
tián wèi
  • sweet taste
甜味 [tián wèi]
  • [sweet taste] 甜的味道

  • 米酒略带甜味

甜味[tián wèi]
  1. 在咖啡中加入牛奶或奶油,享受牛奶天然的甜味,这是从早上开始戒掉添加糖习惯的好方法。

    Adding milk or cream to your coffee and enjoying the naturally sweet taste of milk is a great way to kick the added sugar habit in the morning .

  2. 视觉分析法观察甜味刺激组及自身对照组的PET图像,比较有无差异。

    Using visual analysis to observe the PET images of sweet taste stimulation compared with those in the control state .

  3. 这有甜味儿。

    It tastes sweet .

  4. 用贮藏的一罐炼乳为茶添加了甜味。

    The tea was sweetened with a hoarded tin of condensed milk .

  5. 这种1985年酿制的陈年佳酿味道更醇厚,带有一种淡淡的焦糖甜味。

    The 1985 vintage has a stronger bouquet and slight caramelly flavour .

  6. 加一点蜂蜜或浓缩苹果汁或梨汁,让菜带点甜味。

    Sweeten dishes sparingly with honey , or concentrated apple or pear juice .

  7. 没想到荨麻这么好吃——很像菠菜,但带了点甜味。

    Nettles are surprisingly good — much like spinach but with a sweetish taste .

  8. 人工甜味剂山梨糖醇有通便作用。

    The artificial sweetener sorbitol has a laxative effect

  9. 让干葡萄发酵,直到糖分全部脱出,酒无甜味。

    The dried grapes are allowed to ferment until there is no sugar left and the wine is dry

  10. 这种橙汁饮品不含人造甜味剂。

    This orange drink contains no artificial sweetener .

  11. 软饮料中使用人造甜味剂。

    Artificial sweeteners are used in soft drinks .

  12. 其中约80%的谷物来自谷类作物例如大麦,另有约10%为小抉的根茎,包括百合的根茎,科学家们说,这会让啤酒带有甜味。

    The majority of the grains , about 80 % , were from cereal crops like barley , and about 10 % were bits of roots , including lily , which would have made the beer sweeter , the scientists say .

  13. 因此,她成功利用天然甜味剂制作了一种糖果,这种甜味剂可以减少口腔细菌。

    Consequently , she succeeded in making a kind of candy only using natural sweeteners , which can reduce oral bacteria .

  14. 举个例子,他的一个哈密瓜就让整个屋子充满了甜味,而且尝起来更甜。

    For example , just one of his cantaloupes filled the entire house with its sweet smell , and the taste was even sweeter .

  15. 这些含糖饮料中的糖分包括蔗糖、高果糖浆、或其他富含卡路里的甜味剂。

    Sugar in such sweetened beverages , or other caloric sweeteners .

  16. N乙酰D葡糖胺是一种具有许多生理活性的新兴甜味剂和重要的医药中间体。

    N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine is a new sweets and a significant pharmaceutical intermediate with lots of physiological activities .

  17. HPLC法测定酱油中的甜味剂

    Studies on Determination of Sweetening Agent in Soy Sauce by HPLC

  18. HPLC法同时测定果冻中的防腐剂、甜味剂

    Simultaneous determination of preservatives and sweetenings in fruit jelly by HPLC

  19. 甜菊糖是一种天然的强力甜味剂,它的二种组分&甜菊苷和甜菊双糖C苷有苦味和不愉快的后味,会显著影响甜菊糖的味质。

    Stevia sugar is an intense sweetener , and its two constitutents , stevioside and rebaudioside C have some bitterness and unpleasant aftertaste which greatly affect the sweetness .

  20. 甜味刺激与建立CTA间存在交互作用。

    The sweet taste stimulus interacted with the establishment of the CTA .

  21. Canary岛的一种带有甜味的白葡萄酒。

    A sweet white wine from the Canary Islands .

  22. 维加斯·罗瓦伊纳·唐·亚历杭德罗雪茄(VegasRobainaDonAlejandro),中等浓郁型,带有甜味及木质基调。

    Vegas Robaina Don Alejandro Medium bodied with sweet and woody undertones .

  23. 天然甜味剂甜菊糖具有较高的经济价值,其中最具开发价值的单体为莱鲍迪苷A(RA)。

    Natural sweetener stevia glycosides have high economic value , among which rebaudioside A ( RA ) is the most valuable of all .

  24. 一种无色的、有甜味的气体,N2O,在牙病治疗和手术中用作一种柔和的麻醉剂。

    A colorless , sweet-tasting gas , N2O , used as a mild anesthetic in dentistry and surgery .

  25. 罗汉果浓缩汁在食品中被广泛用作甜味剂,罗汉果苷V是其中最重要的甜味成分。

    Momordica grosvenori Swingle juice concentrated is used widely in food industry as a sweet additive , and mogroside V is the most important glucoside that attributes the sweet taste .

  26. 最后,研究人员招募了七名通常不使用人工甜味剂的志愿者,并在六天时间中,让他们摄入了美国食品与药品管理局(FoodandDrugAdministration,简称FDA)建议的糖精最大摄入量。

    Finally , they recruited seven volunteers who normally did not use artificial sweeteners and over six days gave them the maximum amount of saccharin recommended by the United States Food and Drug Administration .

  27. 指导员麦克·墨菲(MichaelMurphy)说,一些孩子建议提供成年人喜欢的独特的甜味剂,如龙舌兰。墨菲曾在电扬广告公司(Young&Rubicam)工作。

    Some suggested offering fancy sweeteners adults would enjoy , like agave , said instructor Michael Murphy , who has worked for the advertising agency Young & Rubicam .

  28. GAMG是一种新型的天然甜味剂,甜度约是GL的5倍。

    The sweetness of GAMG is about 5 folds of GL .

  29. 而且,DrPepperSnapple眼下正在三大市场中试验营销DrPepper、七喜和CanadaDry三种混合了甜叶菊和糖的纯天然甜味饮料。

    And Dr Pepper Snapple is currently testing three naturally sweetened versions of Dr Pepper , 7up , and Canada Dry , with stevia and sugar , in three markets .

  30. 短小杆菌酶促合成二肽甜味剂Aspartame

    Bacillus pumilus enzymatic synthesis Aspartame