
  • 网络dac;The Development Assistance Committee
  1. 经合发组织发展援助委员会主席RichardManning说,据估计,世界上有三分之一的赤贫人口居住在脆弱国家。

    Richard Manning , the chair of the Development Assistance Committee for the OECD , says it 's estimated a third of people living in absolute poverty around the world live in fragile states .

  2. 2005年,发展援助委员会成员国的官方发展援助额(简称ODA)增加到1068亿美元,但增加部分主要反映在减债操作上。

    In2005 , official development assistance ( ODA ) from Development Assistance Committee members rose to $ 106.8 billion , but most of the increase reflected debt relief operations .

  3. 加勒比集团经济发展合作技术援助指导委员会

    Steering Committee on Technical Assistance of the Caribbean Group for Cooperation