
  • 网络In the world;on earth;On His Own
  1. 我们就像鸳鸯鸟,比翼双飞在人间。

    We are like mandarin ducks flying together in the world .

  2. 第三章:佛教在人间。

    The third chapter : Buddhism in the world .

  3. 我们的心与魂在人间创立了天堂。

    Our heart and soul builds the heaven on earth .

  4. 迄今,H5N1流感病毒仍然为动物病毒,并不会在人间轻易的扩散,只是发生人与人之间非常有限的直接传播。

    At present , H5N1 is an animal virus that does not spread easily to humans and only very rarely transmits directly from one person to another .

  5. 如果H5N1型病毒发生变异,使其容易地在人间传播并得不到遏制,这就可能引发一场流感大流行。

    If the H5N1 virus changes to allow it to pass easily from person to person , and it goes unchecked , this could trigger an influenza pandemic .

  6. 综合上述分析结果,我们认为H3亚型流感病毒在人间的变异呈现出逐渐加速的趋势,而这主要是受到了越来越强大的免疫屏障的筛选作用所致。

    However , these positive sites changed markedly between adjacent clusters . Integrate the information shows above , we could draw the conclusion that mainly due to enhancement of host immune barrier , the variation speed of H3 subtype influenza virus was accelerated in these years .

  7. 那个少爷,我第一个爱人,也不在人间了。

    The young gentleman , my first lover , was dead .

  8. 他承认自己生在人间,确有一种目的。

    He declared to himself that his life really had an object ;

  9. 看,上帝的账幕在人间。

    See , the home of God is among mortals .

  10. 无聊在人间还是天堂,你都是我的女王。

    Through life And after death you are my queen .

  11. 活在人间我们的爱百折不回

    Then while we live , in love lets so persever

  12. 真怀疑是不是在人间。

    B : I doubt whether I 'm in the real world .

  13. 愿你的旨意奉行在人间,如同在天上;

    Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven .

  14. 他的秘密与他同逝,但他的声名永在人间。

    His secret died with him , but his name will never die .

  15. 无论在人间还是天堂,你都是我的女王

    Through life and after death you are my queen

  16. 不论在人间付出多少心血、多少辛苦。

    Regardless of how much pain and trouble we go through accomplishing something .

  17. 在人间唯有爱情地位最高。

    Love is a king of the human world .

  18. 在人间建造天堂的天真希望。

    A naive hope of building heaven on earth .

  19. 3种检测方法在人间鼠疫疫情处理中的应用评价

    Analysis of Application of Three Detection Methods in Epidemic Control of Human Plague

  20. 他所能做的就是,提著灯笼,做鬼在人间游走。

    All he could do was walk the earth a ghost , a lantern .

  21. 上帝的天国可否建立在人间&论托尔斯泰精神探索的二重性和悲剧价值

    The Duality and Tragic Values of Tolstoy 's Spiritual Exploration Spiritual Paradise Spiritual Freeness

  22. 我曾在人间漫步。

    I have ever stroll in the world .

  23. 粉身碎骨浑不怕,要留清白在人间。

    Not afraid utterly crushed and muddily , should keep clean in human world .

  24. 像天堂就在人间那样活着。

    Live like heaven on the earth .

  25. 如果逝者的灵魂在人间游荡,恐吓能使他们安息吗?

    If a departed soul roams in this world , will threats bring it peace ?

  26. 天使在人间的确不会什么手艺,便开始牧羊。

    Indeed the angel has nothing good at and then began to raise the sheep .

  27. 从未改变的灵魂&《在人间》中作者的心灵体现

    Never Changed Soul & The Reflection of the Writer ' Soul in in the World

  28. 啊,你们已不在人间了!

    You are no longer on hand !

  29. 细菌通过呼吸道或者咽喉分泌物飞沫在人间传播。

    The bacteria are transmitted from person to person through droplets of respiratory or throat secretions .

  30. 在人间传递温情尽你所能地去做;别错失去了唤醒爱的良机为人要坚定,正直,忠诚;

    Lose not a chance to waken love Be firm , and just , and true ;