
zhǔ jī dàn
  • boil eggs
  • boiled egg
  1. 今天我们开始学习如何煮鸡蛋

    Today we will begin by learning to boil eggs .

  2. 她吃一个煮鸡蛋,喝一杯咖啡。

    She has a boiled egg and a cup of coffee .

  3. Vosshall说:蚊子在叮咬完了之后会留下蛋白质,可能这些热水就像煮鸡蛋一样使那些蛋白质变质了。

    The mosquitoes leave a protein on the skin , so it could be that the hot water cooks it , like cooking an egg , she suggested .

  4. 这是一种煮鸡蛋比较流行的做法。

    It is one of the popular ways to cook egg .

  5. 煮鸡蛋和煎蛋一样都是很经典的做法。

    Hard boiled eggs are just as classic as fried eggs .

  6. 米歇尔说,香蕉和煮鸡蛋让他生病。

    Michel says bananas and hard-boiled eggs make him sick .

  7. 这是为什么人们多少世纪以来都这样的煮鸡蛋。

    That 's how for centuries people cook egg because of that .

  8. 我听说,格伦决心要打破一分钟吃煮鸡蛋个数的世界纪录。

    A phonograph record designed to be played at45 revolutions per minute .

  9. 我要两个煮鸡蛋和两片面包。

    I 'd like two boiled eggs and two pieces of bread .

  10. 西红柿汁、不加糖的咖啡和两个煮鸡蛋。

    Tomato juice , black coffee and two boiled eggs .

  11. 每天早上,哥德费雷都会吃一个煮鸡蛋。

    Every morning Godfrey had a boiled egg for breakfast .

  12. 可是我确切地知道如何煮鸡蛋

    But I do know how to boil an egg .

  13. 不切实际的人甚至到连煮鸡蛋也不会。

    An impractical man can 't ever boil an egg .

  14. 作为零食,吃一个煮鸡蛋或橘子

    Eating a hard-boiled egg or an orange as a snack

  15. 我一高兴,又给了他两个煮鸡蛋。

    I was so glad that I gave him two boiled eggs .

  16. 温泉的热水可以煮鸡蛋。超小型直热式电子管

    Eggs boil by the heat of the spring . filamentary subminiature tube

  17. 当他们刚结婚,她几乎不会煮鸡蛋

    When they got married , she could barely boil an egg .

  18. 我是煎鸡蛋,还是煮鸡蛋呢?

    Shall I fry the eggs or boil them ?

  19. 您要的煎鸡蛋还是煮鸡蛋?

    Would you like your eggs fried or boiled ?

  20. 温泉的热水可以煮鸡蛋。

    Eggs boil by the heat of the spring .

  21. 煮鸡蛋她什么时候回来?

    Boiled eggs . When is she coming back ?

  22. 你早饭要吃煮鸡蛋吗?

    Do you want a boiled egg for breakfast ?

  23. 但是你有一个私人煮鸡蛋的。

    But you have a personal egg poacher .

  24. 吃煮鸡蛋对你的身体有好处。

    Eating boiled eggs will do you good .

  25. 你喜欢煎鸡蛋还是煮鸡蛋。

    Do you prefer eggs fried or boiled .

  26. 如果你煮鸡蛋,你需要一些因,和条件。

    If you cook an egg , you need a certain cause and condition .

  27. 如果他煮鸡蛋,他会使用手机上的计时器。

    If he was cooking eggs he would use the timer on his phone .

  28. 煮鸡蛋的水冒泡泡了。

    The water with the eggs was bubbling .

  29. 二十分之一的女性甚至连煮鸡蛋或煮早餐也做不好。

    One in 20 even messes up boiling an egg or preparing a cooked breakfast .

  30. 另一种简单的做法就是煮鸡蛋。

    Another simple way to cook egg .