
  • 网络Schengen area;Schengen zone
  1. 她警告称,德国议会可能阻止列支敦士登今年11月加入欧盟免签的申根区(Schengenzone)。

    She warned that the German parliament could block Liechtenstein 's entry in November into the European Union 's border-free Schengen zone .

  2. 英国对华签证联盟(UKChinaVisaAlliance)数据显示,在来欧洲观光的中国旅游团当中,约有90%略过了英国——英国不在欧盟免签申根区内——这使英国每年损失12亿英镑收入。

    According to the UK China Visa Alliance , about 90 per cent of Chinese tour groups visiting Europe omit Britain - which is not part of the EU 's visa-free Schengen zone - resulting in £ 1.2bn of lost revenue each year .

  3. 申根区内航空旅行的边境检查,将自明年3月份起取消。

    Border controls on air travel within the zone will be dropped next March .

  4. 现将一位中国公民进入申根区与申请入境英国进行比较。

    Contrast this with a Chinese person entering the Schengen area and applying to enter Britain .

  5. 各国部长表示,各成员国已表现出它们为加入申根区做好了充分准备。

    Ministers said the member states had shown they were sufficiently prepared ' ' to join the zone .

  6. 解决方法之一,是英国与申根区国家彼此之间共享数据。

    A solution could be for the UK and Schengen countries to give each other access to their data .

  7. 申根区国家还拒绝承认以下说法:即持英国签证就足以确保进入申根区。

    The Schengen countries have also refused to accept that UK visas should be sufficient for entry into their area .

  8. 他们说,得到美国和欧盟申根区的入境准许要简单得多。

    Getting permission to visit America and the European Union 's borderless Schengen zone is far easier , they said .

  9. 匈牙利官员已表示,保加利亚和罗马尼亚加入申根区,将成为其任职期间的要务之一。

    Hungarian officials have said that Schengen membership for Bulgaria and Romania is one of the priorities for their presidency .

  10. 任何一届英国政府都得说服国民:自己相信所有申根区国家都是照章办理签证事宜。

    Any UK government would have to persuade the public that it was confident all Schengen countries were applying the process properly .

  11. 进入英国的申请表长达10页,且只有英语一种语言,而申根区申请表仅为4页,还会向申请者提供译文版本。

    The 10-page UK application form is only available in English , whereas Schengen offers a translated version of its four-page form .

  12. 在过去的一年中,丹麦、法国、意大利政府均取消申根区免护照的规定,重新采取边境管制措施。

    Over the past year the Danish , French and Italian governments have rolled back the Schengen passport-free zone and reintroduced limited border controls .

  13. 突击搜查期间,加纳当局还缴获真假混杂的印度、南非和申根区签证和150本分属10个不同国家的护照。

    During raids , authorities also seized authentic and counterfeit Indian , South African and Schengen Zone visas and 150 passports from 10 different countries .

  14. 至少,英国可以让本国的签证申请过程与申根区国家一致,这样一来,签证机构就可以一并办理两种签证。

    At the very least , the UK could make its application process identical to the Schengen one , so that visa agencies could offer both together .

  15. 爱尔兰是欧盟的一部分,而是一个移民已成为一个专家,似乎:爱尔兰不属于申根区的一部分。

    Ireland is part of the EU , but a migrant has to be a specialist , it seems : Ireland is not part of the Schengen zone .

  16. 进入英国的申请费用要高出30英镑到50英镑。此外,标准英国签证的有效期是30天,而申根区签证则是90天。

    Entry to the UK will cost between £ 30 and £ 50 more , Moreover , the standard UK visa is valid for 30 days compared with 90 for Schengen .

  17. 保加利亚试图加入欧盟免护照申根区的想法被荷兰人和芬兰人禁止。他们表示了对贪污的关注。(见查理曼大帝)。

    The country 's attempt to join the European Union 's passport-free Schengen area has been slapped down by the Dutch and the Finns , who cite concerns about corruption ( see Charlemagne ) .

  18. 在警务及司法事务方面,它们的确在交换信息,但申根区国家坚持认为(这一点英国也接受):由于英国未加入申根区,所以不可能分享移民方面的信息。

    They do exchange information on police and judicial matters , but the Schengen countries insist , and the UK accepts , that as Britain has not joined , it cannot have immigration information .

  19. 英国将通过与比利时缔结新的合作伙伴关系,简化中国游客的签证申请。相关安排将让中国公民在同一个中心申请英国和欧洲申根区国家的签证。

    The UK will simplify visa applications for Chinese visitors through a new partnership with Belgium which allows travels permits for Britain and the European Schengen area countries to be processed in the same centre .

  20. 在任何时候都是这样的,但目前尤其如此。因为利比亚危机加大了以下可能性:难民逃往意大利或马耳他、再从那儿畅通无阻前往其它申根区国家。

    This would be true at any time , but particularly now that the Libyan crisis has raised the prospect of refugees making their way to Italy or Malta , from where they would have border-free access to other Schengen countries .

  21. 她答道:“鉴于政府无意就签证与入境控制问题加入申根区,因此我们觉得估算这样做所涉及的成本或节约并无多大意义。”

    She said : " given that the government have no intention of joining Schengen provisions on visas and border controls , they do not consider that preparing estimates of the costs or savings of doing so would be justified . "

  22. 新的英国/比利时协议意味着,中国游客和商务人士只需跑一趟北京、广州或上海的联合申请中心,就能获得英国和申根区签证。

    The new UK-Belgium agreement means that Chinese tourists and business people will be able to obtain a visa for Britain and the Schengen area through a single visit to one of three joint application hubs in Beijing , Guangzhou and Shanghai .

  23. 欧盟国家内务部长将于下周四讨论列支敦士登加入申根区的事宜,但默克尔表示,如果德国议会将认可列支敦士登加入申根区的问题与其它问题联系起来,她将不会感到意外。

    The principality 's entry into Schengen is due to be discussed next Thursday by EU interior ministers , but Ms Merkel said she would not be surprised if the German parliament linked its ratification of the territory 's membership to other issues .

  24. 此举出台之前,英国零售商和商业团体进行了游说,它们抱怨称,伦敦与花钱豪爽的中国游客擦肩而过,这些游客只需一个覆盖欧洲申根区26个国家的签证,即可在巴黎、米兰和柏林购物。

    The move follows lobbying from UK retailers and business groups who complain that London is missing out on high-spending Chinese visitors who can shop in Paris , Milan and Berlin using just one visa covering the 26 nations of Europe 's border-free Schengen zone .

  25. 但随着欧盟的稳定,尤其是申根自由旅行区,受到越来越严重的威胁,另一个动机显现出来:维护欧洲团结。

    But as the threats to the stability of the EU , especially the Schengen free-travel zone , have mounted , another motive has come to the fore : protecting European unity .

  26. 中国经常抱怨英国的苛刻签证规则,称英国的制度不如覆盖欧盟大部分国家的申根(Schengen)区。

    China has often complained about restrictive British visa rules , comparing the UK unfavourably with the Schengen border-free zone covering most of the rest of the EU .