
tián diǎn
  • dessert;sweets;confection;pudding;sweet snacks
  1. 这甜点从冰箱里拿出后即可食用。

    This dessert can be served straight from the refrigerator .

  2. 餐后甜点吃什么?

    What 's for dessert ?

  3. 甜点上加奶油或冰激凌。

    Desserts are served with cream or ice cream .

  4. 我今天没做甜点。

    I haven 't made a pudding today .

  5. 我今天没做甜点。

    I haven 't made a sweet today .

  6. 有什么甜点?

    What 's for pudding ?

  7. 到了上甜点的时候,斯科特显然已经喝醉了。

    Scott was obviously inebriated by the time the dessert was served .

  8. 你吃糖果、蛋糕或甜点吗?

    Do you eat sweets , cakes or sugary snacks ?

  9. 餐后甜点可以用一份新鲜水果代替。

    Desserts can be substituted by a portion of fresh fruit

  10. 这些甜点开始凝固时就可以加入辅料了。

    You can add ingredients to these desserts as they begin to set

  11. 我一直坚持用新鲜水果做甜点。

    I tend to stick to fresh fruit for pudding .

  12. 这是我会做的甜点中做得最成功的一种。

    This has been one of the most successful desserts in my repertoire .

  13. 甜点是威士忌口味的慕斯。

    The sweet was a mousse flavoured with whisky .

  14. 我偏爱加有新鲜水果的精致油酥甜点。

    I am partial to desserts that combine fresh fruit with fine pastry .

  15. 我唯一不满的就是连一道主菜和一份甜点都没有。

    My only gripe is that one main course and one dessert were unavailable .

  16. 他吃完甜点,拍了拍他的大肚子。

    He finished his dessert and patted his paunch

  17. 她用自制的冰激凌作饭后甜点。

    She had homemade ice cream for dessert

  18. 这家餐厅为客人提供免费甜点。

    The restaurant provides free desserts for guests .

  19. 甜点你可以选冰淇淋或苹果派。

    For dessert , you can have ice cream or apple pie .

  20. 饭后甜点我们要了冰激凌。

    We had ice cream for dessert .

  21. 或者为选择一份减半了的食物设立半份甜点的奖励,要求该甜点仅可在未来的某个日期使用。

    Or maybe the reward of a half-sized portion could be a half-sized dessert to be claimed only on a future date .

  22. 到了15岁时,他已经成为西尔万·贝利的学徒了。西尔万·贝利是巴黎最时尚的街区之一的一家很成功的面包店的著名甜点师。

    By age 15 , he had become an apprentice to Sylvain Bailly , a well-known dessert chef with a successful bakery in one of Paris 's most fashionable neighborhoods .

  23. 他还改良了舒芙蕾蛋奶酥——一道烘焙鸡蛋的甜点,并且引入了标准厨师制服——今天很多厨师仍然在穿戴同款的双排纽扣白大衣和很高的白色帽子。

    He also perfected the souffl é— a baked egg dish , and introduced the standard chef 's uniform — the same double-breasted white coat and tall white hat still worn by many chefs today .

  24. 在另一家餐厅,提供的所有菜肴和甜点都是3D打印的,而不是从农场送到餐桌上的。

    In another restaurant , all of the dishes and desserts it serves are 3D-printed , rather than farm to table .

  25. 有些人甚至带了甜点来分享。

    Some even brought desserts to share .

  26. 这样做出来的柔滑的"软冰淇淋"甜点马上就可以吃了。

    Out comes a " soft-serve " creamy dessert , to be eaten right away .

  27. 在接下来的几天里,他们发出邀请,为客人准备了甜点。

    Over the next few days , they sent out invitations and prepared desserts for their guests .

  28. 为学生提供早餐、晚餐和一份煮熟或打包的午餐(包括三明治、饮料和甜点)。

    Students are provided with breakfast , dinner and either a cooked or packed lunch ( which consists of a sandwich , a drink and a dessert ) .

  29. 灯光也很重要。当柏林餐馆的顾客在黑暗中用餐时,他们不知道自己吃了多少:那些分得特别多的人吃得比其他人都多,但他们一点也不知道自己是否感到饱,他们还是像往常一样准备吃甜点。

    Lighting matters , too . When Berlin restaurant customers ate in darkness , they couldn 't tell how much they 'd had : those given extra-large shares ate more than everyone else , but were none the wiser — they didn 't feel fuller , and they were just as ready for dessert .

  30. 来我们班,自己做甜点。

    Come to our class and make your own desserts .