
  1. 地球的环境已经受到很多的损害。

    Much harm has been done to the earth 's environment .

  2. 早期地球的环境变化和生命的化学进化

    The environmental change of the primitive earth and the chemical evolution of life

  3. 最大特点是它能改善整个地球的环境。

    The biggest character is it can improve the environment of the whole earth .

  4. 固体地球的环境变化响应

    Solid Earth Response to Environmental Variation

  5. 然而,因为全球气候变暖地球的环境温度日益升高。

    Meanwhile , because of global warming , the atmosphere on our own planet is getting too hot .

  6. 如果地球的环境不再适合许多生命物种居住,那么就随它去吧。

    if the environment is made inhospitable for a multitude of living species , then so be it .

  7. 污染意味着(指的是)用损害人类健康和降低人们生命质量的物质去破坏地球的环境。

    Pollution means contaminating the Earth 's environment with materials that harm people 's health and lower their quality of life .

  8. 请加入卡麦龙的行列,向一直从事于研发采取环保措施的宝马公司致敬,他们努力的创新致力于改善我们地球的环境。

    Please join cameron in saluting bmw for taking on this green initiative and their innovative efforts to improve the environment of our planet .

  9. 从建筑学的角度来探讨改善地球的环境问题,将是今后建筑界关注的一个重要课题。

    It will be an important subject in the building community to study the contribution to improving the earth environment from an angle of architecture in future .

  10. 到目前为止,我们用这种方法监视大地,海洋,冰川和云层已经有10个年头了,我们像医生检查病人生命特征一般记录着地球的环境变化。

    Now in its10th year of monitoring the land , oceans , sea ice and clouds , Terra tracks environmental change like a doctor monitors a patient 's vital signs .

  11. 无论我们选择开车、乘坐公共交通工具、步行还是骑自行车,都会直接影响我们呼吸的空气的质量、人类的健康和地球的环境质量。

    Whether we choose to go by car , public transport , walk or cycle has a direct impact on the quality of the air we breathe , our health and that of the planet .

  12. 地球的生态环境已经因为工业化引起的污染而受破坏。

    The ecological system of the Earth has been contaminated because of the industrial pollution .

  13. 在该系统内,水和食物可以进行再生循环,从而产生与地球类似的环境条件。

    Water and food can be recycled in the system , creating an earth-like environment .

  14. 有可能火星上的环境,非常像早期地球的生命环境。早期的火星,

    could there been environment that were very much like life environment on the early earth . Early mars ,

  15. 人类的生存发展完全仰赖于地球的资源环境,尤其是地理环境。

    Human survival and development is totally dependent on the resource and environment of the earth , especially geographical environment .

  16. Venditti博士认为,恐龙在5000万年前数量的减少导致它们更易受到小行星撞地球过后的环境大灾难影响。

    Dr Venditti believes that the dinosaurs ' 50 million year decline rendered them even more susceptible to the environmental catastrophe that followed the asteroid impact .

  17. 岩石圈以下的地幔和地核与大气圈以外的宇宙空间均为地球表层的环境。

    Earth 's core and the part of mantle under the lithosphere is the inner background of ESL and the astrospace outside atmosphere is its outer surroundings .

  18. 可是,经济发展对地球上的环境资源的利用及造成的环境污染,使得整个地球的生态系统随着污染的加剧越来越呈现出脆弱的迹象。

    However , because of the development of economy , the using of natural resource and pollutions make the whole biologic system of the plant become increasingly wake .

  19. 环境的破坏、污染的产生,使地球的生态环境失去了平衡,人类生存空间所存在的问题日趋严重。

    Destruction of the environment , production that polluted , make the ecological environment on the earth overbalance , the problem that the human living space exists is becoming more serious .

  20. 随着经济的快速发展,地球上的环境不断恶化,资源也面临枯竭的状况,人们开始将眼光转向可持续发展。

    Along with the fast development of the economy , the environment is continuously worsen , the resources also faces dried up condition . People start turning eyes on the sustainable development .

  21. 20世纪的经济发展,对地球的生态环境造成了极大的破坏,为此人类应该改变传统的经济观念,用生态经济的理念发展经济。

    20th century 's economic development has done great damage to the Earth 's ecological environment . In this case , human should change traditional economic idea , and develop economy under ecology idea .

  22. 进入21世纪,人类社会面临着一个重要的挑战&既要保证社会经济高速发展,又要保护和维持地球的生态环境。

    In 21 Century , human society facing an important challenge that not only the requirement for high speed development of social economy should be ensured but the nature resources should also be protected and kept .

  23. 地球表面的环境因子与植被在反馈与响应中形成动态平衡,但是这些平衡因种种原因而被不断打破,常常引发生态系统结构和功能的退变,使人类的生存环境不断恶化。

    Environmental factors and vegetation form a dynamic balance between feedback and response in the globe surface . But the dynamic balance was broken constantly by all kinds of causes , which changed the structure and function of the ecosystem , and deteriorated the living environment .

  24. 地面臭氧的含量变化对于地球上的生态环境和气候都有影响。

    Content of surface ozone influences the environment and meteorology on the earth .

  25. 自20世纪60年代以来,地球上的生态环境问题在不断恶化。

    Eco-environment problems have constantly deteriorated since the 1960s .

  26. 布隆伯格称,宇航员执行完一项长期的太空任务后,通常需要4周时间来适应地球上的重力环境。

    Bloomberg said it can take up to 4 weeks for astronauts to adapt to Earth 's gravity after long space missions .

  27. 他说现在过于强调气候改变是对地球产生威胁的环境退化问题的唯一形式。

    He says there is an over-emphasis on climate change as the only form of environmental degradation that poses challenges to the planet .

  28. 在近地球轨道的空间环境小,太阳电池除了可以利用直射的太阳光将光能转换为电能,也可以利用地球表面反射的太阳光进行发电。

    In the aerospace environment near the Earth , the solar cells can convert both solar radiation energy and the reflectance energy from the Earth into electric energy at the same time .

  29. 也就是说,当宇航员的大脑受到挑战,能处理感官上的矛盾,他们也就能更好地适应地球上的重力环境。

    In other words , when an astronaut 's brain has already been challenged to deal with sensory conflicts , it 's more prepared to deal with the transition back to Earth 's gravity .

  30. 宗萨钦哲仁波切最近于亚洲和北美的开示中,已促请学生要以简单、实用而直接的行动来保护地球和我们的环境。

    In his recent teachings in Asia and North America , Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche has been urging his students to take simple , practical , and direct action to protect the earth and our environment .