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shēn lǎn yāo
  • stretch oneself
伸懒腰 [shēn lǎn yāo]
  • [stretch oneself] 伸展躯体或肢体,以解疲乏

  • 他一觉醒来,打个呵欠,伸伸懒腰

伸懒腰[shēn lǎn yāo]
  1. 在这一点上,我们可以仔细观察一下可爱的小猫小狗们,学习它们睡醒后全身舒展地伸懒腰、打哈欠。

    On this , we can observe lovely kitten doggie carefully people , after they wake up , study extends ground stretch oneself , gape all over .

  2. 伸懒腰和转身都给我们打开了一个新的空间。

    A twist and turn of the body opens new perspectives .

  3. 了,除了伸懒腰什么都做不了了。

    They were all so tired that they could donothing but yawn .

  4. 每隔几分钟他就停下来打哈欠,伸懒腰。

    Every few minutes he stopped to yawn and stretch .

  5. 他一面打哈欠一面伸懒腰。

    Being sleeping , he yawned and stretched himself .

  6. 因为瞌睡,他又打呵欠又伸懒腰。他倦了,又打呵欠又伸懒腰。

    Being sleepy , he yawned and stretched himself .

  7. 她从床上起来伸懒腰。

    She got out of bed and stretched .

  8. 鲁迪说:有些胖子就像他一样,累了就会伸懒腰。

    Some fatty , Rudy says , stretching like he does when he 's tired .

  9. 那只猫边打呵欠边伸懒腰。

    The cat yawned and stretched .

  10. 又打哈欠又伸懒腰。

    A yawn followed a stretch .

  11. 当大野狼醒过来伸懒腰时,他觉得非常沉重而不舒服。

    When the wolf awoke and stretched out his legs , he felt very heavy and uncomfortable .

  12. 就那麽一次你伸懒腰放松的时候正好是老板进来视察的时候。

    The one time in the day that you lean back and relax is the one time the boss walks though the office .

  13. 菲德先生穿着灰色的长衣在伸懒腰,仿佛他不顾衣服的费用,决心要把袖子撕断似的。

    Mr Feeder was stretching himself in his grey gown , as if , regardless of expense , he were resolved to pull the sleeves off .

  14. 停止在兴趣点的工作&如果你开始伸懒腰感到效率降低了,这个方法便可以使你重新找到最佳状态。

    Stop working at a fun part-If you 've worked a long stretch in the zone , one way to ensure you get back into it is to stop working at a fun part .

  15. 早上醒来,闭着眼睛,伴着闹钟“是非题”做运动,伸懒腰,踢踢腿,拍拍手,还挺像在梦游的!

    Wake up in the morning , with the closing eyes and the alarm clock music " right or wrong topic " I do exercise , give a stretch , kick legs and clap hands , it actually feels like still in the dream !

  16. 奥格尔维苦恼地哼着,伸个懒腰坐了起来。

    With grunts of anguish Ogilvie eased his bulk to a sitting position .

  17. 安:真好笑哦。我得要伸个懒腰。

    Ann : Very funny . I have to stretch a bit .

  18. 裘莉亚被歌声吵醒,舒服地伸个懒腰。

    Julia woke at the sound , stretched herself luxuriously .

  19. 你看着我,伸着懒腰。

    You look at me and stretch .

  20. 裘莉亚给歌声吵醒,舒服地伸个懒腰,起了床。

    Julia woke at the sound , stretched herself luxuriously , and got out of bed .

  21. 伸着懒腰,打着呵欠,舒展开爪子这样除去他的睡意。

    Scratched himself , yawned , and spread out his paws one after other to get rid of the sleep feeling in their tips .

  22. 开始新一天的忙碌之前,在听着轻音乐,伸着懒腰,做着按摩中逐渐清醒,这样,更有利于长久的健康。

    It is much more beneficial to your long-term health to wake up gradually with soft music , stretches , and self-massage before getting involved in your busy day .

  23. 虽然有些人的早晨是从乐呵呵地按下关闭键然后伸个懒腰开始的,另一些人则是猛按小睡键、接着再躺10分钟后才醒来的。

    And while some start the morning with a cheerful press of the off button and a catlike stretch , others wake after a whack of the snooze button and another 10 minutes of rest .

  24. 卧室里窗帘拉拢了,外面却发生着翻天覆地的变化,犹如无数的精灵仙童在悄悄地施展魔法,而我们却只是翻个身,打个呵欠、伸一下懒腰,对此毫无知觉。

    Outside the closed curtains of the bedroom a vast transformation scene is taking place , just as if a myriad elves and brownies were at work , and we turn and yawn and stretch and know nothing about it .

  25. 他站起身来,伸了个懒腰,打了个哈欠。

    He stood up , stretched and yawned .

  26. 她醒来伸了个懒腰。

    She woke up and stretched lazily .

  27. 他伸了伸懒腰,打了个哈欠。

    He stretched and yawned lazily .

  28. 她伸了个懒腰,打了个大哈欠。

    She stretched her arms out and gave a great yawn

  29. 他打了个呵欠,伸了伸懒腰。

    He yawned and stretched

  30. 西蒙伸了个懒腰说:“嗯,让我想一想。Elmercadoestaenmicasa.(西班牙语:市场在我家。)”

    Simon stretched . " Um , let 's see . El mercado esta en mi casa . "