
  • 网络Doctor Strange;Dr. Strange;Doctor Who
  1. 正是这一思绪的变化让奇异博士分了心,导致法术没有按预期施展,轰的一声,顷刻间平行宇宙乱套了。

    Those second thoughts distract Doctor Strange enough that the spell doesn 't cast as intended and boom : instant multiverse madness .

  2. 可以肯定的是,奇异博士(本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇饰演)会出现在本片中(一点也不意外),还有能扰乱平行宇宙的一个关键人物。

    Well , Doctor Strange ( Benedict Cumberbatch ) is definitely in this movie ( which is no surprise ) and a key player in potential multiverse shenanigans .

  3. 但是当彼得说他担心几个亲近的人又再次对他的身份一无所知时,奇异博士开始改变主意。

    But when Peter says he 's concerned about the few who know his secret being in the dark again , he begins to have second thoughts .

  4. 在此之前人们就知道,奇异博士是漫威电影宇宙最聪明的人之一。不知何故奇异博士同意了彼得的请求,开始施法。

    Doctor Strange , who before this trailer was known to be one of the MCU 's brightest minds , somehow agrees with Peter 's plea and begins casting a spell .

  5. 被全世界识破真实身份后压力山大的彼得到奇异博士的至圣所求助,请教这位在复仇者联盟系列电影中结识的至尊魔法师是否有咒语可以让全世界忘记彼得·帕克和蜘蛛侠是同一个人。

    The stress of the world knowing who he really is sends Peter to Doctor Strange 's Sanctum Sanctorum , where he asks the Sorcerer Supreme ( whom he got to know in the Avengers movies ) if there is a spell he can cast that would make the world forget Peter Parker and Spider-Man are the same person .

  6. 他创作的其他角色还有银影侠、X战警、钢铁侠和奇异博士等。

    Other characters he created include the Silver Surfer , the X-Men , Iron Man and Doctor Strange .

  7. 漫威官网宣布,《奇异博士》电影将会讲述神经外科医生StephenStrange,他在经历过一场可怕的车祸后发,发现了一个魔法隐秘世界。

    According to the Marvel website , the Doctor Strange movie will tell the story of neurosurgeon Doctor Stephen Strange who , after a horrific car accident , discovers the hidden world of magic and alternate dimensions .

  8. 漫威接下来确认上映的电影有《奇异博士》和《惊奇队长》的续集。《黑豹》续集的拍摄计划在D23Expo粉丝大会上也得到了证实。

    The coming confirmed movies in the MCU include sequels to " Dr. Strange , " as well as " Captain Marvel . " A " Black Panther " sequel was confirmed as well at D23 Expo .

  9. 康伯巴奇随后将继续宣传漫威新电影《奇异博士》。

    Cumberbatch is next set to headline Marvel 's Doctor Strange .

  10. 本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇将继续饰演奇异博士史蒂芬。

    Benedict Cumberbatch will reprise his role as Dr. Stephen Strange .

  11. 《奇异博士2:疯狂的多元宇宙》:2021年5月7日上�

    May 7 , 2021 : " Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness "

  12. “卷福”康伯巴奇饰演的奇异博士将在这部电影中饰演蜘蛛侠的导师。

    Cumberbatch 's Doctor Strange fills the required older guy mentor role in this one .

  13. 和现在的大多数超级英雄电影不同,《奇异博士》这部影片向观众展现了一些不一样的东西。

    Rather than present generic superhero scenes , the film shows audiences something a bit different ,

  14. 尽管被赋予了超能力,但奇异博士却和其他漫画书中的英雄截然不同。

    But despite being gifted with superpowers , Doctor Strange is different from other comic book heroes .

  15. 本尼将会出演漫威的《奇异博士》,本片定于2016年11月4日在各大影院登陆。

    The actor will star in Marvels Doctor Strange , scheduled to hit theaters November 4 , 2016 .

  16. 在2016年,本尼将会为观众展示奇异博士是个多么独一无二又引人瞩目的人物。

    In 2016 , Benedict will show audiences what makes Doctor Strange such a unique and compelling character .

