
píng bèi
  • of the same generation
平辈 [píng bèi]
  • [of the same generation] 同一代人

平辈[píng bèi]
  1. 岳阳柏祥方言中的亲属称谓词主要有“长辈”、“平辈”、“晚辈”三大类,经考证该方言称谓词有些沿用古代亲属称谓词。

    The appellation of the relatives are categorized into " elders "," of the same generation "," younger generation " in the dialect of Boxiang Town .

  2. 有面子其实也就是你在平辈(同辈)中很有身份。

    Face means having high status with your peers .

  3. 对上级谦恭是职责,对平辈谦恭是礼貌,对下级谦恭是高尚。

    To be humble to Superiors is Duty , to Equals Courtesy , to Inferiors Nobleness .

  4. 去教堂迟到在新西兰的库克群岛,一个年轻的女孩平辈不安地在里面。

    Late for church in New Zealand 's Cook Islands , a young girl peers anxiously inside .

  5. 不必说他暴烈的性格对身分高贵的人要不时爆发,即对他平辈或下级的人也有枉用的时候。

    Needless to say his violent character of the identity of the noble people at one point broke out , he Pingbei or lower-level people have used the time to Wang .

  6. 最后还有同族亲友、官场同僚和少时伙伴,这些人在平辈人升迁时更容易产生嫉妒。因为对他们来说,平辈的升迁不啻是在批评自己的身份,是在对自己进行指责。

    Lastly , near kinsfolks , and fellows in office , and those that have been bred together , are more apt to envy their equals , when they are raised .

  7. 首先是在性别区分上,既存在需要区分性别的,多以长辈为主,也存在不需要区分性别的,以平辈和下辈为主。

    First , in the gender distinction , there is need to distinguish between gender , much to the elders , there does not to distinguish the sex , much to the peers and offspring .

  8. 对株洲市城区平辈亲属称谓的调查结果表明,20世纪70-80年代改革开放以来,株洲市城区平辈亲属称谓由大多数称表(堂)兄弟姐妹转变为称兄弟姐妹。

    Results of the investigation of Appellation among relations of the same generation in the urban area of Zhuzhou show that the majority of the citizens have changed the appellation of their cousins into brothers and sisters since China 's Reform and Open-up policy in 1970s .