
  • doughnut;Donut;Mister Donut
  1. 嗯,Ed跟Tom打赌,他绝对吃不下一个从厕所取出的甜甜圈。

    Well , um , Ed bet Tom that he wouldn 't eat doughnut out of the toilet .

  2. 卡梅伦等待了10分钟还没买到咖啡,于是卡梅伦的助手赶紧到隔壁Warrens面包店买了一个果酱甜甜圈和一杯热茶拿给饥肠辘辘的首相。

    After a ten-minute wait , Mr Cameron 's aides popped to Warrens bakery next door to buy the peckish premier a jam doughnut and a cup of tea .

  3. 带一盒甜甜圈去办公室分享。

    Bring a box of doughnuts to share at the office . 22 .

  4. 我想吃甜甜圈!

    I want to eat a donut .

  5. 国际热核反应堆就是我们所熟知的托克马克装置。当Zeta反应堆开始工作的时候,俄国人就发明这个形状像甜甜圈的家伙。

    ITER is what is known as a tokamak , a doughnut-shaped device invented in Russia at about the same time Zeta was active .

  6. 甜甜圈汉堡-KrispyKremeburgers:芝香四溢的芝士堡叠在两个甜甜圈中间。

    oozing cheeseburger tucked between two doughnuts .

  7. 但令消费者组织担心的是,最近拟定的草案很弱,例如其中竟允许甜甜圈(doughnuts)等食品宣称有益健康。

    Consumer organizations are concerned that the most recent draft was very weak – allowing foods such as doughnuts to make claims , for example .

  8. 昨晚,我的朋友安迪和我一起去买甜甜圈,我说那些甜甜圈太好吃了,我真想嫁给它,所以我当笑话发到Facebook上的。

    Last night , my friend Andy and I , we went to go get cronuts , and I said that they were so amazing , I wanted to marry one , so I posted it on facebook as a joke .

  9. 一旦了解了彼此,就透露一些缺点,比如你想吃得健康营养,却又不停地吃Dunkin’甜甜圈。

    Show vulnerability once you get to know each other , like how you try to eat better but keep hitting Dunkin ' Donuts .

  10. 一个恰当的例证是cronut(上图所示):一种把甜甜圈和羊角面包混合在一起的食物。

    Case in point : the cronut ( see above ) & a doughnut / croissant hybrid .

  11. 意大利人做chiacchiere。那是一种用蜂蜜浸透的面团、炸过再撒上糖霜吃;波兰、匈牙利和荷兰人吃甜甜圈。

    Italy has chiacchiere , which are honey-drenched balls of pasta dough fried and dusted with powdered sugar .

  12. 小宝宝贝拉首次出现在这本期刊上是在2011年,不过那会儿她的名字是“甜甜圈宝宝”(BabyDonuts),因为她的父母于2010年12月将她留在上海一家Dunkin’Donuts门店外面。

    Baby Bella made her debut in this magazine in 2011 , under a different name , " Baby Donuts , " given for the Dunkin " Donuts outlet where her birth parents chose to leave her in December 2010 .

  13. 果酱甜甜圈(Jelly-filleddoughnuts)原产于德国,是一种在欢庆新年除夕与大斋节(Lent)前狂欢时吃的传统甜点(译注:大斋节,自圣灰星期天开始至复活节前的40天,在此期间进行斋戒和忏悔)。

    Jelly-filled doughnuts ( with no doughnut hole ) originated in Germany , where they were traditionally eaten to celebrate New Year 's Eve and the carnival days before Lent ( Rose Monday and Shrove Tuesday ) .

  14. 我会吃披萨,汉堡,Twinkies,甜麦片,甜点心,甜甜圈,等等啦,你可以想象的。

    I would eat pizza and burgers and Twinkies and sugar cereal and desserts and donuts and ... well , you get the picture .

  15. 唐恩都乐(Dunkin'Donuts)在2013年推出了釉面甜甜圈早餐三明治——釉面甜甜圈夹熏腌肉和辣椒炒鸡蛋——解决了这样一个让早餐爱好者永远都难以抉择的难题。

    Dunkin ' Donuts ( DNKN ) solved this eternal struggle for breakfast lovers in 2013 with the creation of its Glazed Donut Breakfast Sandwich , comprised of bacon and a pepper-fried egg nestled between two sides of a glazed doughnut .

  16. 甚至有些像邓肯甜甜圈(Dunkin'sDonuts)的服务员为你递上你点的甜甜圈、回家路上正好遇上绿灯这样的事都足以让你开心,这真的是对我们生命造成影响的一些小事情。

    Even something as simple as the guy at Dunkin ' Donuts getting your order right and then hitting every green light on the way home from work will be enough to cheer you up . It really is the little things in life that make a difference .

  17. 除了特浓咖啡,我还点了焦糖味的kouign-amann,它来自布列塔尼,像是蝴蝶酥和羊角面包的结合,经常被与羊角甜甜圈(Cronut)相提并论。

    Along with my espresso , I had a kouign-amann , a caramelized cross between a palmier and a croissant that comes from Bretagne and has been positively compared with the Cronut .

  18. 吃苹果,南瓜派,糖果,甜甜圈。

    Eat apples , pumpkin pie , candy , and donuts .

  19. 我们将手提供甜甜圈到您的主页。

    And we are going to hand-deliver doughnuts to your home .

  20. 相反,甜甜圈上面的生活则是我们的学习区。

    Conversely , life on the donut reflects our learning zone .

  21. 我有点为甜甜圈的事后悔了。

    I feel a little bad about the donut thing now .

  22. 但这可是世界上最赞的甜甜圈说!

    But it 's the best donut in the world !

  23. 我可以要杯咖啡和一个甜甜圈吗?

    Could I have a coffee and a doughnut please ?

  24. 甜甜圈洞里面的生活代表我们的舒适区。

    Life inside the donut hole represents our comfort zone .

  25. 常常带来甜甜圈在他们分手之前。

    Used to bring donuts around before they broke up .

  26. 我想你真的很想吃些甜甜圈。

    Eden : I think you really want to eat some donuts .

  27. 我一年中大部分时间就像个光滑的甜甜圈。

    I was like a glazed doughnut for most of the year .

  28. 梅拉妮吃许多果冻甜甜圈会让你的腰围变大

    Melanie , eating lots of jelly donuts makes your waistline grow .

  29. 尼克在回家途中发现了一家新开的甜甜圈店。

    Nick found a newly opened doughnut store on the way home .

  30. 那一次他居然带着几个甜甜圈出现在了门口!

    He turned up at the door with a couple of doughnuts !