
  • 网络Common buckwheat;Fagopyrum esculentum;Fagopyrum esculentum Moench
  1. 近些年来,一些国外的科学家对甜荞(commonbuckwheatCB)中的过敏成分进行了研究。

    In the last few years , some foreign scientists have studied the allergic composition in common buckwheat ( CB ) .

  2. 采用硝酸铝比色法和HPLC的方法分别对甜荞与苦荞不同部位(粉、皮、壳、芽)的总黄酮、芦丁和槲皮素含量进行了分析。

    Total flavonoids , rutin and quercetin contents in buckwheat flour , bran , hull , and sprout were analyzed by HPLC and the colorimetric method .

  3. 用ISSR标记分析甜荞栽培品种的遗传多样性

    Analysis on Genetic Diversity in Common Buckwheat ( Fagopyrum esculentum Moench ) Based on ISSR Markers

  4. 而山西甜荞增加59%(P<0.01)。表明延长发芽时间可以提高荞麦中的类黄酮含量。

    Esculentum Moench was 33 % and 59 % higher than its original content ( P < 0.01 ) respectively , indicating that the content of buckwheat flavonoids could be raised by prolonging the time of germination .

  5. 甜荞矿物质元素含量丰富,锰含量为10.14,锌为21.2.铁为21.3,铬为2.5,钼为2.04,锗为3.8,铜为4.1,钙为172(单位均为ppm);

    The content of Fe is 21.3 , Mn is 10.14 , Zn is 21.2 , Gr is 2.5 , Mo is 2.04 , Ge is 3.8 , Cu is 4.1 and Ca is 172 ppm .

  6. 甜荞品种温度生态特性的研究

    A Study on Ecological Characters to Temperature of Sweet Buckwheat Varieties

  7. 不同施肥量对甜荞主要产量指标的影响

    Different Fertilization Influence the Yield Indexes of Sweet Buckwheat on Dingxi

  8. 甜荞麦秸中提取总黄酮的工艺研究

    Extraction Technology of Total Flavones from Stems and Leaves of Buckwheat

  9. 甜荞离体胚培养研究

    A Study on Embryo Culture of Common Buckwheat in Vitro

  10. 大孔树脂对甜荞麦壳类黄酮的纯化研究

    Study on purification of general flavonoids from buckwheat hulls with macroporous resin

  11. 甜荞品种内与品种间的遗传多样性研究

    Genetic Diversity within Cultivar Population and among Different Cultivars of Common Buckwheat

  12. 普通甜荞主成份分析

    The Principal Component Analysis of Common Buckwheat

  13. 研究表明:提高甜荞产量的关键在于提高甜荞的结实率;

    The result shows that increasing setting ratio is the key to increase sweet buckwheat yield .

  14. 苦荞与甜荞之间在氨基酸总量上无显著性差异。

    There are no differences of total amount of amino acids between bitter buckwheat and sweet one .

  15. 辐射诱变甜荞高产突变体过氧化物酶活性及其同工酶的研究

    Study on Peroxidase Activity and Its Isoenzymes of High yield Mutant in Radiation Breeding of Common Buckwheat

  16. 甜荞各分离蛋白清除活性氧自由基的研究

    The scavenging effect of fractionation protein from buckwheat ( fagopyrum esculentum moench ) on oxygen free radical

  17. 甜荞主要贮藏蛋白的分离纯化及功能特性研究

    Extraction , Purification and Functional Properties of main Protein from Buckwheat ( Fagopyrum Esculentum Moench ) Seeds

  18. 甜荞叶龄模式、叶片生长速度与叶形指数

    The Model of Leaf Age , Speed of Leaf Growth , and Index of Leaf Shape of Sweet Buckwheat

  19. 无论二倍体还是四倍体甜荞,其长花柱型花的花粉粒都比其对应短花柱型花的花粉粒要小。

    Esculentum , the long style type of flowers has smaller pollen grains than their corresponding short style type of flowers .

  20. 苦荞和甜荞麦粉及麦壳中总黄酮的提取和自由基清除活性

    Study on Extraction of Total Flavonoids from Powder or Husks of Different Cultivars of Buckwheat and Analysis on Their Free Radical Scavenging Activities

  21. 大田条件下试验观测甜荞西农9976和苦荞西农9920两种不同基因型荞麦开花至成熟期间主茎叶片衰老特性。

    Two different buckwheat genotypes were used to study characteristics of the leaf senescence at flower-set caulis nodes from flowering to maturing under field conditions .

  22. 目的:分析苦荞油、甜荞油中脂肪酸和不皂化物的构成及差异,寻找荞麦降脂功能成分。

    Objective : To analyse the composition and content of the fatty acid and unsaponifiable matters in both tartary buckwheat seed oil and buckwheat seed oil .

  23. 其推导的氨基酸序列与甜荞球蛋白、刀豆蛋白、甜橙柠檬素分别有93%、83%和57%的同源性。

    The protein sequence of TB allergenic protein shared 93 % and 83 % homology with those of globulin protein in CB and sword bean protein , respectively .

  24. 苦荞主要过敏原基因与甜荞22kD过敏蛋白、豆球类蛋白的核苷酸序列分别有95%和93%的同源性。

    Comparing this allergy from TB with those of common buckwheat ( CB ), it showed that this allergy in TB shared 95 % and 93 % nucleotide sequence homology with allergenic protein and legumin like protein in CB , respectively .

  25. 本文通过对不同品种荞麦种子萌发期及苗期生理特性的测定,发现北早生、右试甜荞1号、宁荞1号这三个荞麦品种较其他品种具有更强的抗旱性,值得生产应用。

    In this paper , we detected the seed germination and seedling physiological characteristics of different buckwheat varieties and found that BZ , YS and NQ had greater drought resistance than other varieties , it is worth for production and application .