
shēn qǐnɡ rì
  • filing date;date of application
  1. 申请人应自申请日起四个月内,呈交该申请被提交的国家的证明文件。

    The certified documents from the foreign government in which the application was filed shall be submitted within four months from the filing date .

  2. 书面声明中未写明在先申请的申请日和受理该申请的国家的,视为未提出声明。

    If the written declaration does not contain the filing date of the earlier application and the name of the country in which the application was filed , the declaration shall be deemed not to have been made .

  3. 由申请日至发出证书需时大约12到18个月。

    The normal time span from filing to obtaining a certificate will take approximately12to18months .

  4. 经营状况良好,且申请日的上一个会计年度为盈利;

    Good operating performance and in the previous fiscal year as of the application date being profitable ;

  5. 取消对附图的说明的,保留原申请日。

    If the explanatory notes to the drawings are to be deleted , the initial date of filing shall be retained .

  6. 本联盟国家可以要求该副本附有上述机关出具的载明申请日的证明书和译文。

    They may require it to be accompanied by a certificate from the same authority showing the date of filing , and by a translation .

  7. 本细则所称申请日,除另有规定的外,是指专利法第二十八条规定的申请日。

    The date of filing referred to in these Implementing Regulations , except as otherwise prescribed , means the date of filing prescribed in Article 28 of the Patent Law .

  8. 出示的财力证明文件必须能显示规定的金额已连续持有至少28天,且最后一笔纪录须在签证申请日的一个月内。

    Evidence of maintenance must show that funds have been held for a minimum period of28 consecutive days finishing on the date of the closing balance shown on your bank statement .

  9. 申请人补交附图的,以向国务院专利行政部门提交或者邮寄附图之日为申请日;

    If the drawings are submitted later , the date of their delivery at , or mailing to , the Patent Administration Department under the State Council shall be the date of filing of the application ;

  10. 公知技术抗辩就是允许被控侵权人引用任何专利申请日之前的被公众所知的技术来进行抗辩的制度。

    Existing Art defense is a legal mechanism which allows the alleged infringer to raise a defense based on the fact that the patent in action is publicly known prior to the application date of the patent .

  11. 创造性,是指同申请日以前已有的技术相比,该发明有突出的实质性特点和显著的进步,该实用新型有实质性特点和进步。

    Inventiveness means that , as compared with the technology existing before the date of filing , the invention has prominent substantive features and represents a notable progress and that the utility model has substantive features and represents progress .

  12. 第四十二条发明专利权的期限为二十年,实用新型专利权和外观设计专利权的期限为十年,均自申请日起计算。

    Article 42 . The duration of patent right for inventions shall be twenty years , the duration of patent right for utility models and patent right for designs shall be ten years , counted from the date of filing .

  13. 从申请之日算起第一个注册期为五年。

    A11.The initial period of registration is five years from the date of application .

  14. 工业设计的保护期限是从申请之日起不超过25年。

    The duration of the protection is for a maximum of 25 years from the application date .

  15. 海事法院应当在收到复议申请之日起五日内作出复议决定。

    The maritime court shall make a reconsideration decision within five days of receiving the reconsideration application .

  16. 需要了解的另一个特点是专利的有效期是从递交正规或完全申请之日起20年。

    Another feature to understand is that the life of a patent is20 years from Filing of the Regular or Completed Patent .

  17. 取得担保,自破产申请之日起六个月内清偿债务的。

    Enterprises that have obtained guarantees for the repayment of debts within six months from the date of the application for bankruptcy .

  18. 从申请之日算起,一项澳大利亚注册的外观设计最长保护期限是10年,并且这个期限不能继续延续下去。

    A8.An Australian Registered Design has a maximum term of10 years from the date of application ; this period cannot be extended .

  19. 出口许可证管理部门应当自收到申请之日起30天内决定是否许可。

    The administrative departments of export licenses shall decide whether to grant a license or not within 30 days after receiving the application .

  20. 可获得的保护期限不得在自申请之日8起计算的20年期满前结束。

    The term of protection available shall not end before the expiration of a period of twenty years counted from the filing date .

  21. 申请人应当在向本所提出复核申请之日的次一交易日发布相关公告。

    The issuer shall release a related announcement on the next trading day immediately after the submission of application to the exchange for re-examination .

  22. 海关应当自受理退税申请之日起30日内查实并通知纳税义务人办理退还手续。

    The customs shall verify and notify the taxpayer to handle the return formalities within 30 days upon accepting the application for return of tax .

  23. 市卫生行政部门在收到申请之日起三十日内作出审查决定,对审查合格的,发给《母婴保健技术服务执业许可证》;

    If the applicant is qualified , the said department shall issue a " Permit for Performing Technical Service on Mother and Infant Health Care " .

  24. 决定受理的,赔偿主管部门收到申请之日即为受理之日;

    Where an application is accepted upon decision , the day on which the department in charge of compensation receives the application shall be the day of acceptance ;

  25. 保护期为10年,自提交注册申请之日起算,或自世界任何地方首次商业利用之时起算。

    The term of protection was10 years counted from the date of filing an application for registration or from the first commercial exploitation wherever in the world it occurred .

  26. 这个却不然,它是一个申请截止日。那些要求延伸本国大陆架【1】海域的国家必须在该日之前向联合国提交申诉。

    In fact it is the deadline by which countries wishing to lay claim to extensions of their continental shelf 【 1 】 must make their submissions to the United Nations .

  27. 符合军品出口合同规定的,国家军品贸易局应当自收到申请之日起5日内签发军品出口许可证。

    The State Bureau of Military Products Trade shall issue military export licenses within five days upon receipt of the application to those requests that conform to the military export contract specifications .

  28. 公司登记机关自接到股份有限公司设立登记申请之日起三十日内作出是否予以登记的决定。

    The company registration authority decides within thirty days of the date of receipt of an application to register the establishment of a company limited by shares whether or not to grant registration .

  29. 有关主管部门应当自收到该申请之日起4个月内,将审查结果通知国务院专利行政部门;

    The relevant competent department shall , within four months from the date of receipt of the application , notify the patent administration department under the State Council of the results of the examination .

  30. 第六十条人民法院应当在受理撤销裁决申请之日起两个月内作出撤销裁决或者驳回申请的裁定。

    Article 60 The people 's court shall , within 2 months after receipt of the application for cancellation of an award , render its decision for cancellation of the award or for rejection of the application .