
niànɡ zào jiǔ
  • brew
  1. 探讨了竹叶黄酮(Ebl)作为一种生物黄酮类营养强化剂和抗氧化剂在酿造酒中的应用效果。

    The effect of bamboo - leaf - flavonoids ( Ebl ) as bio - flavone kinds of nutrition fortifier and antioxidant in the brewed wine was probed in this paper .

  2. 《酿造酒工艺学》课程教学改革与探索

    Teaching Reform and Exploration of the Course : Brewing Technology

  3. 酿造酒的激光拉曼光谱

    Laser Raman spectroscopy of liquor

  4. 事实上,有些成员会酿造酒精度超过14%的葡萄酒。

    In fact , some of the members do make wines that clock in above 14 % alcohol .

  5. 酿造酒的独特风味、质量与酒曲中的微生物密切相关。

    The specific flavor and high quality of liquor is closely related to the microorganisms in distiller 's yeast .

  6. 介绍了《酿造酒工艺学》课程教学改革的内容和方法及取得的成效。

    The content and method of teaching reform of the course : Brewing technology , and the results achieved were introduced .

  7. 中国是酒的故乡,是酒文化的发源地,也是世界上最早酿造酒的国家之一。

    China is the hometown of wine , the cradle of wine culture , and one of the first winemaking countries in the world .

  8. 配制酒是以蒸馏酒或酿造酒、食用酒精为酒基,采用外加呈色、呈香、呈味物质生产的白酒。

    Blending liquor is the liquor produced through the addition of aroma-producing substances , color-producing substances and flavor-producing substances in distilling liquor , or brewing liquor or edible alcohol as base liquor .

  9. 窖池的退化是酿造优质酒生产的一个重大技术阻碍。窖池中铁离子、钙离子过多积累,酒醅pH过低和工艺管理不善等均会引起窖池老化。

    Pit degeneration , as one of the most important technological factors which stunted the production of quality liquor , was due to excessive accumulation of ferric ion and calcium ion , comparatively low pH value of fermenting grains and inappropriate management .

  10. 分别加入安琪活性干酵母、丹宝利活性干酵母和Y1酵母酿造草莓酒。

    Then fermentation experiments were conducted by using Angel active dry yeast , Danbaoli active dry yeast and Y1 yeast respectively to produce strawberry wine .

  11. 一株酵母菌酿造柿子酒的发酵特性及其序列鉴定

    Fermentation Characterization of a Strain on Making Persimmon Wine and Sequence Identification

  12. 生料法酿造不同酒之工艺参数

    Technical parameters for different wine brewing with uncooked materials

  13. 本文不同意这种观点,认为人工酿造的酒是流不是源。

    We think that man-made liquor is not the source but the branch .

  14. 酿造苹果酒是很多农民的一项副业。

    Cider making was a sideline for many farmers .

  15. 味美思酒及其他加植物或香料的用鲜葡萄酿造的酒。

    Vermouth and other wine of fresh grapes flavoured with plants or aromatic substances .

  16. (玻利尼西亚人的)由卡瓦灌木芬芳的根酿造的酒。

    ( Polynesian ) an alcoholic drink made from the aromatic roots of the kava shrub .

  17. 每公顷土地上葡萄产量大约为130公斤,而实际所酿造的酒约占60%。

    The production of grapes is130 quintals per hectare , with a60 % yield of wine .

  18. 每位农业生产者都是一名化学家,要为不同的土壤选择适当的作物,要将水果酿造成酒,将牛奶提炼成奶酪;

    Every agriculturist is a chemist , matching soil types with the right crops , transforming fruit and milk into wine and cheese ;

  19. 将菊花与粮食共同酿造成酒,常饮菊花酒据说能够延年益寿。

    Chrysanthemums represented longevity in the past , and the wine made from chrysanthemums and certain grains was said to be able to prolong one 's life .

  20. 这些和蔼可亲的战士们很少找别人麻烦,相反的,为了那些敢于喝他们酿造的酒的人们,熊猫人更喜欢把自己的精力放到调制的可口的新饮料上。

    These affable warriors rarely seek out danger or trouble , preferring instead to spend their time concocting new and tasty beverages for any brave enough to imbibe them .

  21. 新工艺酿造的酒优于传统工艺的贮藏时间为5~6个月。

    The new technology of brewing wine was better than the traditional technology for the quality of irradiated wine . The proper storage time after irradiation was 5 ~ 6 months .

  22. 此酒选用澳洲猎人谷葡萄酿造,酒体颜色适中,散发浓郁的黑莓香味,具有良好的酒体结构,口感圆润,余味悠长。

    This wine is brewed from the grapes from Australian Hunter Valley , with moderate wine color , rich blackberry flavor and nice liquor structure , giving you wonderful taste and long aftertaste .

  23. 目前,以浓缩果汁为原料酿造苹果酒的研究工作取得了成功,为苹果的深加工开辟了一条新途径,大大提高了苹果的附加值,具有良好的经济效益和社会效益。

    At present , the study on cider which is brewed with concentrated juice has succeed and a new way to improve the apple extra value has been established , which has good economic and social benefits .

  24. 我国是猕猴桃生产大国,但是我国猕猴桃的深加工产业还很落后,酿造猕猴桃酒是解决这一问题的有效途径。

    China is a large Kiwifruit producer in the world , but the intensive processing industries of Kiwifruit in China are still backward , and to brew Kiwifruit wine is a very effective way for solving this problem .

  25. 阿根廷表示,中国今年将向其高粱开放市场,这将给美国农民带来竞争。迄今美国农民是中国需求激增的主要受益者。高粱通常用于酿造蒸馏酒。

    China will open its markets to Argentine sorghum this year , according to Argentina , creating competition for the US farmers who have been the main beneficiaries so far of a surge in Chinese demand for the grain normally used to make distilled alcohol .

  26. 原生质体融合菌株F6酿造蜂蜜桑椹酒的发酵条件优化

    Optimization of the Fermentation Conditions of Honey-mulberry Wine with Fusant F_6

  27. 酩悦轩尼诗发言人向葡萄酒杂志《品醇客》(Decanter)表示,这是首次款按照法国传统工艺在中国酿造的香槟酒。

    A Mo ë t spokesperson told wine magazine Decanter that this will be the first sparkling wine made in China using the traditional French methods .

  28. 结果表明,融合子F6和F10具有发酵能力强、风味优良的双亲优点,为适合酿造蜂蜜桑椹酒的酵母菌株。

    These results suggested that fusants F6 and F10 have both parents advantages and are suitable for brewing honey-mulberry wine .

  29. 酒水方面,不妨避开广场上专坑游客的黑店,到角落位置的Baràvin看看,这是一间气氛欢快的红酒吧,可以品尝一杯当地的黑洞山酒庄(Mont-Redon)酿造的中等酒体红葡萄酒(4.50欧元)。

    For drinks , avoid the square 's tourist traps and instead go around the corner to Bar à vin , a cheerful wine bar , for a glass of medium-bodied local Mont-Redon red ( 4.50 euros ) .

  30. 我认为,我们也都应该酿造自己的酒。

    I think we should all make our own wine too .