
  • 网络subspecies;geographic subspecies;geographical subspecies;race
  1. 中华绒螯蟹与合浦绒螯蟹两地理亚种的线粒体DNA序列变异

    Mitochondrial DNA sequence variation in two geographical subspecies of the mitten crab Eriocheir japonica

  2. 根据pk-2井中的菊石属于地中海沿岸地理亚种这一事实,提出我国东部在白垩纪早期可能与特提斯海有某种联系。

    According to the fact that Holcophylloceras caucasicum found in pk-2well belongs to the geographic subspecies of Mediterranean coastal areas , it is suggested that there could be certain connection between East China and Tethys Sea during early Cretaceous period .

  3. i.taylorae(Petuch)4个地理亚种,不连续地分布于美国的东海岸和墨西哥湾沿岸,贝壳外表通常都有灰色、棕色、黄色、橙色、紫色、白色等不同的颜色。

    Various shell colors including gray , brown , yellow , orange , purple , and white are found at four subspecies .

  4. 黑琴鸡(Lyrurustetrix)生物学研究进展(Ⅰ)&地理分布、亚种分化、食性、生境选择及其行为

    Progress of Black Grouse ( Lyrurus tetrix ) Biology (ⅰ) Distribution , Subspecies , Diet , Habitation Selection and Behavior

  5. 该结果支持目前基于形态和地理分布的亚种划分。

    The results support the traditional taxonomy of leopard cat subspecies based on morphological characteristics and geographic distribution .

  6. 皖南肺吸虫第二中间宿主&溪蟹类的研究Ⅱ.地理分布和新亚种的发现

    Studies on the freshwater crabs as the second intermediate hosts of lung flukes from southern anhui , china ⅱ . species composition and zoogeographical distribution , with description of a new subspecies

  7. 中国狼的种内系统发育关系与亚种分化所以在以后对于褐背拟地鸦的地理种群变异和亚种分化的研究中,翅长和嘴高两特征应该根据雌雄分别讨论。

    The Phylogenetic Relationship and Subspecies Differentiation of Chinese Wolf Consequently , we intend to incorporate sexual phenotypic differences in a planned future study of geographical variation and subspecies differentiation in the brown ground chough .