
tuō táo
  • escape;flee;run away
脱逃 [tuō táo]
  • [run away;escape;flee] 脱身逃走,也作逃脱

  • 余类脱逃。--《广东军务记》

  • 只身脱逃

脱逃[tuō táo]
  1. 英勇善战斗,谨慎会脱逃。

    Valour will fight , but discretion will run away .

  2. 只有懦夫才临危脱逃。

    Only a coward would run away from danger .

  3. 清代对军犯脱逃的惩罚非常严厉。

    If the prisoners escape , punishment will be very severe .

  4. 一人仍脱逃在外,据信携有武器,极度危险。

    One is still at large , assumed armed and dangerous .

  5. 对四类罪犯脱逃犯罪及防逃对策的思考

    Thoughts on Four Kinds of Escaping Crime and Its Prevention Countermeasures

  6. 他要脱逃的通道是他的备用计画。

    The way he escaped was always his backup plan .

  7. 脱逃犯罪的立法发展及司法对策

    On Legislative Development and Judicial Countermeasures of Crime of Escaping from Custody

  8. 音乐带,脱逃委员会提供。

    A musical tape , supplied by the Escape Committee .

  9. 它们分布得很广,飞鱼很少脱逃的机会。

    They are wide spread and the flying fish have little chance .

  10. 等我跟脱逃委员会的人说说这些

    Wait till I tell the Escape Committee boys about this

  11. 胡迪尼接着开始发展他在脱逃术上的天赋。

    Houdini then began to develop his talents as an escape artist .

  12. 该名嫌犯再度试图脱逃。

    The suspect made another attempt to break free .

  13. 窃贼脱逃时,警察朝他开了一枪。

    The police fired a bullet at the thief as he ran away .

  14. 我必须让我儿子脱逃。

    I had to let my son escape .

  15. 火车突然鸣笛,那匹马受惊脱逃。

    Startled by the sudden whistle of the train , the horse broke away .

  16. 马库斯脱逃无望。

    Marcus had nothing to do to escape .

  17. 还有,马在障碍物前也有可能会拒绝跳跃,甚至脱逃。

    And the horse might refuse or even run out in front the obstacles .

  18. 少校带领著我们的脱逃委员会。

    The Major heads up our Escape Committee .

  19. 即使能够脱逃,亦是颇为危险的。

    Even their escape might have been hazardous .

  20. 胆小例句只有懦夫才临危脱逃。

    Only a coward would run from danger .

  21. 玛丽·安托瓦内特通过一条能进入国王房间的密道而侥幸脱逃

    Marie Antoinette only escapes by a rapid exit into the king 's chamber .

  22. 王子的心这时候被脱逃的希望激动得剧跳起来。

    The prince 's heart was beating high with hopes of escape , now .

  23. 他最著名的脱逃是让人目瞪口呆的。

    His most famous escape was very astonishing .

  24. 警方正在追捕一名昨晚从监狱脱逃的罪犯。

    convict The policeman was chasing a convict who escaped from prison last night .

  25. 确保别让它脱逃了。

    Make sure he doesn 't escape .

  26. 我暗自庆幸得以脱逃。

    I congratulated myself on my escape .

  27. 他会带着谋杀罪脱逃!

    He 's getting away with murder !

  28. 那个贼乘混乱脱逃了。

    The thief escaped amidst the confusion .

  29. 她厌幸自己得以脱逃。

    He congratulated himself on his escape .

  30. 是回到脱逃委员会的时候了。

    Time to get back to the Escape Committee for a pat on the back .