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fā yù
  • develop;development;growth;engender;auxe
发育 [fā yù]
  • [develop] 生物体的机体和构造向成熟变化

  • 作为十二岁的女孩她发育得很快

发育[fā yù]
  1. 许多因素可以导致胎儿发育迟缓。

    Many factors can lead to growth retardation in unborn babies .

  2. 细胞不断地分裂更新,这是人体发育过程的一部分。

    Cells divide and renew as part of the human growth process .

  3. 缺氧可能阻碍胎儿的大脑发育。

    A lack of oxygen may inhibit brain development in the unborn child .

  4. 这一品种的牛发育成熟快。

    This particular breed of cattle matures early .

  5. 这孩子发育正常。

    The child is developing normally .

  6. 在孩子身体发育成熟时,你就知道会发生什么事了。

    You will learn what to expect as your child matures physically

  7. 大多数身材发育迟缓者都会赶上他们的朋友。

    Most late developers will catch up with their friends

  8. 在青春期,肌肉会迅猛发育。

    At adolescence , muscles go through a growth spurt

  9. 专业医疗机构答复说受精以后的发育是连续的。

    The medical professional bodies reply that development from fertilisation onwards is a continuum .

  10. 胚胎在羊膜腔中发育。

    The embryo lives in the amniotic cavity .

  11. 斯科特的肌肉萎缩,一条腿发育不完全,成了个瘸子。

    Scott 's muscle atrophied , his leg became stunted , and he was left lame

  12. 胚胎发育似乎主要受制于少数主导基因。

    Embryonic development seems to be controlled principally by a very small number of master genes .

  13. 儿童谈论或表达自己感情的方式取决于他们的年龄和所处的发育阶段。

    The way children talk about or express their feelings depends on their age and stage of development

  14. 如果这种基因存在,人类胚胎就会发育为男性。

    If the gene is present , a human embryo will go on to develop as a male .

  15. 人类发育较缓——在生命的各个阶段,我们都晚于其他哺乳动物。

    Humans experience a delayed maturity ; we arrive at all stages of life later than other mammals .

  16. 它的发育速度很快——更像猿,而不像人。

    Its rate of growth was fast — much more like that of an ape than that of a human .

  17. 她个子很高,而且比很多同龄女孩发育成熟。

    She is tall and more physically mature than many girls of her years .

  18. 这是身体发育成熟的时期。

    This is the period at which the body attains maturity .

  19. 粗劣的食物妨碍儿童的发育。

    Poor food arrests the natural growth of children .

  20. 这男孩子的嗓音在发育期开始变得粗声粗气。

    The boy 's voice is beginning to crack at the age of puberty .

  21. 婴儿发育情况良好。

    The baby is coming on well .

  22. 由于第一代病例仅为右眼虹膜缺损,故较支持中胚层迷走发育的理论。

    It is obviously autosomal dominant inheritance according to the pedigree .

  23. 颈卵器的早期发育在授粉后两周内就业已明显。

    Early archegonial development is already evident two weeks after pollination .

  24. 主要的畸形为对耳轮未发育。

    The basic deformity is a lack of development of the antihelix .

  25. 简正发育成一个身材苗条的女青年。

    Jane is developing into a fine figure of a young woman .

  26. 软骨发育不全女性盆腔器官脱垂的手术治疗。

    Surgical management of pelvic organ prolapse in a woman with achondroplasia .

  27. 只有少数林木可以从未授粉的胚珠发育成有活力的种子。

    Only a few forest tree species can develop viable seed from unpollinated ovules .

  28. 像大多数患有软骨发育不全症的侏儒一样,我的父母身高正常,我的兄弟也很正常。

    Like most achondroplasia dwarfs , I have two average-height parents , as well as an average-height brother .

  29. 脊椎动物的发育是进化史中最吸引人的一部分。

    The development of the backboned animals is one of the most fascinating parts of the story of evolution .

  30. 她当时不可能知道这一点,蚂蚁使用树叶在地下种植菌类来喂养正在发育的幼蚁。

    And she wouldn 't have known this at the time , but the ants use the leaves to farm fungi underground to feed their developing babies .