
qí jì
  • miracle;wonder;marvel;wonderful achievement
奇迹 [qí jì]
  • [miracle;wonder] 极难做到的、不同寻常的事情

  • 经济奇迹

奇迹[qí jì]
  1. 撞车事故中竟然没有一人丧生,这真是奇迹。

    It 's a miracle nobody was killed in the crash .

  2. 除非发生奇迹,否则我们输定了。

    Short of a miracle , we 're certain to lose .

  3. 这种变化堪称奇迹。

    The transformation has been nothing short of a miracle .

  4. 我们能够生还,完全是个奇迹。

    It was a positive miracle that we survived .

  5. 现在只有出现奇迹才能救活她。

    Nothing but a miracle can save her now .

  6. 这场胜利是个不折不扣的奇迹。

    The victory was nothing less than a miracle .

  7. 在空难中,他们奇迹般地幸免于难。

    They miraculously survived the plane crash .

  8. 她奇迹般地康复了。

    She 's made a miraculous recovery .

  9. 人民不能指望他创造奇迹。

    People can 't expect him to wave a magic wand .

  10. 他的委员会不得不以极少的预算去创造奇迹。

    His council had had to perform miracles on a tiny budget

  11. 这些就是用来粉碎他们所谓的经济奇迹的事实。

    These are the facts that explode their so-called economic miracle

  12. 她已经奄奄一息,但是医院的技术却创造了伟大的奇迹。

    She almost died , but the hospital 's skill achieved great marvels

  13. 这匹马奇迹般地恢复了状态,以微弱的劣势位居第三。

    The horse made a miraculous recovery to finish a close third .

  14. 东窗是中世纪玻璃安装工艺的奇迹。

    The East Window is a wonder of medieval glazing .

  15. 1981年的预算促成了一场经济奇迹的出现。

    The 1981 budget was the springboard for an economic miracle

  16. 奥利维尔伤得不重,真是奇迹。

    The wonder is that Olivier was not seriously hurt .

  17. 意大利的经济奇迹一直是个谜。

    The Italian economic miracle has always been a mystery

  18. 如果你认为他能创造奇迹,那你是高估他了。

    If you consider him a miracle man , you 're overrating him .

  19. 她生了死胎还能活下来,真是奇迹。

    It was a miracle that she survived the birth of her stillborn baby

  20. 拉什顿创造了行业奇迹。

    Rushton has done wonders for the industry .

  21. 这一切被认为会创造奇迹。

    All this was supposed to work magic

  22. 他与全队创造了奇迹。

    He 's done marvels with the team

  23. 一项科技新奇迹在英国剑桥大学诞生了——这就是扫描电子显微镜。

    A new technological marvel was invented at Cambridge University in England , the scanning electron microscope .

  24. 奇迹一般不会被认为是魔法使然,不过二者在本质上有点相似。

    Miracles are not generally regarded as magical . Nevertheless , they do partake of the same nature .

  25. 人们认为这些是现代科学的奇迹。

    People believe that these are the marvels of modern science .

  26. 他们赶上了火车,这真是个奇迹。

    It was a miracle that they managed to catch the train .

  27. 他认为唯有理论科学才能创造奇迹。

    He believes only theoretical science can create miracles .

  28. 只是盼望出现奇迹没什么用。

    It was no use wishing for a miracle .

  29. 正是这些人创造了这样伟大的奇迹。

    They are the very people who worked such wonders .

  30. 这次手术是医术上的一个奇迹。

    The operation was a marvel of medical skill .