
  • 网络Center for Global Development;Centre for Global Development;CGd
  1. 非营利组织全球发展中心(CenterforGlobalDevelopment)近期的一份报告估计,如果用100亿美元投资于撒哈拉以南非洲的可再生能源项目,可让3000万人用上电。

    A recent report from the non-profit Center for Global Development estimates that $ 10bn invested in renewable energy projects in sub-Saharan Africa could provide electricity for 30m people .

  2. 全球发展中心(centerforglobaldevelopment)的弗朗西斯泽拉兹尼(franceszelazny)估计,该系统在一个月内就收回了成本。

    Frances Zelazny of the center for global development estimates that the system paid for itself within one month .

  3. 华盛顿智库全球发展中心(CentreforGlobalDevelopment)的南希·博德塞奥(NancyBirdsall)倾向于将建议和借贷脱钩。

    Nancy Birdsall of the Centre for Global Development , a think-tank in Washington , DC , favours decoupling advice and loans .

  4. 由全球发展中心(CenterforGlobalDevelopment)的欧文巴德(OwenBarder)领导的一个委员会最近对英国国际发展部(DFID)提出建议。

    A commission chaired by Owen Barder of the Center for Global Development recently made its recommendations to the UK 's Department for International Development .

  5. 我养成了写回信的习惯,在回复时表示:‘你考虑过邀请一位女士来代替吗?’巴尔德称。他是研究组织欧洲全球发展中心(CenterforGlobalDevelopmentinEurope)主任。

    I got into the habit of writing back and saying : ' Have you thought about inviting a woman instead ? " says Mr Barder , director of the Center for Global Development in Europe , a research group .

  6. 但是全球发展中心的OwenBarder认为欧洲的候选人困难重重。

    But Owen Barder at the Center for Global Development sees difficulty for non-European candidates .

  7. 来自全球发展中心的NancyBirdsall和ArvindSubramanian说,气候谈判必须把重点放在改善获取能源服务,而非削减排放。

    Climate talks should focus on improving access to energy services , not cutting emissions , say Nancy Birdsall and Arvind Subramanian from the Center for Global Development .

  8. 威廉克莱恩在华盛顿的全球发展中心撰写的这个研究报告。

    William Cline wrote the study from the Center for Global Development in Washington .

  9. 全球发展中心的埃利奥特说,长期的解决方案是将更多的努力放在发展下一代生物燃料上。

    Kim Elliott of the Center for Global Development says the long-term solution is to put more effort into developing the next generation of biofuels .

  10. 全球发展中心分析了7个领域环境,援助,贸易,投资,移民,安全和科技每个领域在总排名中都分值均等。

    CGD analysed seven policy areas environment , aid , trade , investment , migration , security and technology each contributing equally to the overall ranking .

  11. 世行行长佐利克在全球发展中心讲话时呼吁制定全球食品政策新政,以解决“被人遗忘了的千年发展目标”:营养。

    Speaking last week at the Center for Global Development , Bank president Robert B.Zoellick called for a New Deal for Global Food Policy to address the " forgotten MDG ": nutrition .

  12. 全球发展中心的资深研究员金伯利.埃利奥特说,现在是各国政府停止强调以玉米为原料生产诸如乙醇等生物燃料的时候了。

    With that in mind , Kimberly Elliott , a senior fellow at the Center for Global Development , says it 's time for governments to stop placing so much emphasis on corn-based biofuels such as ethanol .

  13. 在中国这个公认的未来全球经济发展中心,他们发现了新生的希望,捕捉到了蕴藏的商机。

    At the Chinese recognized the future of global economic development centers , they found a new life of hope , to capture the potential business opportunities .

  14. 在西安、成都和北京通过全球发展学习中心参加此次活动的各位,早上好!

    Good morning everyone , good morning also to those of you who are joining us from Xi'an , Chengdu and Beijing through the Global Development Learning Network .

  15. 本文作者是美国智库布鲁金斯学会(brookingsinstitution)副会长、全球经济与发展中心主任、前土耳其财长

    The writer is vice-president , global economics and development , at the Brookings Institution and former Turkish Treasury Secretary

  16. 但联合国作为全球发展的协调中心,在机制上存在着明显缺陷,有待进行关键性的改革。

    Nevertheless , the United Nations , as a coordinating center for world development , has evident systemic drawbacks , needing fundamental reforms in this connection .

  17. 盖茨向数百名来听演讲的学生表达了他对中国年轻人寄予的厚望。他表示:“当你们步入社会时,恰逢中国崛起,成为全球发展和创新的中心。”

    Gates told hundreds of students attending the lecture of his high hopes for China 's youth as they enter the workforce at the time of " China 's rise as a center of global progress and innovation . "