
jiǔ jiào
  • wine cellar;bodega;vintry
酒窖 [jiǔ jiào]
  • (1) [wine cellar]∶贮藏酒的房间

  • (2) [bodega]∶藏酒仓库,特指地面上的

酒窖[jiǔ jiào]
  1. 在选举委员会的1200名成员中,超过半数起初瞩意出身富贵家族的唐英年(HenryTang),但后来传出了唐英年在自己家里违规建造酒窖的消息,此后,唐英年被迫退出竞选。

    More than half the 1,200 members of the committee that picks the leader favoured Henry Tang , the scion of a wealthy family who was later forced to drop his campaign after it emerged that he had built an illegal wine cellar in his house .

  2. 红酒会所下设:会员私人恒温酒窖、法林明哥扒房、COHIBA雪茄房。

    It consists of private wine cellar , Flamingo Restaurant – Grill Room and COHIBA Cigar Room .

  3. 参观酒窖前,游客们先观看了有声的视频介绍。

    Visitors are shown an audio-visual presentation before touring the cellars .

  4. 他每天从酒窖里拿出一瓶酒。

    He takes a bottle of wine from the cellar every day .

  5. 他从酒窖里拿出一瓶酒。

    He took a bottle of wine from the cellar .

  6. AntiqueWine公司曾经在墨西哥城的一幢三十层的楼房的楼顶设计了一个酒窖。

    The Antique Wine Company once designed a cellar at the top of a30 story building in Mexico City .

  7. CaveHugoRoyal公司表示能为顾客设计奢华、简约、或是现代风格的酒窖。

    Cave Hugo Royal says it can create a luxury , simple , or modern style cellar for its clients .

  8. 比赛的结果公布于与赛场仅有一路之隔的贝瑞兄弟(BerryBro)的酒窖,最终牛津队以689比677的成绩战胜了剑桥队。

    In the end Oxford won by a dribble , 689 to 677 marks .

  9. 2004年香港,一位名叫JimThompson(詹康信)的商人租了一套旧的弹药仓库,将它们改造成了酒窖。

    IN2004 a businessman named Jim Thompson leased a set of old munitions bunkers in Hong Kong and converted them into wine cellars .

  10. 香港皇冠酒窖(CrownWineCellars)总经理迪耶伯(GregoryDe'eb)说,名贵的整箱葡萄酒在过去都是密封保存的。

    It used to be that premium wine cases were kept sealed , says Gregory De'eb , general manager for Crown Wine Cellars .

  11. 由于香港可做酒窖的空间稀少而昂贵,迪耶布与美国商人吉姆•汤普森(JimThompson)决定给人们提供这样一个场所。

    With cellar space at a premium on the island , Mr.De'Eb , together with U.S. businessman Jim Thompson , decided to provide it .

  12. 在国际采购部经理陈文丽的带领下,分别参观了品酒大厅、五大名庄VIP房以及地下酒窖等西堡酒庄标志性景点。

    Showed around by Ms Chen , manager of purchasing dept , they visited hallmarks of Chateau Somso such as wine tasting hall , Five VIP Rooms and wine cellar .

  13. 我们在那里有一个小型酒窖,今年我非常开心地欣赏了一下定期从莫泽尔地区(themosel)运来的风格清爽的德国雷司令(germanriesling)。

    We keep a small cellar there , and this year I dipped with delight into the stocks of refreshing German Riesling that I ship in regularly from the Mosel .

  14. 在天然的山洞或者人挖出来的地洞里酒窖里的凉爽对于葡萄酒的保存来说是极好的他们同样也做Denise很喜欢的芝士哦!

    these bodegas are underground - in naturally occurring caves or they dig down That is very good for wine to keep it cool They also make cheeses which Denise loved !

  15. 这是2001年以来,佳士得在香港举行的首场葡萄酒拍卖会。拍品中包括来自拉图堡酒庄(ChateauLatour)珍藏酒窖的127件葡萄酒,成交总额达1800万港元,高于之前预测的1000万港元。

    The wine auction , Christie 's first in Asia since 2001 , included 127 lots from the reserve cellars of Chateau Latour , which raised HK $ 18m , compared with its estimate of HK $ 10m .

  16. 罗马——贝尼托·墨索里尼(BenitoMussolini)在著名的托洛尼亚别墅(VillaTorlonia)住了近20年。1941年,别墅地下深处的一个酒窖被改造成地堡,以保护这位法西斯首脑。前不久,地堡向公众开放。

    ROME - Deep beneath the historic Villa Torlonia , where Benito Mussolini lived for nearly two decades , a wine cellar repurposed in 1941 as a bunker to protect the Fascist leader was recently opened to the public .

  17. 在兰斯,唯一不需要你提前预订的香槟酒窖游是泰亭哲(Taittinger)酒窖,这里收费合理,16.50欧元便可享受一个小时的英语观光。

    The only Champagne cellar tour in Reims where you don 't need an advance booking is Taittinger , which charges a very reasonable 16.50 euros for an hourlong English-language tour .

  18. 在葡萄酒屋可以品尝她的一系列创造,(还可以参观一下用老塔斯马尼亚芹叶松制作的酒窖大门,这种木头非常的稀少,合法地采伐也不可以。)地址:12168PipersBrookRd.,PipersBrook;网址:jansz.com.au。

    Taste a clutch of her creations in the wine room ( and pause to look at the cellar door made from old Tasmanian celery-top pine , a wood now so scarce it can 't be legally harvested ) . 12168 Pipers Brook Rd. , Pipers Brook , jansz.com.au

  19. 酒窖温度和湿度控制系统设计

    The Design of Temperature and Humidity Controlling System of Wine Cellar

  20. 正如我所说,有很多不同种类的酒窖。

    As I said , there are many different types of cellar .

  21. 这个酒窖常年保持恒温。

    This wine cellar stay at an even temperature all year round .

  22. 好,但我绝不付酒窖的钱

    Fine , but I 'm not paying for your wine cellar ...

  23. 它们神不知鬼不觉地从酒窖来到了这里。

    They had mysteriously found their way there from the wine cellar .

  24. 他每星期订购该公司酒窖的藏酒。

    He orders the wine from the firm 's cellars each week .

  25. 一家成熟的熊场基本都会全产业链经营&养熊场隔壁即是酿酒的酒窖和机器,熊胆直接制成熊胆酒。

    A mature bear field will run a whole industrial chain management .

  26. 仆役长负责管理酒窖。

    The butler is in charge of the wine cellar .

  27. 我们从酒窖里取了八桶麦酒

    We 've brought up eight barrels of ale from the cellar .

  28. 我看到楼下有酒窖

    You know , I saw a wine cellar downstairs .

  29. 酒窖游之后,大家的午餐便已准备就绪;

    After the cellar tour , you 'll be ready for lunch ;

  30. 伊丽莎白,为什么酒窖从来都没有补充?

    Elizabeth , why has the cellar not been replenished ?