
pàn tú
  • traitor;renegade;rebel;turncoat;Judas
叛徒 [pàn tú]
  • (1) [traitor;renegade]

  • (2) 泛指有背叛行为的人

  • (3) 今特指背叛祖国或背叛革命的人

  • 无耻的叛徒

叛徒[pàn tú]
  1. 他被视为社会主义事业的叛徒。

    He was seen as a traitor to the socialist cause .

  2. 我们中间有个叛徒。

    There is a traitor in our midst .

  3. 曾经一度仰慕他的人如今指责他是叛徒。

    His one-time admirers now accuse him of being a turncoat .

  4. 一些人说他是工人阶级的叛徒。

    Some say he 's a traitor to the working class .

  5. 大约2.5万名示威者痛斥他是叛徒。

    Some 25,000 demonstrators denounced him as a traitor .

  6. 你是怎么处理从那个叫特纳的小叛徒手里得到的枪的?

    What did you do with the gun you took from that little rat Turner ?

  7. 转眼间我被诬蔑为叛徒。

    I was instantly branded as a rebel

  8. 演说被保守党人士打断,他们称他是叛徒。

    The speech was interrupted by members of the Conservative Party , who called him a traitor

  9. 他们是罪大恶极,死有余辜的叛徒。

    They are traitors who have committed towering crimes and deserve more than death .

  10. 他做地下工作时,曾因叛徒告密而被捕。

    When he was doing underground work he was arrested because a renegade informed against him .

  11. 由于叛徒的出卖,她落到了敌人的手中。

    Because of a renegade 's betrayal , she fell among enemies .

  12. 一天夜里,游击队员们悄悄摸进城里,干掉了那个叛徒。

    One night the guerrillas stole into the city and knocked off the traitor .

  13. 那个叛徒绝不会得到饶恕。

    The traitor will be given no mercy .

  14. 这些叛徒没有对上帝的全能力量表示怀疑。

    Those rebels did not really challenge Gods almighty power .

  15. 叛徒永被人们唾弃。

    Traitors have always been treated with contempt .

  16. 他们被指责为叛徒

    They were censured as traitors .

  17. 叛徒为人所不齿。

    Traitors are held in infamy .

  18. 如果那个国家的叛徒集团一得势,人民就要遭殃。

    If the renegade clique of that country were in power , it would have meant serious disaster for the people .

  19. 叛徒追踪方案就是DS为保护自己的合法权益(版权或机密信息),用来追踪及识别叛徒的有效措施。

    Traitor tracing schemes are efficient methods for Data Suppliers to protect their copyrights against the above attacks and identify the traitors .

  20. fayed已经叫我叛徒了。

    Fayed has alreadycalled me a traitor .

  21. 在这个句子中,Malik是个叛徒,因为他和Neil喜欢的女人约会。

    In this case , Malik is a traitor because he went and started dating the woman that Neil likes .

  22. 老威斯敏斯特学校培养出的毕业生包括金?菲尔比(KimPhilby)——出身于英国统治阶层的天之骄子,却成为英国统治阶层的主要叛徒。

    The roll-call of old Westminsters includes Kim Philby - a consummate child of the British ruling class and arch traitor to it .

  23. 联合国官员说这些人中包括MaiMai义勇军,他们过去和政府军联盟,但是现在政府却指责他们是叛徒。

    U.N. officials say they included members of the Mai Mai militia , who have traditionally been allied with the government , but government soldiers accused the men of being rebels .

  24. 据FARC叛徒路易斯•费尔南多•加里多交代,这些地雷事实上并非针对平民;

    Luis Fernando Garrido , a FARC deserter , says that the mines are not deliberately aimed at civilians .

  25. 我不是什么叛徒,也不是什么英勇的人,我只是RogelioBautista的妹妹。

    I 'm not any kind of traitor or any kind of hero .

  26. 忠奸对立模式下的红色经典叛徒书写策略严打斗争Strike-Hard

    Writing Strategy of Traitors in Red Classics in Terms of the Opposite Patterning of the Loyal and the Treacherous

  27. 那只会证明athosian人里有叛徒。

    It will only prove that there is a spy on the athosian .

  28. FARSCAPE全体人员是一根叛徒的杂色的带子。

    The FARSCAPE crew is a motley band of renegades .

  29. 凯撒已被哥伦比亚革命武装力量(FARC)他的同志们遗弃。自从军方情报机构化妆称人道主义任务将他蒙蔽之后,他被自己的同志称做叛徒。

    Cesar has also been forsaken by his former FARC comrades who condemned him as a traitor , after he was hoodwinked by an army intelligence operation masquerading as a humanitarian mission .

  30. 但是,但丁(Dante)在《地狱》(Inferno)的最后一篇中谴责布鲁图,判他在地狱的最底层永远被撒旦嚼食,和他同在地狱底层的是谋反罪同犯卡西乌斯以及叛徒犹大(JudasIscariot)。

    Dante , by contrast , in the final canto of " Inferno , " condemned Brutus to be forever chewed by Satan in the lowest circle of hell , alongside Cassius , his accomplice in the sin of betrayal , and Judas Iscariot .