
  • 网络Maccabees;Maccabee;maccabean
  1. 马加比家族和哪个世界宗教的历史有关?

    The Maccabees are involved in the history of what world religion ?

  2. 《马加比一书、二书》的史学价值和神学意义

    The Historical Value and Theological Meanings of 1-2 Maccabees

  3. 在犹太教中,马加比家族在光明节的故事中很关键。

    In Judaism , the Maccabees are central to the story of Hanukkah .

  4. 光明节是为了纪念马加比家族的胜利。

    Hanukkah commemorates the victory of the Maccabees .

  5. 因为只有上帝会拯救犹太人,不是犹大·马加比。

    Because God 's going to be the one who will intervene , not Judas Maccabeus .

  6. 这个节日也被称为奉献盛宴及马加比家族的盛宴。

    The holiday is also known as the Feast of Dedication and the Feast of Maccabees .

  7. 那么,这就是这个故事:在大约公元前165年,马加比家族领导了一次反抗压迫犹太人的叙利亚人的革命。

    AZUZ : Well , here is how that story goes : around 165 B.C. The Maccabees led a revolution against Syrians who were oppressing the Jewish people .

  8. 他曾在以色列马加比厄运动会多次摘取银牌(1981年,1985年,1997年和2009年),而且在2006年获得了金牌。

    He grabbed a slew of silver medals ( in 1981 , 1985 , 1997 and 2009 ) and a gold medal in 2006 in Israel 's Maccabiah Games .

  9. 光明节这一单词意味着奉献,这个节日有时被称为奉献节,光节,马加比节。

    The word Hanukkah means dedication , and the holiday is sometimes known as the Feast of Dedication , the Festival of Lights , or the Feast of the Maccabees .

  10. 在他们胜利之后,马加比家族重振了耶路撒冷的主要的寺庙,在寺庙里的灯必须一直亮着。

    Now after their victory , the Maccabees rededicated the main temple in Jerusalem , and there 's a light in the temple that 's supposed to be lit all the time .

  11. 他们的姓氏不是马加比,那只是个外号,姓氏其实为哈希芒,所以我们称他们为哈希芒王朝,都是玛他提亚的后裔。

    Their family name was not Maccabeus , that was just a nickname , the family name was Hasmoneus and so we call this the Hasmonean Dynasty , that 's the descendants of Mattathias .

  12. 他了解所有公元前167年前发生的一切,甚至还有线索显示,他甚至还知道犹大·马加比,但却对圣殿净化,一无所知。

    He knows everything that happens up to167 , and there may be a little hint that he even knows about Judas Maccabeus , but he doesn 't know about anything what happened to the cleansing of the temple .