
fā tiáo
  • spring;remontoir;ribbon;winding mechanism;spiral power spring
发条 [fā tiáo]
  • [remontoir;spiral power spring] 盘紧后借弹性作用在松开时产生动力的长条钢片

发条[fā tiáo]
  1. 这个钟得每天上弦;发条走24小时就松掉了。

    It 's a one-day clock ; the spring winds down in24 hours .

  2. 陀螺导向仪发条启动过程高速摄影测量

    High speed photogrammetry of the spiral power spring starting process for a gyropilot

  3. 我还没有给表上发条,所以不知道时间。

    I still hadn 't wound my watch so I didn 't know the time .

  4. 例如,在1500年左右加入了发条。

    For example , springs were added around 1500 .

  5. 最终,这些蜜蜂可以在几秒钟内识别出感染新冠病毒的样本,而且它们的舌头会像发条一样伸出来喝糖水。

    Eventually , the bees could identify an infected sample within a few seconds — and would then stick out their tongues like clockwork to collect the sugar water .

  6. 在牛顿(Newton)之后,哲学家构想出了一种类似发条装置的宇宙。

    After Newton , philosophers conceived a clockwork universe .

  7. 那时,我们大家很容易欢呼事件的发生,或至少在Twitter或Facebook上发条信息、以示支持。

    It was easy for us all to cheer or at least post a message of support on Twitter or Facebook .

  8. 我刚刚叫她发条短信给Portia我爱你等不及今晚要见你了噢是啊

    I just told it to text Portia , I love you and I can 't wait to see you tonight . Auh , I know

  9. 后来他们出版了自己的同好杂志《发条香蕉》(BananeMecanique),其中第一期是把电影《发条橙》(AClockworkOrange)的海报和专辑《地下丝绒乐队与妮可》(TheVelvetUnderground&Nico)的封面糅在了一起。

    Later , they 'd produce their own fanzine , Banane M canique ( Clockwork Banana ) , the first issue of which featured a mash-up of the poster for A Clockwork Orange and the cover of the album The Velvet Underground & Nico .

  10. 你不想给什么人发条消息么?

    You don 't want to send a message to anyone ?

  11. 你如果不给钟上发条,钟会停的。

    The clock will stop if you don 't wind it .

  12. 契普斯总是在最后一次敲钟通知熄灯之后,开上钟的发条;

    Chips always wound up the clock after that last bell ;

  13. 我的闹钟不走了,它需要上发条。

    My clock has run down , it needs winding up .

  14. 他给玩具车上发条然后松手让它跑。

    He wound up the toy car and let it go .

  15. 装有石英晶体机蕊的手表毋需上发条。

    Watches with quartz crystal movements never have to be wound .

  16. 就像上了发条似的这声音每半个小时响一次,一直持续到天亮。

    This occurred like clockwork about every half hour until sunrise .

  17. 如果我太频繁给手表上发条,它就会走快。

    My watch gains time if I wind it too often .

  18. 噢,我刚给它们上了发条。

    Um , I just thought I 'd wind them up .

  19. 他用皮条编成一条皮带。带滑动副发条的发条

    He Braided a Belt out of thongs mainspring with sliding attachment

  20. 妈妈,老爷钟,我们已经好久没有给它上发条了!

    Mama ! The clock ! We 've let it wind down .

  21. 我又忘记给我的手表上发条了。

    I 've forgotten to wind my watch up again .

  22. 每天早晨我要为老钟上发条。

    I need to wind the old clock every morning .

  23. 手表停了依然是只手表,还可以重新上好发条。

    A run-down watch is still a watch and can be rewound .

  24. 日本连发条玩具都做不出。

    The Japs can 't even make a windup toy .

  25. 手表必须上紧发条才走动。

    Watches must be would up to set them agoing .

  26. 所有小朋友都对这装有发条玩具感兴趣。

    All the kids are interested in the wind-up toy .

  27. 他总是在睡觉前给表上发条。

    He always winds up his watch Before he goes to Bed .

  28. 孩子看到有发条装置的玩具时笑了。

    The child laughed at the sight ofthe clockwork toy .

  29. 汤姆睡觉之前给钟上发条。

    Tom wound his clock before he went to bed .

  30. 昨晚我一定忘了上发条了。

    I must have forgotten to wind it last night .