
dàn huánɡ
  • light yellow
  1. 亮绿SF淡黄的合成

    Synthesis of brilliant green SF light yellow

  2. 金黄淡黄深红加带环。

    Golden yellow , light yellow , crimson , and ring on .

  3. 她的面色一点不改,可是斯悦辛人的淡黄眼睛瞪了起来,就好像突然触见了什么事情而痛苦似的。

    There was no change in her face , but swithin 's pale eyes bulged as though he might suddenly have been afflicted with insight .

  4. 亮绿SF(淡黄)与蛋白质相互作用的光度法研究及其分析应用

    Spectrophotometric study on interaction of light green SF ( yellowish ) with protein and its analytical application

  5. 光学显微镜观察结果显示:驯鹿狂蝇蛆1龄幼虫大小为(2·45±0·03)mm×(0·74±0·01)mm,淡黄白色,纺锤形;

    The optical microscope observation on Cephenemyia trompe showed that the first instar larvae are ( 2.45 ± 0.03 ) mm ×( 0.74 ± 0.01 ) mm , yellowish-white , spindle-shaped .

  6. 并且观察舌质及舌苔的各项特征。[结果]平均舌色落在Lab色彩空间中偏淡红色且明度偏暗,舌苔是落在偏淡黄的位置上。

    And to observe the characteristics of the tongue and the coating on the tongue . Results : Average color of the tongue on the position of subdued red in the Lab color space and brightness dim , the tongue falls subdued yellow .

  7. 中性盐雾腐蚀(NSS)试验表明,采用该工艺可获得耐蚀性与低Cr钝化相当的具有较为均匀的淡黄或浅蓝色钝化膜。

    Results of Neutral Salt Spray tests show that , an uniform pale yellow or light blue passivation film with corrosion resistance corresponding to that by chromate treatment is formed on the surface of galvanized steel by the molybdate treatment .

  8. 在pH2.0的B-R缓冲介质中,蛋白质与亮绿SF(淡黄)(LGSF)在室温下结合生成复合物,其最大吸收波长为665nm。

    In the britton-robison medium with pH 2.0 , light green SF ( yellowish ) can bind with protein at room temperature to form a complex , which has a maximum absorption wavelength at 665 nm .

  9. 欧亚大陆栽培的一种灌木,花淡黄白色、成对生,果实深红色。

    Cultivated Eurasian shrub with twin yellowish-white flowers and scarlet fruit .

  10. 结果:制备的含漱液为淡黄绿色澄明液体;

    RESULTS : The prepared gargle was light green yellow clear liquid .

  11. 本品为淡黄绿色或黄绿色澄明液体。

    Description The product is a slight yellowish-green or yellowish-green clear liquid .

  12. 品种群Ⅲ皮色多为白色。顶芽色在品种群Ⅰ中有淡黄、黄和橘黄三色;

    White-yellow and yellow were the colors of Group II ;

  13. 有金丝雀一样的颜色;介于淡黄到中等黄之间。

    Having the color of a canary ; a light to moderate yellow .

  14. 呈现明亮的淡黄绿色。

    Wine presents bright colors of slight yellow green .

  15. 我已经选定左起第2个(淡黄棕色那个)。

    I have chosen the2nd one from the left ( creamy brown ) .

  16. 淡黄杜鹃植物挥发油化学成分的研究

    Chemical constituents of the essential oil from Rhododendron flavidum

  17. 研究表明,该区的碳酸盐岩主要以结壳、烟囱的形式出现,结壳的裂隙或孔洞中常常充填有淡黄-白色的文石晶体。

    Authigenic carbonates in the area occur in the form of crusts and chimneys .

  18. 与对照相比,淡黄绿叶色突变体的光呼吸速率较低。

    Compared with control , the photorespiration rate of mutant is lower . 2 .

  19. 而是衰老,衰老,一片淡黄泛白的

    But old , old , a yellowish white

  20. 比如淡黄或淡蓝。

    Could you print the label in some light colors such as yellowish or bluish ?

  21. 智利此酒呈淡黄微绿色调,具有柑橙类水果和白梨等特征的浓郁香气。

    It has intense perfumed aromas , dispalying notes of citrus fruits and white peaches .

  22. 皮色淡黄,很长的睫毛,眼神极好。

    My father had a thin , shallow face with long eye-lashes and kindly eyes .

  23. 旧大陆一个草本属,总状花序;木犀草;淡黄木犀草。

    Old World genus of herbs having racemose flowers : mignonette ; dyer 's rocket .

  24. 淡黄黄牛正面劳动手套革

    Light yellow cow leather for working gloves

  25. 成品果酒色泽淡黄、清亮透明、荔香馥郁、醇和适口,酒精度11度,营养丰富,典型性突出。

    A unique yellowish transparent fragrant and nutrient litchi wine of 11 degrees was thus produced .

  26. 东印度灌木,特别为装饰而种植,有淡黄到深紫色的花。

    East Indian shrub cultivated especially for ornament for its pale yellow to deep purple blossoms .

  27. 银杏粉产品具有色泽淡黄、质地均匀、冲调性好的特点。

    The ginkgo powder has the characteristics of faint yellow color , uniform texture and good soakage .

  28. 结果表明,在基本理化性质方面,精制竹醋液较竹醋液原液更加透明,其色泽淡黄接近无色;

    The results show that refined bamboo vinegar is more transparent and rarely achromatous than original bamboo vinegar .

  29. 北美东北部草本植物,有淡黄白色的花串;有时归为福王草属。

    Herb of northeastern North America having drooping clusters of yellowish-white flowers ; sometimes placed in genus prenanthes .

  30. 海绿、淡蓝和淡黄这些颜色也非常适合你营造浪漫的氛围。

    Watery colors , such as sea-greens , light blues and yellows create the perfect atmosphere for you .