
fā diàn liànɡ
  • Power generation;electric energy production capacity
  1. 而十年后,其产值有望达到五百亿美元,发电量将达到一千六百亿瓦特,足以吸引那些主流公司的关注,他们本不会对平淡无奇的技术感兴趣。

    By the end of the decade , it 's expected to be worth over $ 50 billion and generate 160 gigawatt-hours , enough to attract the attention of major companies that might not otherwise be interested in a decidedly pedestrian technology .

  2. 发电量与gdp增长并不同步。

    Power generation and GDP growth are not in sync .

  3. 大坝基本上兑现了输送低碳电能的承诺。据《中国日报》(ChinaDaily)报道,2010年其发电量约840亿度。

    The dam has largely delivered on its promise to deliver low-carbon electricity , producing roughly 84 billion kilowatt hours in 2010 , according to China Daily .

  4. 根据国际能源署(InternationalEnergyAgency)的数据,中国燃煤发电量仍占到总发电量的80%左右,而核能发电量仅占2%左右。

    China currently uses coal to generate roughly 80 % of its electricity , according to the International Energy Agency , while only around 2 % comes from nuclear .

  5. GM(1,1)改进模型的研究及在上海市发电量建模中的应用

    Research on the Ameliorating GM ( 1,1 ) Model and Its Application in the Power Quantity Modeling of Shanghai City

  6. 美国能源部(DepartmentofEnergy)数据显示,过去12个月期间,燃煤发电量下降19%,而燃气发电量增长38%。

    In the last 12 months , coal-fired generation has slumped by 19 per cent while that using gas has increased by 38 per cent , according to the US Department of Energy .

  7. 据美国能源部(departmentofenergy)预测,从2009年至2035年,只要没有更严格的环保法规,燃煤发电量还将上升四分之一,仅略微落后于整体市场的增幅。

    In the absence of more stringent environmental regulations , the US Department of energy forecasts that coal-fired generation will rise by a quarter between 2009 and 2035 , only slightly lagging overall market growth .

  8. 提高湿式TRT发电量实际问题的探讨

    Discussion on the increasing of wet type TRT generating capacity

  9. 基于LS-SVM的小水电站年发电量智能预测模型

    An Intelligent Forecasting Model for Annual Power Generation of Small Hydropower Stations Based on LS-SVM

  10. 基于ARIMA的发电量预测方法

    Power generation forecasting based on ARIMA model

  11. 政府间气候变化专门委员会(IntergovernmentalPanelonClimateChange,简称IPCC)预测,中国的水力发电量在2008至2035年间会翻一番,印度和非洲的水力发电量将会增加两倍。

    The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicts that hydropower generation will double in China between 2008 and 2035 , and triple in India and Africa .

  12. 研究了电力系统负荷预测的趋势外推预测技术,采用二次指数平滑技术和二阶自适应系数法进行发电量预测,并运用C语言编程,通过实际算例进行了比较分析。

    Studies the application of trends extrapolation on the power load forecast . By quadratic exponential smoothing and second-order adaptive coefficient forecasts the electricity quantity . Compares and analyses the actual examples by C language program .

  13. 因此应改进SOFC的结构和材料,提高电池工作电压,增加电池发电量。

    The performance of SOFC can be improved by improving SOFC structure and using advanced material .

  14. 美国克林顿基金会(ClintonFoundation)将为这项规模100亿美元、发电量300万千瓦的项目融资。项目如果成功,这座以商业为主的印度西部邦将被推至太阳能技术的最前沿。

    The US-based Clinton Foundation will provide support raising financing for the $ 10bn , 3,000 megawatt project , which if successful will catapult the mercantile western Indian state into the forefront of solar technology .

  15. LAKOTA风机相对于重量比率来说,有较高的发电量。

    The Lakota generator has a high power to weight ratio .

  16. 介绍柳钢TRT技术应用情况,总结TRT安全运行和提高发电量的措施。

    The application of TRT technology in Liugang was introduced , and the countermeasures for TRT safe run and generating capacity improvement were summarized .

  17. 利用澳门电力公司每年发电量与澳门的度日(Degreedays)1)数作相关分析,从而寻求电能消耗量与澳门度日数之间是否有显著的关系,以协助估计能源消耗量。

    A correlation analysis of the generation of electricity and degree days in Macao was conducted to find out whether there is any significant relationship between the consumption of electricity and degree days , in order to assist the prediction of the future energy consumption .

