
  • 网络The Traitor;Command & Conquer Renegade
  1. 梅姆坎,你看上去不像叛国者。

    You do not appear to be a traitor , memucan .

  2. 否则,凯撒就成叛国者了。

    If he does not , Caesar is declared a traitor .

  3. 将军们得把叛国者全部铲除。

    The generals have to root out traitors

  4. 在肯尼迪抵达达拉斯之前的几天,印着他的肖像、写有通缉叛国者(WantedforTreason)的传单在城里随处可见。

    Days before he arrived , Wanted for Treason leaflets featuring him appeared around town .

  5. 在肯尼迪抵达达拉斯之前的几天,印着他的肖像、写有“通缉叛国者”(WantedforTreason)的传单在城里随处可见。

    Days before he arrived , " Wanted for Treason " leaflets featuring him appeared around town .

  6. 为什么党组织会认为我是个叛国者?

    Then why does the party think I 'm a traitor ?

  7. 不管我是谁,我不是叛国者。

    Whatever else I am , I 'm not a traitor .

  8. 我绝对无法相信你会成为叛国者。

    I ould never have believed you 'd turn traitor .

  9. 此人是西班牙收买的叛国者。

    That this man is a traitor in the pay of spain .

  10. 任何藏匿叛国者的人都将受到严厉惩罚。

    There will be a severe penalty for anyone who harbours traitors .

  11. 可惜好多被证明是叛国者。

    Pity so may of them proved to be traitors .

  12. 但是我知道国内的叛国者会这么做。

    But I 'm aware of traitors within our borders that could .

  13. 他被指责为一个叛国者。

    He was branded a traitor to his country .

  14. 难道他应该做一个拒绝执法的叛国者?

    Or should he have refused to carry them out and become a traitor ?

  15. 认领这个被处死的叛国者的尸体。

    Claimed the body of the executed traitor .

  16. 这个叛国者现在和敌人勾结在一起。

    The traitor and the enemies were working hand in glove with each other .

  17. 这些叛国者不是我的手下。

    Those traitors aren 't my people .

  18. 712.在窘迫中(苦恼)的叛国者直接地告诉了我诱饵的特征。

    712 . The traitor in strait straightforwardly told me the traits of the bait .

  19. 他以叛国者的罪名被谴责。

    He was denounced as a traitor .

  20. 那个叛国者的财产被没收了。

    The traitor 's property was confiscated .

  21. 如果他们的努力一旦失败,将会被当作叛国者而处以绞刑。

    If they failed in their endeavors , they would have been hanged as traitors .

  22. 那些叛国者会占领这个地方的。

    The rebels can have this graveyard .

  23. 对叛国者毫不留情。

    Showed no mercy to the traitors .

  24. 一群叛国者首领誓要扳倒国王。

    The leader of a band of renegade sorcerers sworn to bring down the King .

  25. 那么,情报官员如何劝说一个人当叛国者呢?

    How , then , does a case officer persuade someone to become a traitor ?

  26. 沃特柯敏斯是叛国者。

    Walt Cummings was a traitor .

  27. 这些携带中国民众的财产潜逃的人明显是骗子是叛国者。

    These people who absconded with the Chinese people 's wealth are obviously crooks and traitors .

  28. 她一想起拉普拉斯一家,就认为他们是黑鬼、叛国者、敌人。

    She remembers the entire Laplasse family as'les noirs'the blacks , the collaborators , the enemy .

  29. 但你毕竟是个叛国者的女儿.我怎么敢让你嫁给我儿子呢?

    Yet you are the daughter of a traitor . How can I allow you to marry my son ?

  30. 你甚至连谁是爱国者谁是叛国者都分不清生化战场!难怪你现在都不知道艾米在哪里!

    You can 't enen tell the difference between patriotism and treason ! No wander you never realized the truth about Emily .