
  • 网络schengen visa;European Schengen Visa
  1. 游说组织&英国对华签证联盟(UKChinaVisaAlliance)的保罗巴尔内斯(PaulBarnes)告诉我,在前往欧洲的中国游客中,有94%只申请申根签证。

    Of Chinese travellers to Europe , 94 per cent apply for a Schengen visa only , Paul Barnes of the UK China Visa Alliance lobbying group told me .

  2. 去年夏天,英国内政大臣特里萨•梅(TheresaMay)精简了手续,允许中国游客使用同一个网站申请英国和申根签证。

    Last summer Theresa May , home secretary , streamlined the system by allowing Chinese visitors to use the same website to apply for a British and a Schengen visa .

  3. 首次申请申根签证人须亲自到领事馆或外事服务机构,提供指纹和一张数码照片。

    First-timers will have to apply in person at consulates1 or external service providers to give fingerprints2 and a digital photo .

  4. 生物识别数据和申根签证申请表格中提交的信息将被记录于申根地区签证信息系统的中央数据库中,并保留59个月。

    Biometric data and information provided on the visa application forms will be stored in ( the Schengen Area 's Visa Information System ) VIS ' central database for 59 months .

  5. 中国的游客可以申请申根签证(Schengen),这种签证赋予他们在26个欧洲国家旅游的权利。

    Tourists from China can apply for a Schengen visa , which gives them the right to travel to 26 European countries .

  6. 为了简化程序,英国内政大臣特雷莎梅(TheresaMay)去年夏天宣布,中国游客将可使用同一网站申请英国签证和申根签证。

    In an effort to streamline the process , Theresa May , home secretary , announced last summer that Chinese tourists would be permitted to use the same website to apply for both a British and a Schengen visa .

  7. 到欧洲旅游的多数中国人会申请“申根签证”(schengenvisa),这种签证让游客能够入境24个签署了自由流动协定的欧洲国家。

    The majority of Chinese people travelling to Europe apply for a Schengen visa , which enables entry to 24 European countries that have signed the freedom of movement agreement .

  8. 赴英签证与可进入26个欧洲国家的申根签证(schengen)相比,花销更高、更复杂、处理时间也更长。

    Visas to the UK are costlier , more complicated and take longer to process than the Schengen visa , which grants access to 26 European countries .

  9. 代表团声称,比起申根签证(Schengenvisa)&这种签证允许获得者进入欧洲其他26国,官僚化的英国签证申请程序让许多中国游客怯步,让英国经济失去几十亿英镑的消费力。

    Delegates claim the bureaucratic application for UK visas , compared with the Schengen visa which grants access to 26 other European countries , is discouraging Chinese tourists and starving the UK economy of billions of pounds of spending power .

  10. 访问英国和欧洲的中国游客必须申请两个签证:一个是可以游览26个欧洲国家的申根签证(Schengen),另一个是入境英国所需的单独签证。

    Chinese visitors to the UK and Europe are obliged to apply for two visas : one to visit 26 countries in Europe - known as a Schengen visa - and a second , separate visa for UK entry .

  11. 一套填写正确的“申根签证申请表格”。

    " Schengen Visa Application Form " duly completed and signed .

  12. 该组织促请英国政府同意英国/申根签证合并申请。

    The group asked the government to agree to joint UK and Schengen visa applications .

  13. 英国签证申请表长达9页,而申根签证申请表只有3页,而且英国签证表必须以英语填写。

    The UK visa form is nine pages long , compared with three for Schengen , and must be completed in English .

  14. 随着他“砰”的一声在我的申根签证上盖了戳,我就可以自由地在欧洲大部分地区漫游了。

    With a " bang " of his stamp on my Schengen visa , I was free to roam much of Europe .

  15. 既然单凭申根签证就可以去巴黎、米兰等奢侈品购物中心,而无需递交额外的申请文件,他们又有什么理由申请英国签证呢?

    And why would they , when the Schengen offers passage to luxury shopping destinations such as Paris and Milan without extra paperwork ?

  16. 去年启动的一项试行方案允许中国游客在一张表上办理申根签证和英国签证的申请。

    A pilot scheme , launched last year , allows Chinese travellers to apply for the Schengen visa and the UK visa at the same time and place .

  17. 在被问及政府会否考虑放松签证规则时,亨特表示,保持边境安全是至高无上的,但他会研究相关方案,可能让英国签证申请成为申根签证申请的一个平行流程的一部分。

    When asked whether the government would consider relaxing visa rules , Mr Hunt said that maintaining border security was paramount . However , he said he would look at ways that UK visa applications could be part of a parallel process alongside getting a visa for the Schengen area .

  18. 欧洲统一的大厦已出现了裂痕申根免签证过境计划的收紧就说明了问题。

    Cracks are already visible in the edifice of European unity witness the strain on the Schengen visa-free travel scheme .

  19. 突击搜查期间,加纳当局还缴获真假混杂的印度、南非和申根区签证和150本分属10个不同国家的护照。

    During raids , authorities also seized authentic and counterfeit Indian , South African and Schengen Zone visas and 150 passports from 10 different countries .

  20. 进入英国的申请费用要高出30英镑到50英镑。此外,标准英国签证的有效期是30天,而申根区签证则是90天。

    Entry to the UK will cost between £ 30 and £ 50 more , Moreover , the standard UK visa is valid for 30 days compared with 90 for Schengen .

  21. 这些改变将使英国签证比有效期最多为90天的标准申根访客签证更具吸引力,同时使英国可与美国2014年提出的的签证服务相媲美。

    The changes amount to a much better deal than the standard Schengen visitor visa which is limited to a maximum 90 days , and puts the UK on a par with the 2014 US offer .

  22. 新的英国/比利时协议意味着,中国游客和商务人士只需跑一趟北京、广州或上海的联合申请中心,就能获得英国和申根区签证。

    The new UK-Belgium agreement means that Chinese tourists and business people will be able to obtain a visa for Britain and the Schengen area through a single visit to one of three joint application hubs in Beijing , Guangzhou and Shanghai .

  23. 科索沃看起来是没有什么进步,虽然科索沃政府可能很快就会开始与欧盟展开关于覆盖25个以上国家的申根地区免签证的谈判。

    Kosovo is seen to have made only limited progress , although there is a chance its government may soon start talking to the EU about visa-free access to the25-strong Schengen area later this year .

  24. 奢侈品零售商一直在向英国内政部施压,要求该部门简化中国游客的入境流程。目前游客只需一份申根(Schengen)签证,就可进入欧洲大陆多数国家,因此单独申请英国签证的可能性较小。

    The department has been under pressure from luxury retailers to streamline the process for Chinese tourists , who can enter most of continental Europe with just one Schengen visa and are therefore less likely to apply for a separate UK entry .

  25. 利比亚人被禁止进入申根公约规定的签证自由区。瑞士也签署了申根公约。

    The Libyans have been denied entry into the visa-free zone , set up by the Schengen agreement which includes Switzerland .

  26. 英国将通过与比利时缔结新的合作伙伴关系,简化中国游客的签证申请。相关安排将让中国公民在同一个中心申请英国和欧洲申根区国家的签证。

    The UK will simplify visa applications for Chinese visitors through a new partnership with Belgium which allows travels permits for Britain and the European Schengen area countries to be processed in the same centre .