
  1. 又可爱又永远不会老的,那是樱桃小丸子。

    Who can be cute and never grow old ? Chibi Maruko .

  2. 又美又可爱又会做饭又永远不会老又经济独立又以你为中心的,那是你妈正用着美的电饭煲给你煮樱桃小丸子。

    And who is both beautiful and cute , good at cooking and never grow old , economically independent and put you first ? It 's your mum using Midea electric cooker to stew3 Chibi Maruko for you .

  3. 她就是我最爱看的动画片&《樱桃小丸子》中的主角“小丸子”!

    Maruko , the protagonist of my favorite animated television series-Chibi Maruko-Chan .

  4. 《樱桃小丸子》是一部杂糅了多种商业因素和流行元素的带有浓厚的消费色彩的小说,它鲜明地显示了当代小说已经失去了文学曾有的单纯性。

    Small Ball of Cherry is one that mixes many kinds of commercial factors and the novel with strong consumption color of the element prevails , it has shown distinctly that contemporary novel has already lost simplicity nature that literature once had .