
pàn nì zhě
  • rebel;traitor;renegade;betrayer
叛逆者 [pàn nì zhě]
  • (1) [rebel]

  • (2) 与公认的习惯或传统决裂的人

  • (3) 参与造反的人

  1. 改进的基于修改RSA的叛逆者追踪方案

    An improved traitor tracing scheme based on modified RSA

  2. 基于RSA加密算法的叛逆者追踪方案

    A traitor tracing scheme based on RSA

  3. 诸如凯瑟琳·哈姆内特之类的叛逆者以口出大胆、夸张之词而闻名。

    Rebels like Katharine Hamnett have made a name for bold , declamatory statements .

  4. 她在学校时就是个叛逆者。

    She had been a rebel at school .

  5. 他被一些人认定为叛逆者。

    He was stereotyped by some as a rebel

  6. 阿姆里塔成了一个勇敢无畏的叛逆者。

    Amrita becomes a bold , daring rebel

  7. 他骨子里就是一个叛逆者。

    He is by nature a contrarian .

  8. 利用RS码和两锁密码协议构造了一种非对称的公钥叛逆者追踪方案。

    By applying RS code and two-locks cipher protocol , this paper constructs an asymmetric public key traitor tracing scheme .

  9. 而剑桥叛逆者(DissentingCambridge)们也提名了他们自己的候选人,高级律师迈克尔·曼斯菲尔德(MichaelMansfield)。

    Dissenting Cambridge fellows nominated their own candidate , Michael Mansfield , a senior lawyer .

  10. 同时利用修改的RSA算法重新构造叛逆者追踪方案,使其效率得到了提高。

    Meanwhile , the new traitor tracing scheme is reconstructed by modified RSA algorithms and its efficiency is also improved .

  11. 构造了两种叛逆者追踪方案:一种方案基于RSA加密算法,另一种方案基于双线性映射;

    To propose two improved traitor tracing schemes : one is based on RSA , the other is based on bilinear map ;

  12. 夏洛特·戈登(CharlotteGordon),《浪漫的叛逆者:玛丽·沃斯通克拉夫特和女儿玛丽·谢利的非凡人生》(RomanticOutlaws:TheExtraordinaryLivesofMaryWollstonecraftandHerDaughterMaryShelley,兰登书屋[RandomHouse])

    Charlotte Gordon , " Romantic Outlaws : The Extraordinary Lives of Mary Wollstonecraft and Her Daughter Mary Shelley " ( Random House )

  13. 基于RSA加密算法构造了一种叛逆者追踪方案,该方案可确定性地跟踪所有叛逆者。

    In this paper , a traitor tracing scheme based on RSA is proposed , which allows efficient deterministic traitor tracing that recovers all traitors .

  14. 当我被邀请为“Geronimo叛逆者”编写开始的这一期时,我认为首先我应当回答这些问题。

    When I was asked to write this inaugural column for " The Geronimo renegade ," I thought that first I 'd like to answer those questions .

  15. Matsushita等人提出了一个可灵活撤销用户的公钥叛逆者追踪方案,但其方案是对称方案,并且没有提供多服务的功能。

    Matsushita et al . proposed a traitor tracing scheme with flexible user revocation , which was a symmetric scheme , and did not provide multiple-service capability .

  16. 作为商学院世界的一个叛逆者,著名管理学家亨利明兹柏格(henrymintzberg)教授将最新的矛头对准了自己的职业,公开批评商学院的一个最新趋势领导力教学。

    Professor Henry Mintzberg , scourge of the business school world , has launched his latest attack on his own profession of management scholars by denouncing the teaching of leadership , the latest business school trend .

  17. 男士美容行业店主LisaHilton在该网站留言说道:英国人肯定很乐意看见白金汉宫出现一个叛逆者将皇室搅得鸡犬不宁,而哈里王子是最有可能跟一个充满野性的女孩子交往的人。

    Owner of mens grooming range + Rehab London , Lisa Hilton said : British blokes would love to see the Royal Family shaken up by a rebel at Buckingham Palace , and Prince Harry is the one whos most likely to date a wild-child .

  18. Vice赚钱主要是依靠和大公司合作制作视频,但它也一直不懈地维持自己的叛逆者形象,它有带纹身的新闻记者、使用手持摄像机、制造新闻噱头,比如把前篮球运动员丹尼斯·罗德曼(DennisRodman)送到朝鲜访问之类。

    Though financing itself mostly by making videos in partnership with large corporations , Vice has assiduously cultivated an insurgent image , with its tattooed news correspondents , hand-held cameras and journalistic stunts like sending the former basketball player Dennis Rodman to North Korea .

  19. 基于叛逆者追踪方案,利用不经意多项式估值(OPE)协议构造了一种改进的数字版权保护模型。

    Besides , the merits and demerits of these schemes are also analyzed in this paper . ( 2 ) Based on previous traitor tracing schemes , an improved digital copyright protection model is proposed which applied Oblivious Polynomial Evaluation ( OPE ) protocol .

  20. 曾经是幸福的父母们发现他们遭到年轻的叛逆者们的嘲笑。

    Previously happy parents found themselves scorned by their young rebels .

  21. 背枷桥――这是从前给叛逆者上枷锁的地方。

    Carry Cangue Bridge : where traitor was put on cangue .

  22. 在一个人眼里是个叛逆者,在另一个人看来却是个自由战士。

    One man 's rebel is another man 's freedom fighter .

  23. 本文集中在基于广播加密的叛逆者追踪技术的应用基础研究。

    This dissertation mainly focuses on traitor tracing based broadcast encryption .

  24. 他觉察到还有一次充当叛逆者的机会。

    He saw the opportunity of being a renegade yet again .

  25. 叛逆者追踪方案的密钥盲化攻击模型

    A blinded secret key attack model on traitor tracing schemes

  26. 论东北现代家族小说中的叛逆者与边缘人形象

    On Traitors And Marginal Characters In Northeastern Modern Kindred Novels

  27. 我在家里向来是个叛逆者。

    I 've always been the rebel of the family .

  28. 简要介绍了叛逆者追踪的相关理论与技术。

    Provide a brief survey of the state of traitor tracing technology .

  29. 他们不再认为自己是叛逆者。

    They had ceased to think of themselves as reb-els .

  30. 叛逆者的定义是简单而清楚的。

    The definition of a traitor is simple and clear .