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qí jué
  • queer;singular;peculiar;peculiar and prominent
奇崛 [qí jué]
  • [peculiar and prominent] 奇特;奇拔

  • 山势奇崛

奇崛[qí jué]
  1. 激越凄戾奇崛冷艳&论李贺诗歌的思想艺术

    On the thought artistic achievement of Lihe 's Poetry

  2. 韩孟诗派之奇崛生新的美学追求

    Originality out of Unusualness : The Aesthetic Pursuit of the Han Mang School of Poetry

  3. 平易之中见奇崛&评威廉·布莱克诗歌的音画艺术手法

    Elaboration in plain language & study on the vocal and visual artistic techniques of William Blake

  4. 由于当时的思想背景和王令的追求粗犷雄豪、奇崛警迈诗风的诗学思想,王令诗风主要表现为粗犷雄豪、奇崛警迈;

    Because of his poetics thought , wang ling 's poetry-style is distinctly rugged and peculiar .

  5. 看似寻常最奇崛成如容易却艰辛&论平淡美诗歌的艺术特征

    Seemingly Easy Creation of Poem Implies Painstaking Efforts & On the Artistic Traits of Poems Typical of Plain Aestheticism

  6. 他以奇崛突兀、狠重险硬的意境和创新的形式,幽默戏谑的艺术风格影响了一代审美风尚。

    He influenced a generation aesthetic judgment fashion with unexpected and dangerous artistic conception and innovative format and humoristic art style .

  7. 外儒雅而内奇崛:理学家之人格追求与元人之文风追求

    Simple and Elegant Outside but Peculiar and Unusual Inside-the Pursuit of Personality of Theory of Li and the Pursuit of Literary Style of the Poetry of Yuan Dynasty

  8. 中国古典诗学话语中的奇崛与寻常是与俄国形式主义诗学中的陌生化和自动化相对应的一组概念。

    The concept of " Strange " and " common " in Chinese classical poetics are corresponding to " defamiliarization " and " familiarization " in Russian formalistic poetics .

  9. 鲍照诗文内外意结合,其内在的“壮”与“悲”表现于丰富多彩的意象,形成奇崛诡异之美。

    Bao unifies the meaning inside the prose inside and outside the prose , its intrinsic " hugeness " and " sadness " were expressed by rich and colorful imagination , it formed the unusual and strange beauty .

  10. 韩愈奇崛诗风的特征主要体现在超凡的意境、以文为诗的手法和去熟生新的语言等三个方面;文质兼美匠心独运&论《横槊赋诗》的小说艺术美

    The characteristics of HAN Yu 's peculiar and prominent poesy style incarnate the transcendental artistic conception , the technique of poetizing through figure and the new words from familiar words . On the Artistic Beauty of Having a Lance Sideward and Poetizing

  11. 他极其善于赋予平实的生活以奇崛的艺术形式,赋予复杂、平凡的人物以单一、鲜明的性格特征,从而创造出一幅幅夸张变形、似是而非的面孔,使内容充满戏剧化和喜剧性。

    He is extremely good at impart strange art forms to everyday life , give the complex character with a single character traits , in order to create some exaggerated deformed faces , so that the content is full of drama and comedy .