
  • Alcohol Content;vol
  1. 乳清多肽酒的最优发酵条件:接种量5%、起始pH7.5、温度22℃、发酵60h,酒精度可达到3.9%。

    The optimum conditions for the fermentation of whey poly-peptides by yeast were inoculums 5 % , initial pH 7.5 , at 22 ℃ for 60 h , and alcohol content reached up to 3.9 % .

  2. 对活性干酵母在不同刺梨原汁含量的发酵液中产生酒精度进行了研究。

    Studies have been conducted to the alcohol production of active dry yeast in different concentrations of Rosa roxburghii Tratt fermentation liquid .

  3. 随着酒精度、发酵度的升高,TFP含量显著下降。

    The content of TFP decreased as alcohol content and real attenuation increased .

  4. 当pH在4.0左右,酒精度在3%(V/V)左右时PVPP的吸附效率最高。

    The adsorption effects are optimal at pH 4.0 , 3 % ( V / V ) alcohol concentration .

  5. 这款SantaRitaHills的黑皮诺外柔内刚,酒精度为12.5%,低于大多数葡萄酒。

    This Santa Rita Hills pinot is a titanium fist in a velvet glove . Lower alcohol than most : 12.5 % .

  6. 醋酸发酵的最佳条件是:酒精度8%,接种量8%,发酵温度32℃,发酵7d,所得酸度是4.3%。

    The best conditions of acetic acid fermentation : alcohol 8 % inoculum 8 % , fermentation temperature 32 ℃, fermentation 7d , from the acidity of 4.3 % . 5 .

  7. 研究了不同酒精度浸提橡木片,不同来源的橡木片、不同陈酿时间及同种橡木片不同烘烤程度对白兰地的色度、pH值、单宁、总酚及感官的影响。

    The effects of the steeping of oak chip by different alcohol content wine , oak from different places , different aging time , and different baking degree of the same oak on the colority , pH value , tannin and total ester , and tasting of brandy were studied .

  8. 运用正交实验确定醋酸发酵的工艺条件为:醋酸菌接种量为10%、初始酒精度8%、发酵温度33℃、发酵时间为5d。

    By orthogonal tests , the optimum technological conditions were determined as follows : acetic acid bacteria 10 % , initial alcoholicity 8 % , fermentation temperature 33 ℃ and time 5 d.

  9. 醋酸发酵,初始酒精度7%(V/V),醋酸菌接种量13%,30℃发酵120h。

    Acetic acid fermentation , the beginning alcoholic is 7 % ( V / V ), 13 % acetic microbial , 30 ℃ ferment 120 hours .

  10. 研究表明:果汁∶麦汁以6∶1混合较好,对发酵液进行调配时,酒精度3%(V/V),糖度55°Bx,pH值44,最终产品可以形成令人满意的风味。

    The results show that the fruit-juice-to-malt-juice ratio of 6 ∶ 1 is ideal , and that alcohol 3 % ( V / V ), sugar 5 5 ° Bx and pH 4 4 in the formulation of fermenting liquid can help to obtain pleasant flavour in the final products .

  11. 酒精度调配及应用试验

    The Test of Alcohol Content Adjustment and Its Use

  12. 同时酒精度也提高了0.2%。

    At the same time also increased the alcohol content of 0.2 % . 5 .

  13. 成品果酒色泽淡黄、清亮透明、荔香馥郁、醇和适口,酒精度11度,营养丰富,典型性突出。

    A unique yellowish transparent fragrant and nutrient litchi wine of 11 degrees was thus produced .

  14. 这些葡萄酒通常都呈深黑色,由采摘非常晚的葡萄酿制,酒精度很高。

    The wines were typically black as pitch , made from extremely late-picked grapes and notably alcoholic .

  15. 中等酒体,干,可饮用了,但仍需保存。赤霞珠/梅洛,酒精度12.5%。

    Medium-Full Bodied , Dry , Ready , but will keep , Cab-Sauv / Merlot , 12.5 % alc .

