
  1. 利奥:有的,每个房间都配备有煮茶的设施。

    Leo : Yes , there are tea-making facilities in every room .

  2. 霍克斯塔特太太在一个小电炉板上煮茶。

    Mrs hockstadt brewed tea on a little electric ring .

  3. 吃茶蛋江西南昌地区,端午节要煮茶蛋和盐水蛋吃。

    Eating Tea eggs in Nanchang Jiangxi area on the Dragon Boat Festival .

  4. 海格忙着给他们煮茶。

    Hagrid was bustling around making them tea .

  5. 你会煮茶吗?

    Can you make the tea ?

  6. 为避免在室内生炉子让屋内很热,你可以到户外,在太阳底下煮茶的!

    Avoid heating up the house with the stove and brew your tea in the sun instead !

  7. 一些地区,端午节要煮茶蛋和盐水蛋吃。

    Some areas will boil tea eggs and brine eggs to eat on the Dragon Boat Festival .

  8. 两名同事煮茶的时候酒店楼下的窗户被子弹或者炮弹弹片打碎了。

    The windows in the restaurant downstairs were shattered by a shot or shrapnel while two colleagues made tea .

  9. 钟面上写着“煮茶、喂鸡、你要迟到了”之类的话。

    Written around the edge were things like Time to make tea , Time to feed the chickens , and You 're late .

  10. 蒙古族喝的咸奶茶,用的多为青砖茶或黑砖茶,煮茶的器具是铁锅。

    The salty tea with milk uses green or black brick tea as its main material and an iron pot as the cooker .

  11. 人们常常这样说,哦,几年前他还是西城男孩的成员,如今他却在煮茶!是啊,我们也颇为感到惊讶。

    People kind of have this thing ' Oh , he was in Westlife a few years ago and now he 's making tea ' .

  12. 既然会喝茶,能喝好茶被视为“清福”,那煮茶实为惜福了。

    Being able to get and drink good-quality tea is regarded as " pure happiness " and boiling tea is actually " cherishing the happiness " .

  13. 可以煮茶服用或研磨成粉加少量到食物中,或整只煮汤食用。

    It is typically boiled in water to make a tea , ground into a powder and then sprinkled on food , or added whole to soups or stews .

  14. 这是昙花籽煮的茶。

    This is tea made from morning glory seeds .

  15. 新煮的茶和咖啡。

    Freshly brewed tea and coffee .

  16. 在奥利弗出生的济贫院里,科尼太太一个负责管事的寡妇在炉火旁煮着茶,忽听有人敲门。她皱起了眉头并大声喊着:进来。

    In the workhouse where O liver was born , Mrs Corney - the widow in charge - was making tea by her fire . When she heard a knock at her door , she frowned and called out sharply , ' Come in .

  17. 至于感冒,你可以喝些红糖煮的姜茶。

    For a cold , you can drink tea made of brown sugar and ginger .

  18. 煮过头的茶没人喜欢。

    Nobody enjoys over boiled tea .

  19. 煮半杯茶要四个小时,但对于大多数英国人来说这是必备的生命线。

    It will take four hours to boil half a cup , but for many Brits this is an essential lifeline .

  20. 虽然与同等剂量的咖啡相比,煮好的茶所含的咖啡因大约只有前者的一半,但依然足够起到午后提神的作用。

    Brewed tea has roughly half the caffeine of an equivalent volume of coffee , but it is still plenty for a mid-afternoon pick-me-up .

  21. 煮一壶薄荷茶,放在冰箱里。

    Brew a pot of peppermint tea , then stick it in the fridge .

  22. 兔子妈妈把他抱上了床,然后煮了一些甘菊茶,原来这是她给彼得煮的药!

    Him His mother put him to bed , and made some camomile tea ; and she gave a dose of it to Peter !