
  • 网络wine body
  1. 酒体中游离H+的浓度越高,pH值越低,酸度越高。

    Higher concentration of free H + and lower pH values in wine body would result in higher acidity .

  2. 酒体丰满,结构平衡,色泽深红,充满果香,口感精致、腻。

    It 's wine body is thick , the structure is balance , the color is dark red .

  3. 去年,杜加尔凭借自己的香港黑麦啤(HongKongBlackAle)获得了香港首届自酿啤酒大赛(HongKongHomebrewCompetition)的冠军。这款啤酒味道浓郁但酒体轻盈,有一丝咖啡和巧克力的味道。

    Mr. Dugar won last year 's inaugural Hong Kong Homebrew Competition with his Hong Kong Black Ale , a roasty but light-bodied brew with hints of coffee and chocolate .

  4. 酒水方面,不妨避开广场上专坑游客的黑店,到角落位置的Baràvin看看,这是一间气氛欢快的红酒吧,可以品尝一杯当地的黑洞山酒庄(Mont-Redon)酿造的中等酒体红葡萄酒(4.50欧元)。

    For drinks , avoid the square 's tourist traps and instead go around the corner to Bar à vin , a cheerful wine bar , for a glass of medium-bodied local Mont-Redon red ( 4.50 euros ) .

  5. 一款酒体相对丰满的蜜思嘉黛(Muscadet),但带有咸味,很有趣。

    Relatively full-bodied Muscadet but definitely saline and fun .

  6. 脂肪酶在酿酒工业中的应用具有十分重要的意义,大曲中的根霉(Rhizopus)是白酒发酵过程中酒体香气成分形成的主要微生物之一。

    The application of lipase has great significance in the wine industry , the Rhizopus in Daqu is one of the main micro-organisms in the formation of the wine aroma components during liquor fermentation process .

  7. 实验表明,DHG澄清剂替代甲醛加入酿造啤酒,能提高酒体抗氧化能力;延长啤酒风味保鲜期;

    The test results indicated that the addition of DHG clarificant instead of methanal in beer brewing could improve the oxida-tion resistance and non-biological stability of beer and prolong fresh-maintenance period and shelf period of beer .

  8. 口感:酒体柔和、协调,架构复杂。

    Taste : Delicate and harmonious with a complex warm structure .

  9. 深红色的酒体掩映出紫色的光泽。

    Deep red in color with purple hues and brilliant clarity .

  10. 深红色的酒体并伴有一丝紫罗兰色。

    A wine of deep red color with some violet hues .

  11. 深色酒体,散发着淡淡的橡木味,口感丰厚。

    Very deep color-slight oak flavors-well balanced in mouth-complex and fine .

  12. 酒体中等身形,干,水果,软的中等结束。

    Medium Body , Dry , Fruity , Soft Medium finish .

  13. 颜色:明亮的深红色酒体,边缘带粉红色。

    Colour : A bright crimson body with youthful pink rim .

  14. 酒体因使用了较高比例的梅乐,比兄弟园美隆修士堡更为柔顺。

    With more Merlot and expressed more softly than its sibling Ch.

  15. 清纯的果酸配合着轻微的橡木令酒体更和谐。

    This wine with a clean acid and subtle oak background .

  16. 酒体厚重,单宁多汁成熟,余味持久。

    Heavy bodied , ripe , juicy tannins , lasting aftertaste .

  17. 布雷,波尔酒庄等种邻更等酒体酒。

    Bourg produces a better medium-body red wine than its neighbor .

  18. 淡雅的稻黄色酒体掩映出亮绿色边缘,优雅迷人。

    A light straw yellow wine with attractive green edges .

  19. 这款波尔多白葡萄酒呈现草黄色的酒体并带着淡金色的光晕。

    This white Bordeaux has a yellow color with pale golden reflects .

  20. 协调的:用于描述酒体平衡良好的葡萄酒。

    Harmonious . Term applied to wine which is well-balanced .

  21. 酒体呈红宝石色,略带紫罗兰的光泽。

    A pure red ruby colour robe with violet tints .

  22. 新鲜、活泼的酒体展现出带有近似于桃子和菠萝香气的品种特征。

    A fresh vibrant wine displaying varietal characters of peach and pineapple .

  23. 中度酒体干红葡萄酒,深红色泽而略带紫色的色彩。

    Medium-full bodied dry red wine in deep-crimson and some purple tints .

  24. 酒体清新,带着类似鹅肝浆果的香味。

    The aroma is fresh and clean with well-defined gooseberry-like varietal characters .

  25. 酒体适中,口味均衡,单宁略添甜意。

    Balanced , medium body and complex with sweet tannins .

  26. 此款西拉酒体呈深紫红色。

    Our Syrah has an intense red-purple color with .

  27. 我们的120白苏维翁清爽,中度酒体。

    Our120 sauvignon Blanc is crispy and medium bodied .

  28. 清雅的淡黄色酒体掩映着亮绿色光泽。

    Pale yellow in color with light green hues .

  29. 专家酒体设计与个性化市场需求之我见

    Views of Liquor Body Design and Market Demand Individuation

  30. 酒体干而出众,有直爽的个性。

    Dry , ramarkable body , extremely forthright character .