
niàng zào
  • brew;make;make vinegar,wine,etc.
酿造 [niàng zào]
  • [brew;make vinegar,wine,etc.] 原专指酿酒。后也指利用发酵作用制造醋、酱油等

酿造[niàng zào]
  1. 作为开脱的理由也罢,应该指出酿造举世无双的葡萄酒并没有什么实际的好处。

    In mitigation , it should be pointed out that there wasn 't much incentive to make world-beating wine .

  2. 指挥此次发掘工作的考古学家迭戈•巴坎(DiegoBarkan)认为,这个古代大陶瓷盆原来就是酿造啤酒用的。

    According to archaeologist Diego Barkan , who directed the excavation , the large ceramic basins were used to make ale .

  3. 这种啤酒是在捷克共和国酿造的。

    The beer is brewed in the Czech Republic .

  4. 这家工厂用蒸馏法酿造瓶装威士忌酒。

    The factory distils and bottles whisky .

  5. 该岛当前的经济发展主要归功于蒸馏法酿造威士忌酒行业。

    The island 's present economy owes a good deal to whisky distilling

  6. 这种加工过程可酿造出果香更加浓郁的葡萄酒。

    The process results in a much fruitier wine .

  7. 一些上好的葡萄酒就是在这个地区酿造的。

    Some superlative wines are made in this region

  8. 伊登堡酿酒厂以传统酿制方式酿造啤酒。

    The beer is brewed in the time-honoured way at the Castle Eden Brewery .

  9. 在陶尔米纳山高处的莫罗堡,你可以品尝那里酿造的著名的杏仁酒。

    In Castel Molo , high above Taormina , you can sample the famous almond wine made there .

  10. 这几种酒都是用葡萄酿造的。

    These wines are all made from grapes .

  11. 葡萄酒是从葡萄中挤汁酿造的。

    Wine is made by expressing the juice from grapes .

  12. 酒存放在橡木桶中酿造。

    The wine is left to mature in oak barrels .

  13. 九世纪关于酿造的参考材料中首次提到这一点。

    This was first mentioned in reference to brewing in the ninth century .

  14. 今天,研究人员在有着5000年历史的啤酒酿造设备的残留物中发现了一种惊人的成分。

    Now , researchers have found a surprising ingredient in residue from 5,000-year-old beer brewing equipment .

  15. 这些容器的不同形状表明它们是用来酿造、过滤和储存啤酒的。

    The different shapes of the containers suggest they were used to brew , filter , and store beer .

  16. 在生意好的时候,这家酿造厂曾经雇佣过20人。

    When business was good , the brewery employed 20 people .

  17. 原生质体融合菌株F6酿造蜂蜜桑椹酒的发酵条件优化

    Optimization of the Fermentation Conditions of Honey-mulberry Wine with Fusant F_6

  18. MC法酿造佳美葡萄酒工艺技术研究

    Study on the production technology for gamey wine by carbonic maceration

  19. 曲霉菌的RAPD分析及其在酿造工业中的应用

    RAPD analysis of Aspergilli and its application in brewing industry

  20. 猕猴桃酒酿造的最佳工艺参数为发酵温度20℃,接种量10.3%,pH值3.6;

    The optimized processing parameters are 20 ℃ of fermentation temperature , 3.6 of pH value and 10.3 % of inoculum volume .

  21. 以相同原料配比,用下面发酵法酿造60、65、70、75、80与100°P啤酒。

    With the same ratio of raw materials , 6.0 , 6.5 , 7.0 , 7.5 , 8.0 , and 10.0 ° P beers were brewed by bottom fermentation .

  22. HACCP在酿造酱油工艺中的应用探讨

    Study on application of HACCP in fermentation sauce

  23. 用原子吸收光谱法对济南市区酿造厂生产的市售调味品,随机采集13个品牌进行Ca、Fe、Zn含量的测定。

    The contents of Ca , Fe and Zn in 13 kinds of flavourings randomly sampled from Jinan Brewery were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry .

  24. 在商界,德国保时捷(porsche)和法国顶级葡萄酒酿造厂生产世界顶级的产品。

    In business , Porsche of Germany and the best wineries in France produce world-class products .

  25. 通过对酿造酱油的生产工艺过程进行危害分析,从而建立起HACCP计划表。

    The HACCP project form can be drawn up by hazard analysis of the process of production technology of soy sauce .

  26. 本文利用电子自旋技术(ESR)考察了啤酒酿造各阶段,包括糖化、煮沸、发酵、过滤中自由基的形成与变化情况。

    Brewing process including mashing , boiling , fermentation and filtration was studied by electron spin resonance ( ESR ) method in this paper .

  27. 形成因素有:原料麦芽质量、酒花、酿造用水含Fe2+高;麦汁的煮沸强度、煮沸时的pH值;

    Its formative factors include the quality of malt and high contents of Fe 2 + in hops and brewing water , the boiling intensity of wort and its pH values , and brewing techniques etc.

  28. 采用SDS-PAGE电泳,对青岛啤酒酿造过程中的可溶性蛋白质变化进行了动态的跟踪。

    The dynamic change of protein during Qingdao beer brewing was detected by SDS PAGE with an aim of understanding protein better at producing scale .

  29. 麦戈文与特拉华州的角鲨头啤酒坊(DogfishHeadBrewery)合作,复原了这个古代配方,用它酿造了一种名为“贾湖城”(ChateauJiahu)的饮料。

    Mr. McGovern worked with Dogfish Head Brewery in Delaware to recreate that recipe in a beverage known as Chateau Jiahu .

  30. 结果表明,KD酵母发酵速度快、产酸量低、产酒精率高、且原酒风味好,适合陕西红果2号桑葚酒的酿造。

    The result indicated that KD yeast had the characteristics of rapid fermentation speed , low content of acid , high ratio of ethanol production and good flavor .