
tián diǎn xin
  • Sweet Dim sum;bun
甜点心 [tián diǎn xīn]
  • [bun] 一种通常为圆形或椭圆形的卷饼

甜点心[tián diǎn xin]
  1. 尽管我非常爱吃甜点心,尤其喜欢吃水果,但我决定还是不吃为好。

    Though I am fond of desserts , especially fruit , I chose not to have any .

  2. 孩子吃完了甜点心后又把盘子舔得干干净净。

    The child finished the dessert and then licked the plate .

  3. 我想尝尝甜点心。

    I 'd like to try some sweet dim sum .

  4. 在他们旁边,有一个焦急的糕点师傅在指导做甜点心。

    Beyond them , an anxious pastry chef supervised desserts .

  5. 恋爱与丑闻,是喝茶的最佳甜点心。

    Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea .

  6. 我们开始喝汤,最后吃甜点心。

    We started with soup and wound up with dessert .

  7. 这甜点心对我来说有点太甜了。

    The dessert was a bit sweet for my liking .

  8. 她对摆在面前的丰盛甜点心,垂涎欲滴。

    She smacked her lips over the rich dessert set before her .

  9. 她决定几天不吃甜点心。

    She decided to forgo dessert for a few days .

  10. 厚皮深盘苹果甜点心。

    Deep-dish apple dessert covered with a rich crust .

  11. 结婚是:汤比甜点心更佳的一顿饭。

    Marriage be a meal where the soup be better than the dessert .

  12. 这份甜点心真是再好没有了。

    This dessert is out of this world .

  13. 我来之前会吃甜点心。

    I '11 eat dessert before I come .

  14. 你们供应哪些甜点心?

    What kinds of dessert do you serve ?

  15. 加了厚厚的、深深陷下去的软垫。厚皮深盘苹果甜点心。

    Upholstered thickly and deeply . deep-dish apple dessert covered with a rich crust .

  16. 我的饭来了,是甜点心和山羊肘子。

    A meal was brought to me , of fool and boiled goat 's knuckles .

  17. 库柏:陈,再来点甜点心怎么样?

    How about some dessert , Chen ?

  18. 我们有蛋糕作甜点心。

    We had cake for dessert .

  19. 今天吃什么甜点心?

    What 's for pudding today ?

  20. 主人拿出各种美味甜点心和干果,款待客人。

    The owner took out a variety of delicious desserts and dried fruits in honor of the guests .

  21. 我们在食堂里美美地吃了一顿:有汤、主食和一道甜点心。

    We get a good meal in our canteen ; soup and a main meal and a sweet .

  22. 我没有时间吃甜点心了,不过在我吃完主菜以前也许你可以给我来杯咖啡。

    I shan 't have time for but perhaps you could bring a black coffee before I finish the main course .

  23. 对于把自己献给某个男人,贝西丝毫不感兴趣,正如她对于餐后甜点心不感兴趣一样。

    She had as little concern about giving herself to a man as she has about the dessert which follows the meal .

  24. 要甜点心的话,你可以点苹果馅饼、酪蛋糕、克力夹心蛋糕、淇淋和冰淇淋圣代。

    For dessert you will be offered apple pie , cheese cake , chocolate layer cake , ice cream and ice cream sundaes .

  25. 为了让孩子们能讲礼貌、努力工作、听她的管教,霍布斯太太并不反对使用甜点心作为一种激励。

    Lucy Hobbs was not opposed to using dessert as an incentive to good manners , hard work , and compliance with her rules .

  26. 自动售卖机很少会卖有营养的东西,而放在办公室厨房的食物通常是甜甜圈、甜点心或者糖果。

    Vending machines rarely offer any nutritional options , and the food that 's left in office kitchens is usually doughnuts , desserts or candy .

  27. 够了,不过,你不介意的话,我想再尝尝柠檬蛋白酥皮筒,我听到不少人谈起这道甜点心,我还从来没有吃过。

    I 'm really full , but I 'd like try the lemon meringue pie if you don 't mind . I 've heard a lot of people talk about it , but I 've never tasted it .

  28. Mark说要买一些做热狗和汉堡用的圆面包,就是bun,一种小而圆的甜面包或点心。Mark还要做一个potatosalad,土豆沙拉。

    Mark : We need to buy some buns for the hotdogs and hamburgers , and I 'm making potato salad .

  29. 不要吃太多浓酱汁、油炸食品和甜腻的油酥点心,因为这些食品的脂肪含量很高。

    Don 't indulge in rich sauces , fried food and thick pastry as these are high in fat .

  30. 我会吃披萨,汉堡,Twinkies,甜麦片,甜点心,甜甜圈,等等啦,你可以想象的。

    I would eat pizza and burgers and Twinkies and sugar cereal and desserts and donuts and ... well , you get the picture .