- apostate;renegade;donmeh;Dunmeh

Times were harsh and this rising renegade sect of Judaism had more then their share of obstacles to overcome .
ISIS are Sunni Muslims and therefore consider all other types of Muslims to be apostate including all Shiites .
While ISIS wants ultimately to invade Istanbul and Washington DC ( see 9 above ) they want first to eliminate apostasy in their back yard .
ISIS do not permit their followers to vote in elections - so any Muslim living in any democracy who has voted is apostate as is any Muslim who has run for office ( this includes all Muslim heads of state ) .
They are now required to do more than just fight infidels and apostates .
This why they are able to justify their desire to execute all Muslims they declare apostate ( see 6 above ) .
There is no room for movement - to be a proper Muslim you must follow a hard line , pure , Sunni belief or you can legitimately be called apostate .