
  • 网络Hong Kong Art Centre;Hong Kong Arts Center;HKAC
  1. 香港艺术中心理事会成员;

    Member of Board of Governors , Hong Kong Arts Centre ;

  2. 香港艺术中心总干事

    " Chief Executive , Hong Kong Arts Centre "

  3. 香港艺术中心与可口可乐。

    Presented by Hong Kong Arts Centre and coca-cola .

  4. 如有任何遗漏或隐瞒,香港艺术中心(主办机构)有权取消其参赛资格。

    Hong Kong Arts Centre ( the " Organiser ") reserves the right to disqualify any incomplete or misstated Entries .

  5. 1994年,合唱团应香港艺术交流中心之邀,与香港青少年国乐团及香港幼苗儿童合唱团同往维也纳演出三场。

    The Chorus was invited by the Hong Kong Arts Exchange Centre in1994 to a musical expedition to give three performances in Vienna .

  6. 为扶掖本地艺术家,香港视觉艺术中心年内继续提供设备齐全的陶瓷、雕塑及版画工作室。

    The Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre continued to support local artists by providing studio equipment and facilities for ceramics , sculpture and print-making .

  7. 我们还有一个更远大的目标,就是为香港建立亚洲文化艺术中心和娱乐体育中心的形象。

    Our broader vision is to cultivate Hong kong 's image as the Asian centre of Arts and culture , and of entertainment and sporting events .

  8. 美国电影学院20/20计划是美国驻香港及澳门总领事馆与香港艺术中心合办的节目。

    AFI ( American Film Institute ) Project 20 / 20 is a program co-organized by the Consulate General of the United States Hong Kong and Macau and Hong Kong Arts Centre .