
  • 网络in the penal colony;in exile
  1. 卡夫卡短篇小说在流放地常常被解释为反映了统治阶级的残忍、顽固和愚蠢以及人性中最残忍、最原始的情感。

    Kafka 's In Exile is often interpreted as the reflection of the cruelty , obstinacy and stupidity of the ruling class or that of the most cruel and most primitive feelings of human nature .

  2. 在流放地的选择上,清代逐渐形成了一套边疆与内地相互协调的流放体系。

    In choosing the banishing destination , Qing Dynasty had gradually formed a set of system with frontier areas coordinating with inland areas .

  3. 那位皇帝从他在厄尔巴岛的流放地重新崛起令人印象深刻,但是只持续了“一百天”(准确的说,是111天)。

    The emperor made an impressive comeback from his exile on Elba , but it lasted only a momentous " hundred days "( 111 , to be precise ) .