
  • 网络Sweet wine;dessert;Doux
  1. 麝香葡萄酒由麝香葡萄制成的浓郁的甜葡萄酒。

    A rich , sweet wine made from Muscat grapes .

  2. 这种甜葡萄酒是准备餐后饮用的。

    This sweet wine is intended to be drunk after a meal .

  3. 装瓶以后葡萄酒酵母也能在甜葡萄酒中生长。

    Wine yeasts can grow in sweet wines even after bottling .

  4. 您想要甜葡萄酒还是干白葡萄酒?

    Would you rather have sweet wine or dry wine ?

  5. 该产品便成为含酒精成分高的甜葡萄酒。

    Sulphite spirit The product is a sweet dessert-type .

  6. 他喝了一杯甜葡萄酒。

    He drank a glass of sweet wine .

  7. 是有道理的,小工具和资金将流入夏天一样甜葡萄酒时,这件事已经结束了。

    Makes sense , gadgets and money will be flowing like sweet summer wine when this thing is all over .

  8. 当甜葡萄酒的甜度具有果味,成熟的风味作为后盾也可称为丰富。

    Decidedly sweet wines are also described as rich when the sweetness is backed up by fruity , ripe flavors .

  9. 利用中途抑制发酵法可制得低酒精度的干型葡萄酒,也可制得糖度较高的甜葡萄酒。

    The use of halfway inhibition fermenting method could produce low-alcohol dry grape wine and sweet grape wine of higher sugar content .

  10. 湖南辛酉春荒(1921年)及成因之考察该产品便成为含酒精成分高的甜葡萄酒。

    A probe into the cause of the unprecedented famine in Hunan in the spring of 1921 ; The product is a sweet dessert-type .

  11. 如果糖浓度很高,那么在糖被全部消耗之前,酒精就会积聚并抑制发酵,因此就会制成一种甜葡萄酒。

    With higher levels of sugar , alcohol will accumulate and inhibit the fermentation before the sugar can be completely used , thus producing a sweeter wine .

  12. 从广义上来说,葡萄酒可分为两类:甜葡萄酒和干葡萄酒。常按葡萄的产地及生产者技术进行分类。

    All wines may be separated into two broad categories , sweet and savory , depending on the grapes , where they were grown and techniques of the producer .

  13. 这些葡萄酒在美国一瓶的售价要45美元以上(在英国看不到),显然比其它大多数德国甜葡萄酒要昂贵得多。

    And at $ 45 a bottle and up in the US ( invisible in the UK ), these wines are considerably more expensive than most sweeter German wines .

  14. 虽然强化葡萄酒总体来说可能最适合与巧克力搭配,但我的确在非强化甜葡萄酒中找到了一个很好的选择:匈牙利的托卡伊·阿苏(TokajiAszu)葡萄酒。

    While fortified wines in general may be the best choices for chocolate , I did find one sensational option among unfortified sweet wines : Tokaji Aszu from Hungary .

  15. 甜型葡萄酒中主要糖类、柠檬酸和乙醇的NMR定量研究

    Quantitative determination of main sugars , citric acid and ethanol in sweet wine by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

  16. 蜂蜜、甜型葡萄酒和桔子原汁中主要糖类及其它主成分的NMR定量研究

    Quantitative Study of Main Sugars and Other Main Ingredients in Honey , Sweet Wine and Raw Orange Juice by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

  17. 如今这儿仍种着一种名为玫瑰蜜(RoseHoney)的非酿酒用葡萄,云南另外一家葡萄酒厂——云南红葡萄酒厂(YunnanRed)——则把它酿制成了特甜红葡萄酒。

    here a non-vinifera variety called Rose Honey that is still made into distinctly odd sweet reds by the province 's only other winery , Yunnan Red .

  18. 由于我们带了水果,所以点了甜白葡萄酒。

    With the fruit , we ordered a sweet white wine .

  19. 每棵葡萄树只能生产一杯狄甘庄园贵腐甜白葡萄酒。

    Only one glass of Yquem 's wine is produced per vine .

  20. 基于层次分析法的天然甜型葡萄酒原料种植区划评价

    Evaluation on the Growing Areas of Natural Sweet Wine Material Based on AHP

  21. 对于女性更喜欢比较甜的葡萄酒这一成见她是如何看待的呢?

    What did she think of the stereotype of women liking sweeter wines ?

  22. 产于加那利群岛的一种甜白葡萄酒,类似马德拉白葡萄酒。

    A sweet white wine from the Canary islands , similar to madeira .

  23. 多数大学生喜欢甜型葡萄酒的口感,对于干型葡萄酒的口感接受程度普遍较低;

    Most university student liked the taste of sweet-type grape wine and refused the taste of dry grape wine ;

  24. 我国葡萄种植区域主要分布于北纬30~50度之间,大部分产区不宜生产天然甜型葡萄酒。

    Grape planting regions in China mainly distribute between north latitude 30o ~ 50o , most of the regions are unsuitable for natural sweet grape wine production .

  25. 甘美的(或味美的):形容柔软,粘稠,丰满圆润的葡萄酒;与丰富的红葡萄酒比起来更常用于甜白葡萄酒。

    Luscious ( or Lush ): Describes wines that are soft , viscous , fleshy and round ; more often associated with sweet white wines than rich red wines .

  26. 在甜白葡萄酒中一个区别于半干、半甜的是,甜葡萄酒没有一个确定的残糖范围。

    Among the sweet white wine one distinguishes often the semi-dry wines , mellow wines , and sweet wines without a proper range of residual sugars for each types .

  27. 本课题研究利用细胞固定化技术和中途抑制发酵相结合的工艺技术酿造低醇甜性葡萄酒,为革新酿造低醇甜酒工艺提供一定的参考。

    This paper studied on using cell immobilized technology and inhibiting fermentation process in midway to brew low alcohol sweet wines , and providing references for the technology innovation of low-alcohol wine brewing .

  28. 新天尼雅五星至尊赤霞珠干红葡萄酒、获得“2004亚洲葡萄酒质量大赛”金奖,新天尼雅霞多丽干白葡萄酒、新天尼雅霞多丽甜白葡萄酒荣获银奖。

    Xintian Niya five-star premier Cabernet Sauvigno dry red wine won the Gold Award in the2004 Asia wine quality competition , Xintian Niya Chardonney dry white wine and Xintian Niya Chardonney sweet white wine won silver award .

  29. 天然低醇甜型葡萄酒最大的特点就是营养丰富,酒精度低,酸甜适口,适合中国人的口感和饮食习惯,所以低醇甜性葡萄酒作为时尚健康饮品,市场前景非常看好。

    The biggest characteristic of natural low alcohol sweet wines is of rich nutrition , low alcohol , perfectly fruity taste , in harmony with sweet and sour , and fit for chinese diet habits , so low alcohol sweet wines is very promising as healthy drinks .

  30. 最甜的马德拉葡萄酒通常是用玛尔维萨白葡萄做成的,被称为“玛尔维萨甜酒”(malmsey),用它来搭配巧克力最合适。

    The sweetest Madeiras , generally made from the malvasia candida grape and labeled " malmsey , " are what you want with chocolate .