
  • 网络Justice;Seeking Justice;seek justice;Seeking.Justice
  1. 23年来他们一直在寻求正义。

    For 23 years they have been seeking justice .

  2. 感谢所有为夏洛特寻求正义而辛勤工作的人们

    And thank you to all those who are working tirelessly to seek justice for Charlotte .

  3. 我们不是要你们发火,我们在寻求正义。

    We 're not here to Iisten to such outbursts , but to serve justice .

  4. 你的职责是寻求正义,不管她怎么躲着你。

    Your job is to find justice , no matter how well she hides from you .

  5. 当政治机构充耳不闻时,当事人仍可以通过诉讼在法庭上寻求正义。

    When the political branches close their ears , litigants may still seek justice in court .

  6. 而像艾尔玛·杜普雷这样的绝大多数居民谴责暴力,寻求正义。

    The vast majority of residents , like Erma Dupree , condemn violence , but demand justice .

  7. 那些寻求正义的人走的是一条崎岖的道路,从来没有把握他们最终将到正义。

    Those who seek it undertake an arduous journey and can never be sure that they will find it .

  8. 作为自愿为他人承受苦难的现代摩西,赫索格在寻求正义的过程中最终选择了善。

    Herzog , as a modern Moses who voluntarily endures sufferings for others , chooses good in his pursuit of justice .

  9. 有那么多事要做,大多数人都在非常不同的岗位寻求正义且发出抱怨,因为他们自己得到的正义是那么的少。

    As with so many things , most people seek justice in very different quarters , and grumble because they themselves receive so little of it .

  10. 当利比亚人对过去的罪行提出寻求正义的正当要求时,必须秉持和解的精神,而非报复和暴力。

    So as Libyans rightly seek justice for past crimes , let it be done in a spirit of reconciliation , and not reprisals and violence .

  11. 波普尔留给人们更多的是一种批判精神,他为那些寻求正义的人们提供了一种建设性的方法和思路。

    What Popper gave us mainly is a kind of critical spirit , and he designed a constructive methodology and thought for those people who pursue justice .

  12. 虽然教会和州政府也许会对某些寻求正义之人——少数群体、异见者、甚至已被定罪的谋杀犯——嗤之以鼻,但法官肯定至少会假装以尊重的态度倾听他们的观点。

    Though church and state may scorn those who seek the their - minorities , dissidents , even condemned murderers - judges must at least pretend to listen to their arguments with respect .

  13. 他满怀着寻求社会正义的愿望。

    He was imbued with a desire for social justice .

  14. 社会学的方法所要求的一切就是,法官将在这一狭窄的选择范围内来寻求社会正义。

    All that the method of sociology demands is that within this narrow range of choice , he shall search for social justice .

  15. 这种方法能帮助我们在司法过程中寻求法律正义与社会道德规律之间的妥协,实现法律社会秩序的和谐发展。

    This kind of method can help us to seek the compromise between legal justice and social morals law in the judicial course , realize the harmonious development of the legal civil order .

  16. “总有一种力量它让我们泪流满面,总有一种力量它让我们抖擞精神,总有一种力量它驱使我们不断寻求“正义、爱心、良知”。

    " There are always a force that tears us , there is always a force which makes us full of vigor , there is always a force that drives us constantly to seek " justice , love and conscience .

  17. 对抗制是一种寻求真相与正义的方法。

    The main advantage of common law system may rely on the adversary system .

  18. 宪政视野中的比例原则&从美国违宪审查判例中寻求衡平的正义

    On the Principle of Proportionality in Constitutionalism & Seeking Justice in Equity from the Judicial Precedents in USA

  19. 复仇作为法律出现之前,个人寻求公平、正义的一种方式,在民间必定有着不同寻常的意义。

    Revenge appears before the law , personally seeks fairly , the just one way , has the unusual significance surely in the folk .

  20. 这些地方是每一位男子、妇女和儿童没有歧视地寻求平等的正义、机会和尊严的地方。

    Such are the places where every man , woman , and child seeks equal justice , equal opportunity , equal dignity without discrimination .

  21. 但是最高法院分拆案件的司法政策则使那些本可以借助团队力量通过诉讼寻求的实体正义得不到伸张。

    But the judicial policy which the Supreme Court partition case enables these justice which should be possible to draw support from the team strength cannot be achieved .

  22. 上诉权的行使意味着一定数量的司法资源的支出,为了使有限的司法资源在寻求或需要正义的当事人之间公正地分配,应当对当事人上诉权的行使进行必要限制。

    The appeal right exercises means a certain amount of the expenditure of judicial resources , in order to assign the limited judicial resources fairly among the litigants who seek or need justice , it is necessary to impose restrictions on the appeal right exercises .

  23. 相反地,我把我知道的事情面向公众公开,因此我们所有人可以在光天化日之下,讨论影响着我们所有人的事情,我向这个世界寻求的,是正义。

    Instead , I took what I knew to the public , so what affects all of us can be discussed by all of us in the light of day , and I asked the world for justice .

  24. 寻求和平也意味着寻求正义。

    The search for peace also means the search for justice .