创建工作的Linux集群的过程所需要的信息,集中在一个地方。

    The aim of the series is to bring together in one place up-to-date information from various places in the public domain on the process required to create a working Linux cluster from many separate pieces of hardware and software .

  9. 这些人应该知道AOL在网上对网页公共领域部分搜索的就有六十五万人。

    These people should know AOL put the internet search of more then six hundred and fifty thousand people in a public area on part of it 's website .

  10. IBNET在公共领域中提供关于供水绩效数据的大规模数据集;

    IBNET provides access to a large dataset of water utility performance data in the public domain ;

  11. 世界性对公共领域的重建具有重要的意义。

    Worldliness has important significance in the reconstruction of public realm .

  12. 公共领域与私人领域的劳动价值划分是女性处于从属地位的经济根源;

    The dual differentiation of labor value is the economic cause ;

  13. 这是公共领域的不作为呢!

    This is not in the public domain as of yet !

  14. 公共领域的治理问题一直以来都受到社会各界的广泛关注。

    Governance of public sector has always been concerned by the community .

  15. 此时才是媒介公共领域异化的开始。

    This is the start as the alienation of media public sphere .

  16. 公共领域的工作意味着豁免权或一种政府保障。

    Public sector jobs carry immunity or a government indemnity .

  17. 互动:公共领域的形成与公众参与

    The Mutual Movement : the Formation of Public Sphere and Public Participation

  18. 你还可以帮助我们把其他网站上的公共领域乐谱放到这里来。

    You can also help importing public domain scores from other websites .

  19. 市民社会:从经济交往领域向社会公共领域的演化

    Civil Society : Evolution from Economic Exchange Field to Social Public Field

  20. 这是促进和保护公共领域的一种努力。

    That was an effort to promote and protect the public domain .

  21. 网站提供的材料是否受到版权保护,还是属于公共领域?

    Are materials on the site copyrighted or in the public domain ?

  22. 公共领域必将产生公共价值,而公共价值也只有可能在公共领域中产生。

    Of course , public values can be only produced in public areas .

  23. 公共领域理论是著作权法中的一个重要理论。

    The theory of public domain is an important theory in copyright law .

  24. 阿伦特认为现代性危机的根源就在于公共领域的衰微。

    Arendt think modern crisis is rooted in the decline of the public domain .

  25. 文化全球化与全球性文化公共领域

    Cultural Globalization and Globalized Public Sphere of Culture

  26. 第三章表述微博客究竟如何建构公共领域。

    Chapter III will tell us how to construct the public sphere in Micro-blog .

  27. 公共领域中行政的性质&兼论公共管理学科的一种新构想

    Nature of Administration In Public Publicsphere : A New Subject Framework of Public Management

  28. 商业化,全球化与公共领域

    Commercialization , Globalization and the Public Sphere

  29. 科斯定理、相互性与公共领域

    Coase Theorem , Relativity and Public Domain

  30. 最后,作者深入讨论了建构欧洲公共领域的必要性和可行性问题。

    Then , the author discusses the necessity and feasibility of constructing European public sphere .