
  1. 经合组织发布一份前景暗淡的发达国家经济发展预测报告。

    The OECD issued a grim forecast for the economies of advanced industrialised countries .

  2. IMF预计,发达国家经济增速将加快,美国和英国的复苏势头最为强劲。

    The fund expects growth to accelerate in advanced economies , with the US and the UK enjoying the strongest rebound .

  3. 现有的国际直接投资理论体系是建立在发达国家经济基础上,这些理论只能在一定程度上解释FDI在我国的区位分布、路径依赖和经济增长。

    In addition , the current theoretical system of International Direct Investment has based on the economy of the developed countries , which is defective and on some degree to explain the FDI location and its effects in China .

  4. 基于IPAT方程的典型发达国家经济增长与碳排放关系研究

    Study on the Relationship between Economic Growth and Carbon Emission in Typical Developed Countries Based on IPAT Equation

  5. 索尼表示,发达国家经济状况恶化的程度比其原先预计的还要糟糕,而新兴市场的销量增速则开始放缓。今年4月平井一夫(KazuoHirai)取代斯特林格(HowardStringer)成为索尼CEO。

    Sony , which tapped Kazuo Hirai to replace Howard Stringer as CEO in April , said economic conditions in developed nations worsened more than it had expected while growth in emerging markets started to slow .

  6. 越来越多的实证研究表明,美国的债务已经达到了一个与发达国家经济增长放缓有相关性的水平&我与卡门莱因哈特(CarmenReinhart)合作进行的研究也证明了这一点。

    A growing number of empirical studies , including my own joint work with Carmen Reinhart , suggest that the US has already reached a debt level that has been associated with slower growth in advanced countries .

  7. 论农业在发达国家经济中的地位与作用&以美国为例

    On the Position & Roles of Agriculture in Developed Countries Economy

  8. 发达国家经济复苏的征兆令全球投资者振奋。

    Omens of economic recovery in the developed world buoyed investors across the globe .

  9. 两类经济一体化福利效应的研究&发达国家经济一体化与发展中国家经济一体化的福利效应比较

    A Comparative Study on Welfare Effects of Regional Economic Integration of Developed and Developing Countries

  10. 文化创意产业是当今世界发达国家经济文化发展的重要潮流。

    Cultural Creativity Industry is the tide of economic and cultural development in developed countries .

  11. 文化贸易逐渐成为发达国家经济领域的重要组成部分。

    Cultural trade has gradually become a pillar part in the economy system of the developed countries .

  12. 短期内,有关全球化的辩论在很大程度上取决于发达国家经济体。

    The immediate future of the globalisation debate depends much on the economies of the rich world .

  13. 仅在十几年的时间里,股票市场就历经两次熊市并且随时会受到发达国家经济衰退的牵连;

    Equities have suffered two bear markets in just over a decade and remain vulnerable to a rich-world recession ;

  14. 的确,在许多发达国家经济萎缩之时,中国和印度等国的经济依旧在增长。

    Sure the likes of China and India are seeing their economies grow while much of the developed world shrinks .

  15. 随着发达国家经济走向低迷,中国业已担负起保持世界经济持续增长的职责。

    China has been responsible for keeping the world economy growing as the advanced industrial economies went into a downturn .

  16. 加入欧盟就是加入发达国家经济体,就是进入富人俱乐部。

    Joining the Union means involvement with an advanced economic system which is a " Club of the rich " .

  17. 临港工业已成为发达国家经济实力的基本栋梁,又促进了国际化大生产方式的形成。

    Facing-port industry has become the basic pillar of economic strength in developed countries and promoted the formation of international production .

  18. 并且,文章选取发达国家经济体、东亚经济体及金砖四国经济体的数据对我国金融服务贸易在两种统计方法下的国际竞争力进行了分析。

    Besides , the statistic data of developed , East Asian and BRIC economies are selected to make international comparable analyses .

  19. 受金融危机冲击,发达国家经济首先陷入衰退,并进而引致全球经济的下滑。

    Influenced by the financial crisis , developed economies go into recession , and thus the possibility of a global economic slowdown .

  20. 把描绘发达国家经济增长过程中的环境负荷曲线比喻成环境高山。

    The curve of environmental impact in the process of economic growth in developed countries was likened to " Environmental Mountain " .

  21. 考虑到未来五年的发达国家经济复苏的强度还不确定。

    And we are looking ahead to a five year period when the strength of the recovery in the rich countries is uncertain .

  22. 发达国家经济加快向高科技和资本、技术密集型产业升级,产业簇群越来越集中在高科技领域。

    The economy of developed country is accelerated to upgrade to Hi-Tech , capital-intensive industry , and industry clusters concentrates on the Hi-Tech field .

  23. 而现在,在恐慌还没有波及到欧元区银行之前,这种担忧也只停留在发达国家经济的长期停滞上。

    Now , unless panic spreads about euro zone banks , the fear is of a long period of stagnation in the developed world .

  24. 不过,石油价格预计将出现回落,可以缓解发达国家经济增速下滑对东亚国家的影响,因为东亚新兴国家都是石油净进口国。

    Predicted falling oil prices should mitigate slowing growth in developed economies , however , because emerging east Asia is a net oil importer .

  25. 为了避免长达十年的费力劳神同时伴有政治及经济风险世界需要发展中与发达国家经济实现更为强劲的增长。

    To avoid a decade-long work-out – with the political and economic risks – the world needs stronger growth in developing and developed countries .

  26. 技术贸易作为技术转让的一种途径,在有效推动欠发达国家经济增长和技术进步中起着重要的作用。

    Technology trade as a channel of the technology transfer , has played an important role in the LDC 's economic growth and technical progress .

  27. 正如我们在过去几周中强调的那样,这种情况是因主要发达国家经济复苏减速所致。

    As we have been stressing over the last several weeks , if not months , it 's because of the stalling recoveries in major economies .

  28. 依附理论是发展社会学中的重要流派之一,主要是在对现代化理论进行批判的基础上探讨不发达国家经济发展问题。

    As one of school in sociology , the Attachment Theory discusses the economic development in underdeveloped countries based on the criticism for the theory of modernism .

  29. 剩余劳动力的成功转移,曾是发达国家经济从二元结构向一元结构成功转变的关键所在。

    The smooth transfer of the surplus labor force was once the key to the successful transfer of developed countries from the dualistic-structure to a unified one .

  30. 对于我国来说,要实现本世纪中叶赶上中等发达国家经济发展的目标,提高劳动力资源的利用率,无疑具有十分重要的现实意义。

    In the drive to realizing the medium developed country in the middle period of this century , China shall upgrade the efficiency of labor resource utilization .