
  • 网络cyclamate;sodium cyclamate;sucralose
  1. 研究了测定食品中微量甜蜜素的毛细管柱气相色谱ECD分析方法。

    The determination of cyclamate in food by capillary column gas chromatography with electrical capture detector ( ECD ) is studied .

  2. 双柱GC-FID法检测腌制辣泡菜中甜蜜素

    Determination of the sodium cyclamate in pickled vegetable using two different polar columns by GC-FID

  3. 衍生HPLC法快速检测食品中微量甜蜜素含量

    Rapid determination of micro sodium cyclamate in food by HPLC with derivatization

  4. 方法分析所用时间短,结果准确可靠,选择性好,适用于维生素C泡腾片中甜蜜素含量的检验。

    The method is reliable and accurate , and was applied to the determination of sodium cyclamate in Vitamin C effervescent tablets with satisfactory results .

  5. 用R3N·SO3为磺化剂合成甜蜜素的新工艺研究

    Synthesis of Sodium Cyclamate Using R 3N · SO 3 as Sulfonating Agent

  6. 甜蜜素在0.0139~0.973μg范围内线性相关系数为0.9996,相对标准偏差为1.41%,回收率在98.6%~101.6%之间。

    To cyclamate the calibration curve was linear in the range of 0.0139 ~ 0.973 μ g with r2 as 0.9996 and RSD as 1.41 % and recovery rate between 98.6 % ~ 101.6 % .

  7. 通过对比实验,确定了饮料的最佳配方为(质量,g):酶解米露90,浸提芦荟汁10,复合稳定剂0.1,甜蜜素0.25,蜂蜜2.5。

    According to the contrastive experiments , the best formulation is 90 g rice distillate after enzymolysis , 10 g aloe juice after lixiviation , 0.1 g composite stabilizer , 0.25 g sweet element , 2.5 g honey .

  8. 优化后的工艺为:接种量4%、食盐4%、番茄汁5%、甜蜜素0.3g/k,20~25℃,发酵周期2d。

    Optimized craft was 4 % inoculate the deal , 2 % salt , 5 % tomato juice , 0.3g/kg sweet vegetable , 20 ~ 25 ℃ and ferment the period of 2 days .

  9. 介绍了一种复杂基质的食品中甜蜜素的快速气相色谱检测方法(GC-FID)。

    A simple method was described for the determination of sodium cyclamate in complex food , by gas chromatography with FID detection ( GC-FID ) .

  10. 方法:采用适当的样品处理方法,应用弱极性的HP-1毛细管柱取代填充柱检测食品样品中的甜蜜素。

    Methods : Using proper sample treatment method , applying non-polar capillary column ( HP-1 ) to replace packed column for the determination of sodium cyclamate in food .

  11. 国标GB2760-96《食品添加剂使用卫生标准》规定可用于食品加工的甜味剂包括甜蜜素、安赛蜜、甜味素、异麦芽酮糖醇、木糖醇、阿力甜等15种。

    There are15 kinds of sweet agents in food processing authorized in National Standard GB2760-96 Sanitary Standards of Using Food Additives .

  12. 柱前衍生液相色谱测定儿童食品中甜蜜素

    Determination of Cyclamate in Children Foods by HPLC with Pre-Column Derivatization

  13. 气相色谱法测定乳饮料中的甜蜜素含量

    The Application of Gas Chromatography Measure Sodium Cyclamate in Milk Beverage

  14. 复杂基质的食品中甜蜜素的检测方法

    The method for determination of sodium cyclamate in food with complex matrix

  15. 据悉,甜蜜素食用过多会伤肝。

    Consuming too much sodium cyclamate can harm the liver .

  16. 离子色谱法测定食品中的甜蜜素和苯甲酸

    Determination of sodium cyclamate , benzoic acid in food by ion chromatography

  17. 甜味剂&甜蜜素的合成技术与应用

    Synthetic technique and Application of Sodium Cyclamate as a Sweetener

  18. 对国标甜蜜素的测定方法进行改进;

    Makes the improvement to the GB code happy element determination method ;

  19. 食品添加剂监管热点和甜蜜素安全性探讨

    Food additives monitoring hot spots and investigate the safety of sodium cyclamate

  20. 蔗糖、甜蜜素与白酒对白蚁引诱效应的分析

    The Seduction of Cane Sugar , Sodium Cyclamate and White Wine to Termites

  21. 高效液相色谱柱前衍生法测定蜜饯中的甜蜜素

    Determination of Cyclamate in Preserved Fruits by High-performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Pre-column Derivatization

  22. 41批进口甜蜜素卫生质量调查分析

    An investigation and analysis of hygiene quality about 41 batches of imported sodium cyclamate

  23. 气相色谱-质谱法对不同食品中甜蜜素的测定

    GC-MS Determination of Sodium Cyclamate in Foodstuffs

  24. 食品中甜蜜素含量测定

    Measurement of Sodium Cyclamate in Food

  25. 自动淋洗-电导抑制离子色谱法测定食品中甜蜜素

    Determination of Sodium Cyclamate in Foods by Ion Chromatography with Eluent Generator and Suppressed Conductivity Detection

  26. 高脂固体食品中甜蜜素含量的毛细管气相色谱测定方法研究

    Research on test of sodium cyclamate in fat-rich solid food with method of capillary gas chromatography

  27. 通过正交试验对菌种接种量、食盐、番茄汁、甜蜜素的添加量进行了筛选优化。

    Pickles process craft in quantity of pure breed inoculation , salt , tomato juice and sweet vegetable with orthogonal design was optimized .

  28. 目的:建立快速测定香精香料复杂基体中甜蜜素添加量的方法。

    Objective : To establish a method for rapid determination of sodium cyclamate in food flavors and fragrances that are very complex substances .

  29. 本文介绍了汕头口岸1991年1~月份41批进口甜蜜素卫生质量调查情况。

    The report introduced the hygiene quality of the41 batches of sodium cyclamate which imported through Shantou port between the January and September in1991 .

  30. 结果表明,功能型风味中,鲜薄荷需经蒸汽杀青处理并加入2%的甜蜜素调味与茶叶风味较协调;

    As far as function flavor is concerned , the fresh mint was compatible with tea flavor after steamed and added with 2 % sodium cyclamate .