  18. 根据1952&2001年我国50年的发电量数据,利用时间序列的有关理论,经过多次拟合,找出适合我国发电量的单整自回归移动平均模型(ARIMA)。

    Based on the electricity generation data of China from 1952 to 2001 , the ARIMA model is proposed by utilizing the time series theories .

  19. 汉江上游流域水能资源丰富,干流可开发装机容量213万kw,年发电量69.73亿kw·h。

    Waterpower resources of Han river upland catchment is abundance , which main stream can develop 213 ten thousand kW installed capacity and annual capacity of electric production is 69.73 a hundred million kW ?

  20. 通过对代表性沉积柱样ALE进行粒度及SCP分析,结合安徽火力发电量及径流资料,用粒度.径流方法成功建立了近50年来的年级分辨率的现代湖泊沉积年代序列。

    Through analyzing about grain size and SCP , combining Anhui fire power generation and runoff datum , it set up high-resolution age sequence in the past 50 years .

  21. 在设计点工况下,MCFC电堆的发电量占系统总发电量的80%,剩下20%的电量由燃气轮机提供。

    At design point , net power supplied by the MCFC stack is80 % and20 % from the gas turbine .

  22. 法国巴黎银行驻上海的分析师DaisyZhang称:大型国有电力公司别无选择,只能继续运营。今年迄今为止,尽管煤价高企,它们的发电量却在强劲增长。

    Large state-owned power companies have no choice but to keep operating and we have seen strong power generation growth from them so far this year despite the high coal prices , said Daisy Zhang , an analyst with BNP Paribas in Shanghai .

  23. 中国国家环保总局(sepa)表示,2007年头9个月,尽管发电量迅速增长,但二氧化硫排放量同比下降了1.81%。

    SO2 emissions fell 1.81 per cent year-on-year in the first nine months of 2007 , despite rapid growth in electricity generation , the State Environmental Protection Agency ( SEPA ) said .

  24. 人工照明所消耗的电能在年发电量中占很大的比重。现在常见的各种节能灯具的节能电压普遍都要低于城市电网提供的220V交流电压。

    The electricity which consumed by illumination takes a great percentage in the generating capacity every year . The common energy saving lamps usually works less efficient under 220 volts .

  25. 改造后,硫酸年产量达到120kt/a,发电量增加700kwh/h,取得明显的经济效益。

    After the improvement , the output of sulphuric acid has achieved 120kt / a , generating capacity has added 700kwh / h , the economic benefit has been remarkable .

  26. 矿商兼贸易商嘉能可(Glencore)在加丹加省有多个大型项目,它的合作伙伴们将自掏腰包提供3.68亿美元贷款,修复因加2号水电站停转的涡轮机,以增加发电量。

    Glencore , the miner-cum-trader that has several big projects in Katanga and its partners are lending $ 368m out of its own pocket to rehabilitate the turbines of Inga 2 as a way to increase electricity production .

  27. 在田纳西州,为东南七州供应电力的政府机构田纳西流域署(tva),由于水力供应减少的缘由,发电量已减少一半。

    In Tennessee , hydroelectric power production within the Tennessee Valley Authority ( TVA ) , the government agency that generates electricity for seven south-eastern States , has been halved because of low water supplies .

  28. 中国券商海通证券(HaitongSecurities)的一份报告称,中国最重要的全国假期前夕,发电量以及汽车和消费者产品(如冰箱和洗衣机等)的销售也比去年同期有所下滑。

    Power production and sales of cars and consumer items such as fridges and washing machines also fell from the same period last year in the run-up to the country 's most important national holiday , according to a report from Haitong Securities , the Chinese brokerage .

  29. 通过对几年来包钢4~高炉TRT装置技术参数的研究,总结并分析了影响TRT发电量的各种因素,并主要从主机系统的效率及煤气量两个方面探讨了提高TRT发电量的途径。

    Various factors having influences on TRT 's electricity generating efficiency are analyzed and , mainly from aspects of the host system 's efficiency and coal gas amount , some way of increasing the electricity generating efficieney is probed into in this paper .

  30. 发电量十年来首次出现下降。

    Power generation fell for the first time in a decade .