
  • 网络MUSCAT;Moscatel;Moscato;muscatel
  1. 这款酒度只有5.5%的葡萄酒,带有麝香葡萄典型的果香。

    Grape : Moscato Gold This low alcohol wine of5.5 % , highlights the natural fruit flavours of the Muscat grape .

  2. 用麝香葡萄制成的酒。

    It has the odour of musk . wine from muscat grapes .

  3. 麝香葡萄用来产葡萄酒或葡萄干的各种白色甜葡萄香槟酒或葡萄酒瓶盖,用铅或锡箔制作

    Any of various sweet white grapes used for making wine or raisins . fabricated capsule of lead or tin foil for champagne or wine bottles

  4. 麝香葡萄酒由麝香葡萄制成的浓郁的甜葡萄酒。

    A rich , sweet wine made from Muscat grapes .