
fān yì
  • translate;interpreter;interpret;put ... into;turn ... into;render
翻译 [fān yì]
  • [translate;interpret] 用一种语言文字来表达另一种语言文字

  • [interpreter] 从事翻译的人

  • 在外交部当翻译

翻译[fān yì]
  1. 我不懂希腊语,于是迪娜主动给我翻译。

    I don 't speak Greek so Dina offered to translate for me .

  2. 你能为我翻译这封信吗?

    Can you translate this letter for me ?

  3. 考试包括一篇作文和一篇即席翻译。

    The exam consists of an essay and an unseen translation .

  4. 所有的合同都经过翻译,以避免公司间发生任何误解。

    All contracts are translated to avoid any misunderstanding between the companies .

  5. 他们擅自指定由我担任口头翻译。

    They volunteered me for the job of interpreter .

  6. 她的工作是科技翻译。

    She works as a translator of technical texts .

  7. 诗歌一经翻译总会失去某些东西。

    Poetry always loses something in translation .

  8. 诗歌大多翻译不好。

    Most poetry does not translate well .

  9. 这个句子翻译错了。

    The sentence had been wrongly translated .

  10. 原文的反语用法在翻译中丢失了。

    The irony is lost in translation .

  11. 此书在翻译过程中丢失了一些原意。

    The book loses something in translation .

  12. 她讲不了几句英语,所以她的孩子们得给她翻译。

    She couldn 't speak much English so her children had to interpret for her .

  13. 口译员们发现他说的话他们连一半都翻译不出来。

    Interpreters found they could not interpret half of what he said .

  14. 剧院将提供英语和汉语的同声翻译。

    The theatre will provide simultaneous translation in both English and Chinese .

  15. 女孩们等待埃施先生作翻译。

    The girls waited for Mr Esch to translate .

  16. 这些翻译是借助一本医学词典完成的。

    The translations were carried out with the assistance of a medical dictionary .

  17. 当一部书被翻译成另一种语言后,所有那些语言上的精妙之处就都丢失了。

    When a book goes into translation , all those linguistic subtleties get lost .

  18. 这个短语可能翻译自一个阿拉伯语常用表达。

    This phrase may well have been a rendering of a popular Arabic expression .

  19. 很多诙谐的成分都在翻译中丢失了。

    Much of the wit is lost in translation

  20. 女服务员几乎不会说英语,因此她丈夫跟着来给她做翻译。

    The chambermaid spoke little English , so her husband came with her to interpret

  21. 他不仅做法文翻译,有时也做些波兰语翻译。

    He translated not only from the French but also , on occasion , from the Polish .

  22. 我根本不懂意第绪语,所以请他来翻译。

    I couldn 't read or understand a word of Yiddish , so I asked him to translate .

  23. 把这首诗的头三节翻译成汉语。

    Translate the first three verses of the poem into Chinese .

  24. 虽然生病了,他还是积极地参与文件的翻译。

    Despite his illness , he remained actively engaged in translating documents .

  25. 他只会说德语,所以得有人给他翻译。

    He only spoke German so someone had to interpret for him .

  26. 这些诗不好翻译。

    These poems don 't translate easily .

  27. 翻译时设法把握住原文中难以捉摸的风韵。

    Try to catch the elusive charm of the original in translation .

  28. 要不要我来帮你翻译?

    Would you like me to interpret for you ?

  29. 他给我们当翻译。

    He serves as an interpreter for us .

  30. 他的翻译通顺易懂。

    His interpretation is coherent and intelligible .