
  • 网络The Cherry Orchard;Kirschgarten;cherry garden
  1. 《樱桃园》是一部契诃夫式的新型现代喜剧。

    The Cherry Orchard is a new type of Chekhovian modern comedy .

  2. 他去樱桃园看花。

    He went to the cherry orchard to see flowers .

  3. 春季——比如五月——的樱桃园美不胜收。

    A cherry-orchard1 in spring , say in the month of May , is a beautiful sight .

  4. 在一个连续进行了8年N肥定位试验的酸樱桃园,调查了每年施用N60kg·hm~(-2)和行间生草制对土壤营养状况的影响。

    Investigation on soil nutrient status and pH were carried out in an 8-year old sour chery orchard testing for nitrogen fertilization .

  5. 契诃夫式的喜剧范例&论《樱桃园》的喜剧特殊性

    The Cherry Orchard : A Brilliant Example of Chekhovian Comedies

  6. 增施氮肥和地面管理对酸樱桃园土壤营养状况的影响

    Effects of Nitrogen Application and Soil Management on Soil Nutrient Status in Sour Cherry Orchard

  7. 樱桃带化病是从以色列引种樱桃园中发现的新病害。

    Cherry fasciated disease is a disease which was found in the cherry sapling imported from Israel .

  8. 契诃夫的《樱桃园》是一部喜剧,但不是一出传统意义的喜剧。

    The Cherry Orchard written by Chekhov is a comedy , but not a comedy of traditional sense .

  9. 从山东、河北、辽宁等地樱桃园的樱桃冠瘿瘤和土壤样品中分离到46株根瘤土壤杆菌。

    Crown galls were sampled from cherry yards of Shandong , Hebei , and Liaoning Provinces . 46 pathogenic strains were isolated .

  10. 鞍山附近樱桃园组的构造样式及其时代讨论

    Tectonic style of the " yingtaoyuan formation " near anshan , Liaoning province , with further discussion on the chronological problem of this formation

  11. 作为深受俄国剧作家契诃夫影响的美国剧作家,田纳西?威廉斯在其剧作《欲望号街车》里表达了与契诃夫的名剧《樱桃园》极为相似的创作主题。

    Deeply affected by Russian playwright Chekhov , American playwright Tennessee Williams in his drama A Streetcar Named Desire expresses the same theme as in Chekhov'The Cherry Orchard .

  12. 不久她就来到了一个很大的樱桃园。这里面有一座小小的房子,它有一些奇怪的蓝窗子和红窗子,还有茅草扎的屋顶,外面还站着两个木头兵:他们向所有乘船路过的人敬礼。

    Presently she sailed by a large cherry-orchard , where was a little cottage with curious red and blue windows ; it was thatched , and before it two wooden soldiers stood sentry , and presented arms when anyone went past .

  13. 它值得你驱车一个小时从霍巴特来到这里亲自品尝他的手艺,最出名的是他的酸酵母面包和其他家庭烘焙品,还有各种开胃小菜和果酱,其中许多原料均取自附近的苹果园和樱桃园。

    It 's well worth the hourlong drive from Hobart to experience his cooking for yourself -- Mr. Cumper is known for his sourdough breads and other homestyle baked goods , as well as relishes and jams , many of whose ingredients are sourced from nearby apple and cherry orchards .