
pàn jiào zhě
  • apostate;renegade;donmeh;Dunmeh
叛教者[pàn jiào zhě]
  1. 时间是苛刻的并且这位起来的叛教者学派犹太教有然后障碍他们的份额克服。

    Times were harsh and this rising renegade sect of Judaism had more then their share of obstacles to overcome .

  2. ISIS是正统的穆斯林,因此他们认为其他类型的穆斯林教都是叛教者,包括所有什叶派教徒。

    ISIS are Sunni Muslims and therefore consider all other types of Muslims to be apostate including all Shiites .

  3. ISIS的最终目的是想侵占伊斯坦布尔和华盛顿(见第9.点),但是他们首先要做的是歼灭叛教者。

    While ISIS wants ultimately to invade Istanbul and Washington DC ( see 9 above ) they want first to eliminate apostasy in their back yard .

  4. ISIS不允许他们的追随者选举投票,因此,任何一个生活在需要投票选举的民主国家的穆斯林教徒都是叛教者,就像为政府卖命的穆斯林教徒(包括所有穆斯林国家的首脑)一样。

    ISIS do not permit their followers to vote in elections - so any Muslim living in any democracy who has voted is apostate as is any Muslim who has run for office ( this includes all Muslim heads of state ) .

  5. 现今,他们要做的不只是对抗异教徒和叛教者。

    They are now required to do more than just fight infidels and apostates .

  6. 这也是他们能审判处置所有叛教者的原因(见第6条)。

    This why they are able to justify their desire to execute all Muslims they declare apostate ( see 6 above ) .

  7. 一名合格的穆斯林教徒必须遵循强硬路线,纯粹的正统派信条,否则你就是叛教者,对此没有商量的余地。

    There is no room for movement - to be a proper Muslim you must follow a hard line , pure , Sunni belief or you can legitimately be called apostate .