  17. 这两年,漫威出品的科幻大作越来越多,而《奇异博士》大概是该公司目前为止最疯狂的一部。

    At a time when Marvel is producing increasingly psychedelic work , Doctor Strange is probably the studio 's craziest yet .

  18. 实际上,《奇异博士》是部重启版的《钢铁侠》,只不过多了不少美妙的元素让观众们来欣赏。

    Doctor Strange is basically a reboot of Iron Man , only with a lot more prettier things to look at .

  19. 卷福很快就会加入漫威,投入其在即将到来的超级英雄影片《奇异博士》的工作。

    The actor will soon join the Marvel Cinematic Universe once he begins work on the upcoming superhero flick , Doctor Strange .

  20. 将在迪士尼+平台播出的由她主演的《旺达·幻视》将把绯红女巫引入《奇异博士2》的世界。

    The events of her Disney + series , " WandaVision , " will directly tie in to " Doctor Strange 2 . "

  21. 与电影同名的主人公奇异博士虽然是世界上最负盛名的的神经外科医生,但一开始他只是个普通的人类。

    The titular character of Doctor Strange begins his story as a regular human being , albeit the world 's most skilled neurosurgeon ,

  22. 在上一部中,他见证了银河护卫队的大部分队员、奇异博士和蜘蛛侠的离去。

    When we last saw him , he had witnessed most of the Guardians of the Galaxy , Doctor Strange and Spider-Man disappearing .

  23. 奇异博士的档期相当繁忙,电影和电视的安排已经排到下一年。

    The Doctor Strange star already has a rather busy schedule ahead of him , with film and TV roles extending well past 2019 .

  24. 这场车祸终结了奇异博士辉煌的外科医生职业生涯。为了寻找治疗方法,他来到了东方。

    Looking for ways to heal himself after his accident puts an end to his illustrious surgical career , Strange travels to the East .

  25. 比如说,为了从具有扭曲时空能力的敌人手下逃走,奇异博士不得不飞檐走壁、穿梭跳跃于摩天大楼之间。

    including Strange being forced to run on the sides of buildings and jump between skyscrapers to escape an enemy who has the ability to bend reality .

  26. 作为漫威电影宇宙最强大的魔法师之一,奇异博士能像处女座一样在数秒之内制定出拯救世界的战略。

    As one of the most powerful sorcerers in the MCU , Doctor Strange has the Virgo-esque ability to create world-saving strategies within a matter of seconds .

  27. 这一次《奇异博士》和《神探夏洛克》的主演本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇将为这个吓人又脾气乖戾的绿毛怪配音,这个反英雄式人物下决心要破坏所有人的乐趣,偷走圣诞节。

    This time it 's Dr Strange and Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch who voices the hairy , scary , grumpy green anti-hero who resolves to spoil everyone 's fun and steal Christmas .

  28. 第一部《奇异博士》的导演斯科特·德瑞克森将回归本片,他说他将拍出“漫威电影宇宙第一部恐怖片”。我们准备好了!

    The director of the first " Doctor Strange , " Scott Derrickson , is back and he said he 's going to make " the first scary MCU film . " We 're ready !

  29. 迄今为止,虽然我们无从得知电影《奇异博士》的更多细节,但可以肯定的是由本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇饰演的奇异博士原先是一名失败的外科医生,而在一名巫师的训练下,他惩强除恶,有了改过自新的机会。

    We don 't know many details about the film yet , but Doctor Strange ( Benedict Cumberbatch ) is a failed surgeon who is given a second chance after a sorcerer trains him to fight evil .

  30. 他们选择康伯巴奇这样一位巨星来出演的原因显而易见,因为《奇异博士》将会成为漫威电影未来十年的领军之作,就像唐尼在过去的十年中所做的那样,来自博客网站Uproxx的麦克.瑞安写道。

    It 's obvious why they hired a big time star like Cumberbatch , because Doctor Strange is here to guide us through the next decade of Marvel movies , just like Downey did in the last decade , Uproxx 's Mike Ryan wrote .