
  • 网络Discovering Genes;gene discovery
  1. 通过基因组学的遗传标记如RAPD来检测基因多态性的变化,从而发现基因的变化。

    Through genomics method of genetic markers , RAPD to detect changes in gene polymorphism , which changes in gene discovery .

  2. 他们发现基因突变在厌食症患者中更为常见。

    They found mutations that were far more common in anorexia patients .

  3. ()DNA测序:对照组6例朋L脯家系中1例来发现基因突变;

    DNA sequence : Mutations were not found in 6 contrast samples and one sample from breast cancer family .

  4. 虽然有一些研究发现基因多态性可以增加NHL发病的危险性,但还需要更多的流行病学研究。

    This paper reviews epidemiology studies of associations between polymorphisms in genes involved in immunity regulation , chemical and folate metabolism , DNA repair , cell cycle and oncogenes and NHL .

  5. 此外,有证据表明,肿瘤细胞中缺少mda-7的表达不是基因突变的结果,对比癌症和正常细胞没有发现基因结构改变。

    Furthermore , there was evidence that the absence of mda-7 expression in cancer cells was not a result of gene mutation , since no chromatin structural rearrangements were observed in cancer and normal cells .

  6. 但是Chari及其同事发现基因表达模式与肺病严重程度无关,这说明还存在其他的某些原因。

    But Chari and his co-workers found that the gene expression patterns did not correlate with the severity of lung disease , which suggests that something else was to blame .

  7. 除TSC2/PKD1相邻基因缺失与伴发进行性肾功能衰竭的。肾囊性病相关外,尚未发现基因型与表型之间相关性。肾囊性病变治疗方式的选择及评价

    Other than TSC2 / PKD1 contiguous gene deletions and significant renal cystic disease with progressive renal failure , no genotype / phenotype correlation has been described within each gene . Selection and evaluation of treating mode to sacculate kidney

  8. 通过对未成熟胚生成的胚性愈伤组织计数,发现基因型对小麦未成熟胚培养有较大影响。

    Genotype had obvious effect on callus induction of immature embryo .

  9. 如今,科学家发现基因的流动是双向的。

    Now scientists have found that the genes flowed both ways .

  10. 结论这是在中国大陆地区首次发现基因3型戊肝病毒。

    Conclusions It is the first time that genotype ⅲ HEV has been identified in China .

  11. 在来自相同病人的正常肺组织中没有发现基因缺失或突变。

    No missing genes or mutations were observed in normal lung tissues from the same patients .

  12. 实验结果表明,差异表达关联规则在发现基因表达模式及控制冗余规则产生方面要优于传统关联规则。

    Experimental results indicate that DEAR has better performance than traditional association rules on extracting gene expression patterns and controlling redundant rules .

  13. 研究发现基因控制大脑中使人感觉良好的血清素分泌下降,使得人们在亲密的关系中变得拘谨。

    It is thought that by lowering levels of the feel-good brain chemical serotonin , the gene makes people less comfortable in close relationships .

  14. 杰克逊表示:减去这些额外投入,你会发现基因工业可以给行星地球带来如此美妙的变化。

    Take that away and you can see how the genetics industry can do such a wonderful job for planet Earth , said Mr Jackson .

  15. 因此,人们越来越发现基因——特别是与血清素相关的基因很可能对人们形成“世界观”有作用。

    It has looked increasingly likely , therefore , that genes - particularly those connected with serotonin - have a role to play in shaping a person 's outlook .

  16. 北京大学[微博]的科学家从600名中国大学生的头发样本中分析了这种名为5-HTA1的基因,发现基因有两种不同的版本。

    The scientists from Peking University in Beijing tested hair samples from almost 600 Chinese university students to analyse a gene called 5-HTA1 , which comes in two different versions 。

  17. 自孟德尔发现基因的遗传规律以来,基因研究已经取得了很多突破,从克隆羊多利走出实验室,到人类基因组草图以及正式图谱的完成,基因科技应用的领域越来越广泛。

    Form and Perfect the Noble Ethical Spirit in Research Since Mendel found the hereditary rules of genes , the search to gene has already made a lot of break-through .

  18. 串联重复序列识别是生物信息学中一个重要的、具有挑战性的课题,对于发现基因序列中某些特定序列的功能和遗传特性具有非常重要的意义。

    Tandem repeat identification is a significant , challenging issue on Bioinformatics , it has very important significance for discovering the function and heredity of some specific sequences in gene sequences .

  19. 通过在体外培养的哺乳动物细胞中基因过表达或抑制基因表达,分析所产生信号传导通路和/或细胞表型改变,可以直接发现基因功能。

    By overexpression or knock-down of genes in cultured mammalian cells in vitro and analysing the consequent changes in signal transduction pathways and / or cell phenotypes , gene functions can be identified directly .

  20. 但是更大的价值是发现基因和蛋白在脑对刺激反应时的确切作用,他说,因为基因也受环境影响。

    But of potentially more value is finding the exact role that genes and proteins play in the brain in response to stimuli , he says , because genes also are affected by environment .

  21. 基因调控网络旨在从貌似杂乱无章的基因表达数据库中发现基因间的调控关系,为科学家从整体论角度理解生物细胞周期乃至蛋白质功能提供了可靠的依据。

    The purpose of gene regulatory networks is to discovery gene regulatory relationship from gene expression database seemingly disorderly and unsystematic , which provide reliable gist for scientist to understand biology cell cycle and protein function from the whole angle .

  22. 研究发现基因芯片分类预测模型不存在明确的应用域,即限定模型的应用域不能改善其预测性能,为基于基因芯片的模式分类研究提供了指导。

    It was found that the issue of applicability domain may do not exist for microarray-based prediction models . In other words , model performance can not be improved by defining applicability domain . The results can provide invaluable guidance for class prediction analysis based on microarrays . 4 .

  23. 不过,他们现在发现的基因无法解释所有的病例。

    Now , the gene they discovered today doesn 't account for all those cases .

  24. 纽卡斯尔大学的这项研究表明,一个至今尚未发现的基因决定了男性的精子里含有更多的X还是Y染色体,而精子所含的染色体会影响孩子的性别。

    The Newcastle University study suggests that an as-yet undiscovered gene5 controls whether a man 's sperm contains more X or more Y chromosomes6 , which affects the sex of his children .

  25. 结果在研究总对象中没有发现CC基因型。

    Results CC genotype was not found both in CVD and control group .

  26. 运用Northern杂交和RTPCR方法检测发现UBAP1基因在所检测的人和小鼠的组织中广泛表达。

    Northern blot and RT PCR analysis demonstrated a ubiquitous pattern of gene expression in human and mouse tissues .

  27. 在中国人胃癌组织DNA中发现癌基因Ha-ras等位基因缺失

    Loss of Ha-ras Alleles in DNA from Gastric Carcinoma Tissue of Chinese Individuals

  28. EST分析不仅可以用于发现新基因,而且可以提供丰富的基因表达谱信息。

    EST analysis can be used for gene discovery and gene expression profiling .

  29. 通过RT-PCR发现该基因在各组织和各发育阶段中均有表达。

    Through RT-PCR analysis , we found this transcript was present in all tissues and all developmental stages .

  30. 由复性式均一化技术制作的均一化cDNA文库(equalizedcDNAlibrary,normalizedcDNAlibrary)是近年来发展起来的一种获得EST、发现新基因的高效平台。

    The cDNA library normalized by reassociation is a newly-developed , effective platform for EST acquisition and gene discovery .