  16. 这是他们所选择的啤酒,当然不是因为味道好,而是因为酒精度高。

    It was their beer of choice because of the higher alcohol content , certainly not for the taste .

  17. 以红枣汁67%、枸杞33%、酒精度5%为最佳配方。

    And red jujube concentration 67 % , medlar concentration 33 % and alcoholic content 5 % were the best prescription .

  18. 赫希及其公司正致力于打破加州葡萄酒果味浓、橡木味浓和酒精度高的刻板形象。

    Ms. Hirsch and company are seeking to dismantle the stereotype of California wines as fruity , oaky and high in alcohol .

  19. 单因子试验研究结果表明,在芒果果醋发酵工艺过程中,接种量和发酵时间及起始酒精度是影响果醋质量的关键因素。

    The inoculum amount , fermentation time and initial alcohol concentration were key factors in fermentation to affect the quality of mango vinegar .

  20. 对我来说,只有8%的酒精度是它的优势,不过我的丈夫却与我意见相左。

    Though while for me its low alcoholic strength , just 8 per cent , was an advantage , my husband may disagree .

  21. 从酒精度、生产成本以及莲子的保健功能综合考虑,实验中莲子和大米采取1:6的比例进行共酵酿酒。

    Alcohol , production costs , and health functions of lotus as considerations , lotus seeds and rice can take the blending ratio of1:6 .

  22. 葡萄酒在高空品起来味道非常不同,高空环境及低湿度会凸显出葡萄酒的酸度和酒精度。

    Wines taste very different in the air ; a combination of altitude and low humidity tends to accentuate a wine 's acidity and alcohol .

  23. 实验表明该分析仪器能有效地检测溶液的总盐度、白酒酒精度以及有机溶液中的水质量分数等参数指标。

    The experimental results show that it can respectively detect many liquid properties such as salinity , alcoholicity as well as water ratio in organic solution .

  24. 同时,分别讨论了不同方法脱除蛋白质、不同溶剂沉淀β-葡聚糖以及不同酒精度下醇析β-葡聚糖等关键工艺。

    Furthermore , some important techniques were also discussed on protein removed methods ,β - glucan precipitated solvents and separation with different amount of alcohol respectively .

  25. 重点总结了深度发酵型米酒的研制方法并阐明其单因素与酒精度的关系。

    Especially , the development of Xiaogan rice wine of deep fermentation type was summarized and the relationship of its monofactor with alcohol content was elaborated .

  26. 醋酸发酵的最优条件为:接菌种量0.85%,温度37℃,酒精度(v/v)6.0%。

    The optimal technological parameters of acetic fermentation were to add the vinegar agarics ( 0.85 % ), temperature 37 ℃, alcohol content ( 6.0 % ) .

  27. 当今世界,越来越多喝葡萄酒的人在积极寻找酒精度更低的葡萄酒,因此至今仅有少数酿酒商实现了他们的特殊定位。

    Only a few producers have so far realised their special position in a world where increasing numbers of wine drinkers are actively looking for lower-alcohol wines .

  28. 多数西方人只是知道,清酒颜色澄清,要搭配寿司或刺身,酒精度在15%到20%之间。

    Most Westerners generally view sake as a clear-colored liquor to be savored with sushi and sashimi , with an alcohol content of 15 to 20 percent .

  29. 低醇啤酒是一种酒精度只有0.5-2.0%(m/m),具有一定保健功能啤酒饮料,其风味、外观与普通啤酒基本相似。

    Low-alcohol beer was a kind of functional beverage with 0.5-2.0 % ( m / m ) alcohol content , its flavor and apparent was similar to traditional beer .

  30. 直接发酵与适温发酵后酒精度相差不大;杀菌发酵较直接发酵酒精度提高0.3%。

    Direct fermentation and temperature - fermentation is no apparent from alcohol content after fermentation ; bactericidal more direct wine fermentation to improve the accuracy of 0.3 % . 9 .