
  • 网络bottom layer;The Lower Depths
  1. 其他的改变包括在底层增加了一些细节,用airbrush在某些地方增加了更多的白色。

    Other tweaks included some added detail on the bottom layer , and airbrushing more white here and there .

  2. 当流速比相对较小时,在底层壁射流与环境横流的横向边界附近出现明显的高浓度聚集现象,计算结果表明Scarf涡结构对这一高浓度聚集区的形成起主导作用。

    When the velocity ratio is relatively small , there exists a distinct lateral high concentration aggregation zone at the lateral edge between the bottom layer wall jet and the ambient crossflow , which is dominated by the Scarf vortex in the near field .

  3. 我想要的书就压在底层。

    The book I want is right at the bottom .

  4. “身居高位很辛苦,”他说。“在底层更辛苦,”这个亿万富翁机敏地回答道。

    ' It 's tough at the top , ' he said . ' It 's tougher at the bottom , ' riposted the billionaire .

  5. 他把这些文件锁在底层抽屉里。

    He locked these papers up in the bottom drawer .

  6. 为了满足Web应用的动态分布需求,Web应用服务器需在底层为组件提供一种动态迁移的能力。

    To meet the requirement of dynamic redistribution , WASs should provide the capability to support component migration .

  7. Processing提供了简化运算的函数,如通过一个函数调用而隐藏在底层的矩阵数学。

    Processing provides functions to simplify operations such as these with a single function call , hiding the matrix math that occurs under the covers .

  8. 因为PHP在底层进行与文件有关的操作的时候使用的是C语言函数,所以当它处理空字节时候往往出乎我们意料。

    As PHP uses the underlying C functions for filesystem related operations , it may handle null bytes in a quite unexpected way .

  9. 随着网络功能的逐渐普及、强大,通常的做法是在底层将USB接口模拟成一个以太网接口,实现基于Ethernet的网络连接。从而在上层进行同步数据,实现文件传输以及文件备份等。

    With the popularization , USB interface can be simulated a ethernet interface to realize network connection and synchronization in application layer .

  10. 如果你工作在底层Java框架上,引用高层的GUI模板组件,这时代码不需要编译。

    If you are working on a low-level framework Java class and accidentally refer to a higher-level GUI panel , the code will not compile .

  11. VMM可以直接在底层硬件上运行,允许运行多个虚拟机(VM)。

    The VMM ran directly on the underlying hardware , permitting multiple virtual machines ( VMs ) .

  12. 尽管不能看见标题和标语的文本,但它们仍然在底层的XHTML中。

    Despite not being seen , the title and slogan text is still in the underlying XHTML .

  13. 客户机代码调用JNDI,JNDI在底层通过提供程序实现转发到可用的服务。

    Client code should call JNDI , and JNDI forwards to the applicable service underneath through a provider implementation .

  14. 在底层,DB2处理递归时采用的方法是逐层递归(广度优先),而Oracle采用的是深度优先的方法。

    The underlying problem is that DB2 processes recursion by essentially producing one level of recursion at a time ( breadth first ), while Oracle uses depth first .

  15. 目前的公开密钥基础设施PKI产品及其它加解密产品在底层的实现上都是利用国外公司提供的安全工具包。

    The current PKI products and other encryption / decryption products are based on security tool kits provided by foreign companies in their low-level implementation .

  16. 这些功能可以应用于关系视图,包括在底层pureXML数据上构建的关系视图。

    Such capabilities can be applied to relational views , including views built on underlying pureXML data .

  17. 在底层,您可以看到返回了JDBCResultSet对象,它的内容被传递进for循环。

    Underneath , you can visualize a JDBC ResultSet object being returned and its contents being passed into a for loop .

  18. 控制在底层通信协议中嵌入和提取SAML信息的一组规则称为一个配置文件。

    A set of rules that govern embedding and extracting the SAML information from lower layer communication protocols is called a profile .

  19. 该系统使用NDIS中间层驱动在底层捕获网络数据包,对数据包进行分析,在应用层特征库中进行匹配,识别P2P应用的类别。

    The system used NDIS IMD captured network packets in kernel and analyzed the network packets and identified the P2P application by matching the application layer feature .

  20. 总体介绍了Linux内核,深入分析了Linux内核的进程管理、内存管理、文件系统管理,提出了在底层实现Linux的思路,并对它们之间相互关系进行了探讨。

    It introduces generally Linux kernel , and analyses deeply process management , memory management and file system management , proposes the idea for implementing Linux on the bottom level , and discusses the relationship between them .

  21. 采用Globustoolkit4搭建系统底层环境,讲述了在底层环境之上开发和部署网格服务的过程。

    Build the underlying environment of the system using Globus Toolkit 4 , describe the development and deployment of the grid services in the environment .

  22. 造成9月9日夜间20:00~23:00一次污染物NO、CO和SO2浓度急剧升高的原因是由于夜间稳定情况下,大气的垂直扩散减弱,污染物在底层积累造成的。

    The cause for increasing of NO 、 CO and SO_2 concentration during 20 : 00 ~ 23 : 00 on September . 9 of 2001 is due to weak vertical diffuse and pollutants accumulated at low atmosphere in the night .

  23. 我希望本文已为你当下或将来基于Web的项目提供了精神食粮,并正确评价在底层利用ETag响应头的做法。

    My hope is that this article has provided you with food for thought for your current and future web based projects , and an appreciation for the under utilized ETag response header .

  24. 在底层的JGroups协议栈中,还有一些其它的性能优化。

    There are also other performance improvements in the underlying JGroups protocol stack .

  25. 我们给SOAP提供了两种工厂:默认的是基于SAAJ的(javax.xml.soap,J2EE1.4的一部分),它在底层使用DOM。

    We offer two for SOAP : the default is based on SAAJ ( javax . xml . soap , part of J2EE1.4 ), which uses DOM underneath .

  26. 为了解决这个问题,ext4对日志执行校验和,确保有效变更能够在底层文件系统上正确完成。

    To combat this , ext4 implements checksumming of the journal to ensure that valid changes make their way to the underlying file system .

  27. 同时,在底层各个模块中,对于并发网络I/O操作采用POSIX实时信号作为事件驱动机制,配合网页数据缓存来减少不必要的网络传输、再将DNS域名解析操作以独立的线程运行。

    The new lower-layer adopted POSIX real-time signals as event-driven source , data cache to eliminate unnecessary network data transportation , and independent thread to do DNS domain name resolution job .

  28. 在底层,该宏调用只是利用所提供的信息对结构体taskletstruct进行初始化(微线程名,函数,以及微线程专有数据)。

    Underneath , this macro simply provides a tasklet_struct initialization of the information you provide ( tasklet name , function , and tasklet-specific data ) .

  29. 提出了一种新的TM图像中桥梁目标的识别方法。算法充分利用了TM图像的特点,在底层处理中运用形态学的方法提取出潜在桥梁目标;

    In this paper , a new technique to solve the problem of bridge recognition from TM images is presented The algorithm takes advantage of the characteristics of TM images It uses morphology operators to collect candidate bridge objects in the segmented images ;

  30. 因为返回的SOAPElement在底层具有对象层次结构,所以必须递归地处理树以获得实际的数据对象。

    Since the returned SOAPElement has a hierarchy of objects underneath , you have to iterate through the tree to get the actual data object .