
ɡōnɡ pínɡ yuán zé
  • equitable principle;fairness doctrine;fair play doctrine
  1. 以此为基础,划界应适用并体现公平原则。

    The Study on the Equitable Principle in the Continental Shelf Delimitation ;

  2. 基于公平原则的多因素影响施工合同工期的管理研究

    Study on Multiple Factors Affecting Project Schedule Supervision Based on Equitable Principle

  3. 它的确能让你恪守某些公平原则。

    It does hold you to certain standards of fairness .

  4. 而后在分析的基础之上提出了一种基于公平原则的任务调度方法,对原有的QoS构架进行了扩充,主要是在BS端扩展了接入控制模块和任务调度模块。

    Then , we raise a mission scheduling method on the basis of impartial principle , which proposes an admission control module and a mission scheduling module at the BS side .

  5. 为适应WTO的原则,尤其是体现税收的国民待遇原则和公平原则,我国必须确立税制的规范一致原则,即以统一的法律确定纳税人的统一税负。

    China has to establish a standard and equal law system on tax in order to suit that of WTO ( esp. laws on national treatment ), which means all enterprises pay tax according to same laws , no matter foreign-invested or self-invested .

  6. 浅析经济法的公平原则

    A Brief Analysis on the Principle of Fairness in Economic-Related Laws

  7. 用公平原则重建政府间转移支付制度不失为防范和化解地方财政风险的措施。

    Reconstructing inter-government transfer payment system under the fair principal .

  8. 公平原则是我国社会主义分配制度的重要原则。

    Equity is an important principle of socialism distribution system .

  9. 国际海洋划界公平原则研究

    A Study of the Equitable Principles for International Maritime Delimitation

  10. 论环境法公平原则的实现

    On the Realization of Principle of Justice and Equality of Environmental Law

  11. 公平原则与穷人的图书馆学

    Fair Principle and the Library Science of the Poor People

  12. 交易公平原则实践&问题与对策

    Problems and Countermeasures in Practice of Fair Play Principle

  13. 从税收公平原则看个人所得税改革

    The Reform of Individual Income Tax Viewed from the Principle of Taxation Fairness

  14. 不当影响刍议&合同法公平原则的利益解读

    Opinions on " Unseemly Effect " & Principle of Justice in Contract Law

  15. 激励原则:实事求是,从实际出发的原则;公平原则;

    Stimulating principles : principle of seeking truth from facts principle of equality ;

  16. 公平原则是民法基本原则中的核心原则。

    Fair rule is the core principle of basic principles of civil law .

  17. 其理论基础在于诚实信用原则和公平原则。

    Its theoretical basis is credit and fairness doctrine .

  18. 统一税收负担,体现公平原则。

    Unifying tax burden and embodying impartial principles .

  19. 坚持税收公平原则推进中国慈善事业

    Insist on Equity of Taxation Advancing Chinese Philanthropy

  20. 论国际经济法的公平原则

    On the Equity Principle in International Economic Law

  21. 公平原则若干问题研究

    Studies on Questions of the Principle of Fairness

  22. 本文还将权利不得滥用原则,量能课税的税收公平原则,实质课税原则以及税收效率原则等税收原则细化到规制避税的领域,从而为制裁企业所得的税收规避行为提供了理论上的支撑。

    These principles have offered the support in theory for punishing corporate tax avoidance .

  23. 论中国税负公平原则

    On the Tax Equity Principle in China

  24. 交易公平原则本体论

    An ontological treatise in fair exchange principle

  25. 论西部民族地区可持续发展的公平原则

    On the Principle of Equity for the Sustainable Development in the Minority Areas of West China

  26. 整顿和规范中国证券市场的核心是真正实现公平原则。

    The primary aim of regulating Chinese securities business is to realize the principle of justice .

  27. 如果说社会公平原则决定了中国农地所有权制度,那么效率原则则决定我国农地使用权制度。

    Social justice determines the land ownership while the principle of efficiency determines the land application .

  28. 税负公平原则作为现代税收原则之一具有重要意义。

    The tax equity principle as one of the modern tax principles has a great magnificent meaning .

  29. 代际公平原则与可持续土地利用规划&南京市的实例研究


  30. 过错责任、无过错责任和公平原则这三个一成体系的归责原则,已经得到普遍认同。

    It is acknowledged that fault liability , no-fault liability and equity principle have been a strict system .